since i can't afford rank A nebs. can someone rank the following ones for me?
1. Total Damage +4%
2. ATK +2%
3. Critical Rate +6%
4. Ignores 18% of the enemy's DEF when attacking.
and once i can afford rank A, is boss damage 25% the best choice?
since i can't afford rank A nebs. can someone rank the following ones for me?
1. Total Damage +4%
2. ATK +2%
3. Critical Rate +6%
4. Ignores 18% of the enemy's DEF when attacking.
and once i can afford rank A, is boss damage 25% the best choice?
You already ranked them.
And yes.
Boss 25% would be the best choice if u can afford A rank. Though Its hard, for me at least to rank the ones listed. I know that 1>2. But I know if you want someone to do some math to figure out the best one for you (without giving them much work) you need to list your stats. I.E. Dex, Crit hit rate when buffed, If u have decent SE, your Ignore defense (they will probably assume max defense break), total Attack, Total % damage and %dex, And % boss.
However if you're in a time crunch and need an answer pronto. Go with % ignore as long as you don't go over 100% ignore (calculate defense break at 40% ignore and remember legendary spear is 20% ignore, Yes I know techniquly calculating Break like this is wrong but w.e. close enough). If you do go over 100% ignore then go for Total damage.
ok my stats are (self buffed, everything maxed cept mw which is lvl 10):
range: 73501~86473
total % dmg: 24%
total % boss: 25%
crit: 65% (dont have decent se)
total dex: 2131
total % dex: 73%
PDR: 30% from gears + 20% from legendary spear + (40% defence break?<-not sure if u should count this) + 2.5% from ambition
total atk: 354
total % atk: 6%
so from the looks of it the rank should be
1. Ignores 18% of the enemy's DEF when attacking.
2. Total Damage +4%
3. ATK +2%
4. Critical Rate +6%
is this right?
Why do you say 18% ignore defenfence is the least benefitial?
and @psharp1004. You currently have an "effective 92.5" PDR. I asked you do do it that way because I wasnt sure on how to calulate how defence break works. And was too lazy to do a long method as I am kinda busy. anyway using this method 18% pdr would only actually be 7.5%pdr. Making the damage increase on boss about 3.1%.Spoilerand will go less as you get more ambition.
Math:40% pdr
70% PDR
At lvl 100ambition the neb would be completely worthless to you. So even if now if PDR is better (on 70% defence or more. maybe 60% but idk what has that much.) I wouldn't get it as when you boss your ambition will go up. thus making this nebulate useless. So then I would go with what takebacker said and go for 4% total damage or bossing when you get your hands on it.
ok thx a lot guys