Originally Posted by Nexon
Originally Posted by Nexon
Lame. back to normal time
F**k you Nexon, making us waste our money on Surprise Style Boxes for the new nx -,- guess I'm going to have to start spending more nx than intended on the new cs clothes
posted twice o_o
"Fix: The issue of expiring pets has been fixed. Players whose pets expired prematurely will be given a pet of the same kind returned to them."
Wait, is this about how the Fennec Fox wasn't perma? Or was there another issue that I am unaware of? I remember in the extractions there was a fennec fox at the 90 day price and another one at a perma price and I was wanting to get the perma one so...I'm totally confused, does anybody know anything about this? o.o
I think there was a problem with some pets disappearing entirely instead of just drying up.
The Fennec wasn't advertised as perma. I assume the perma version, as well as the perma demon pets, will be sold at some later date.
Oh god, here it goes again!Cash Shop starting: Mount Gachapon Tickets, Wheel of Marvels
I wish they would raise the rate of permanent CS clothes on Mystical Boxes.
Either way I like this feature, 45 day NX is so cheap in FM and you can just dress up your character off it. Hope these boxes are a permanent addition to the game.
Watch that marvel wheel thing give us canes this time, like the old one gave out cannons a month early.
Great. Wheel of marvels.
Inb4 Scania spam.
At least summore PvPers are coming in tommorow. more competition~~
I love how the cube sale ends the same day the DFO event gives out NX.
wonder what they would have broken![Update] The maintenance schedule has been postponed. Updates will be posted on the webpage when we have more information. Thank you for your support!
Funny how they postpone it but had that annoying black bar up at the top appear so early.
Sweet, guess I can HT tonight then!