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  1. Default Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

  2. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    It's Cody!

  3. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Ouch, way to not mention the Thief/Pirate update at all.

    And I MUST be imagining things, this didn't just say "we're preparing a brand new hero that will be exclusive to Global MapleStory"....

    They can BARELY add in KMS's updates w/o screwin' up, No way they seriously think they can make their own class...

    pomegranate storm : Incoming!

    @Below: There's still always a massive difference in quality in things added to KMS to things added to GMS.

  4. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg

    Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Nexon America does not have in house devs, it's all done in Korea afaik.
    Korea does the work and they'll send the files here to test it. Iit should just be like KMS content appearing on GMS' shores but with the GMS team's ideas and whatnot.

  5. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    If it is good, it wont be exclusive for long.

  6. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: Dailom
    Server: Windia
    Level: 188
    Job: Wild Hunter
    Guild: Caelia
    Alliance: HighOrder

    Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    His story will be about getting people to help fund his theme park project!

  7. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...


  8. Proton Male
    IGN: Edeott
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 19x
    Job: Shadower
    Guild: ALandCrew
    Alliance: NAR

    Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    "wEre also pReparing a brand new hero that wIll be exClusive to Global MapleStory."

  9. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Exclusive class for gms..this should be interesting

  10. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    My guess is another lvl 200 CK

  11. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Wow, a Dev Blog. Was thinking they had given up on these.

    Oh geezus...a GMS exclusive CLASS? It'll probably be even more broken than anything the Koreans could think up of .

  12. Won't Be Coming Back Straight Male

    IGN: Promothian
    Server: Siel
    Job: Spiritmaster
    Guild: Siel_Seals
    Alliance: Aion

    Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Exclusive GMS only class..... this should be interesting.

    also it's going to be released in every other version shortly after, just like other "exclusive" content. xD

    but nonetheless it's probably going to be ridiculously broken. ... atleast I hope it is. no need for equips in that case ^_^

  13. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...


    Seriously though, I'm genuinely curious as to what this will bring..

  14. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Damage formula for the new class will be like this:

    (STR + DEX + INT + LUK)/1000 + (2x/100) + 0.01y + 0.005z

    Where x is the total of NX spent on CS-equipped items on your character, and y is prepaid NX you have and z is NX credit.

    For example, if I am at level 1 with 4 of each stat, 4800 NX worth of CS-equipment, 50000 prepaid NX and 10000 NX credit:

    4+4+4+4/1000 + 2(4800)/100 + 0.01(50000) + 0.005(10000) = 646.016 or 646 damage at level 1!

    Want to hit monsters harder without having to level up? Buy CS items AND GET SOME NX TODAY!

  15. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: Dailom
    Server: Windia
    Level: 188
    Job: Wild Hunter
    Guild: Caelia
    Alliance: HighOrder

    Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    You sure about that?

    The most game breaking content GMS has ever really come out with (in my opinion) is the VIP weapons back when Tier 4 still existed. KMS, on the other hand, released the Potential system and then later implemented the Legendary grade potential that essentially blew EVERYTHING out the window.

    Not to mention it was KMS that somehow released a class with Flash Jump, Rush, Flying Assaulter, double hitting Hurricane, double hitting Final Attack, and double weapon potential. Seriously, I really cannot see anyone coming out with a class topping that without getting high on a lethal dose of LSD first.

  16. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    I hope it's a summoner class. We've needed one of those forever.

  17. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Super Beginner!

    Nexon's definition of "exclusive" is having content before any other version.

    For all we know, it could be a CK or the Pirate Legend.

  18. ᗧ · · · ᗣ · · · ᗣ ᗣ Straight Male
    IGN: Helsinki
    Server: MYBCKN
    Level: 220
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Friends
    Alliance: Unbreakable

    Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Inb4 some brokenly overpowered, but stupid and unoriginal class like Alienhunter Bob or something.

  19. Helium Atom Straight Male
    IGN: CptManuel
    Server: Yellonde
    Job: Buccaneer
    Guild: Insane
    Alliance: Resurgence

    Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    Wow! If GMS releases a the pirate hero before KMS i'd pee my pants...



  20. Default Re: Dev Blog: Recent and upcoming events, and Alliance E...

    That would be quite the twist if GMS releases the pirate legend first.



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