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  1. Default KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

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    (PvE) Skill Changes

  2. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    Credit to JoeTang, the Maestro, for all of the English Translation Greatness.

    White Knight
    Dragon Knight
    Dark Knight
    Dawn Warrior (I)
    Dawn Warrior (II)
    Dawn Warrior (III)

  3. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    More hits for everyone!

    Paladins still seem to need another hit or two on ACB. One more hit at the same damage and they're still weaker than the other Warriors at multitarget, only saved by the possibility of elemental advantage. More severely, they're significantly held back by the damage cap once again, further aggravated by the high base damage on each hit from elemental advantage.

  4. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    Still think it's funny that Brandish and Endure are affected by Combat Orders. I wonder if that was intentional.

    EDIT: Oops, I mean Brave Slash.

  5. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    투명 블레이드
    Katara - All Classes
    Description: #c블레이드#에 착용이 가능한 투명한 블레이드다.
    Cash item

    Also, I see 9th anniversary stuff, another Legends ring, and the OSSS walker.

  6. Proton

    IGN: BuddyAran
    Server: Cassopeia
    Level: 115
    Job: Aran (13/02/11)
    Guild: Not telling
    Alliance: Not telling also

    Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    Why did I happen to see some Malaysia mobs drop in the etc. section?!
    Expect another World Tour area copy-pasta...

  7. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    Yeah, Shakar apparently found the boss UI's for Targa and Scar. I guess we're getting them for reals.

  8. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp


    MP Cost: 24, Damage: 200%, Number of Hits: 6, Defense Ignored: 30%, Critical Hit Rate: +50%, Minimum Critical Damage: +20%, Instant Death Chance: 10%

    I'm actually happy for a change*.. o_o
    Last edited by Death; 2012-04-12 at 12:05 PM.

  9. Interdimensional Rift Straight Male
    IGN: thewatch3r
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Lolmaster
    Guild: Contagious

    Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    Certainly interesting. I am very excited to see what the next couple patches will entail.

  10. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    Looks like a Hero focused revamp.

    Is it really tremendously hard to update skill animations? Mikhail's Rush could be used perfectly, not the sword but the propulsive wave. Not that the looks substantially matters... but Heros got a proper 4th job looking grace, YNOTDAREST?

  11. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    They needa change Blast animation into a multi stab one like Dragon Crusher or Ultimate Drive, unless they are pulling a shonnen and say "the paladin moves so freaking fast he does 6 stabs while it looks he only moved once"

    If the purpose of more hits in all attacks is avoiding characters from reaching the damage cap with potential, I don't really get why not just increasing the damage cap

  12. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    My guess is it would look TOOO much like a private server then.

  13. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    While they´re at it please give us a FREAKING BLUNT WEAPON ANIMATION.
    I´m like the only Paladin in the world it seems (Besides Stereo) Who uses a two handed mace.

  14. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    raging blow-> 220% 5 times on 6 monsters.
    combat mastery: 40->50% ignore

    heroes can go fuc'k themselves.

    at least sacrifice got a very nice boost in a 4th hit while gaining some power, but still, when a hero can get passive 80% ignore from just mastery+leafre set, it makes no freaking difference.

    IGN: Overburnd
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 210
    Job: Cannoneer
    Guild: Contagious

    Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    Well i'm glad pallys/DrKs didn't COMPLETELY get the shaft on this one. 4 hit sac and 6 hit blast is quite nice.

  16. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    I use a 1-handed mace... because I need it for Guardian...


  17. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    Awesome, Paladins lost Blast and got Savage Blow.

    Sigh... I wish animations actually made sense. I'd much rather have Blast be a single hit but it be able to break the cap.

    Why do they even have caps? <_<

    Lol Shinku, you may have gotten an extra hit on Sac but Paladins got Savage Blow. Take that!

  18. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    but yours is 1v1 only, heroes got some op crap that only gets even MORE pumped up when 1on1 (enrage)

    you could argue blast is "balanced" to a degree. and not like elements will help you much in most scenarios, impale is still better in 2~6 i guess.

    oh, and i forgot about ambition's 10% ignore. 220*2*1.6x5 damage on bosses (3520%) with 90% ignore without sacrificing any weapon lines.

    >are you a hero?
    you suck.

  19. Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    About damn time.

  20. Neutron Male
    Server: Windia
    Level: 250
    Job: Merc/Phantom
    Guild: Intensity
    Alliance: DreamHome
    Farm: Armadillo

    Default Re: KMS 1.2.156 - Warrior Revamp

    I feel like Paladin's have become the top original warrior in the endgame for sure after this patch. It's pretty easy to hit cap nowadays on both, but adding more hits for Paladin on top of their invincibility makes them crazy good. Only on a Paladin can you pretty much stand in front of empress all day, and now you get pretty much equivalent 1v1 damage with a Hero, not bad.

    If I had to remake my Hero, I'd probably make a Paladin/DS (even now) because a Hero can't really do pomegranate in empress alone.



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