how hard is it to get from b to a?
found a non redeemed 25$ nx card while I was doing some spring cleaning.
what should I do? Mts merch for guaranteed profits or gamble? :V
how hard is it to get from b to a?
found a non redeemed 25$ nx card while I was doing some spring cleaning.
what should I do? Mts merch for guaranteed profits or gamble? :V
I'd merch it because I don't like to put my faith and money into cubes unless I have to.
Especially if the cash trading system is coming here soon, mesos could once again be pretty important to have.
Guaranteed profits all the way, alien cubes have not been kind to me. :|
Should sell the card.
wink wink nudge nudge.
I got one b to a in 20 cubes but that was before the rate was supposedly improved. I heard of another who got b to a in 8 cubes before the improvement. So all in all I'd say $25 is enough to get b to a, but then you probably have to cube more to get the correct a.