Been wanting to pick up Ahri for a while now. what do with Ahri? how play?
Been wanting to pick up Ahri for a while now. what do with Ahri? how play?
I am not usually AP carry so no I don't play her.
I do know that kaj has a fair amount of exp with her if he'd be so kind as to help you out.
R>Q>W>E. Take a point of E at level 2.
Start boots+3x pots. My build is usually Boots, 2x Dorans, Rylai, Deathcap, WoTA, Void Staff, and a final situational item - maybe a QSS or Hourglass.
If you're winning your lane hard you can just go Deathcap after Dorans and build Rylai afterwards. If you need sustain make a Hextech Revolver before Rylai or Deathcap and finish WoTA later.
Make sure your jungler gives you blue as it really lets you dominate your lane with Q and W spam.
When your passive is up try to Q as many minions as possible to heal as much as you can.
Use ult to foil ganks, use heart bubble to piss off enemy team?
Blue buff isn't AS important now that its mana regen is halved, but still useful.
@ Connor, why no RoA first?
I don't get RoA because as Eddikins said you're mobile with your ult and don't really need the HP/MP that RoA gives. I'd rather go for more damage.
RoA is a solid pick for Morgana because she has to get right in the middle to use her ult.
As for getting Q first, it's longer range than the radius of Fox-Fire, provides you with sustain, reliable farming and has true damage on the returning hit. Only thing you pass up is that Fox-Fire is easier to hit.
You can get Fox-Fire over Q if you had to go top lane vs a melee, as you'll dish out more damage that way without much harass back. But in mid lane Q should always take priority.
Okay well I played a quick match and we did well so I decided to upload the replay if anyone is interested:
Or you can just search "Ressic" in the replay client and you'll see "Ressic - Ahri"
I think the only time I leveled W over Q was against a Ryze under the logic of his short range will force him to take all this damage. I don't think it's any better than Q. And I don't think I'd do it again. Q super good for spell vamp buff and pushing and harassing.
Like Connor, WotA, Rylai's, Deathcap core in no particular order. Typically start sorc boots and double dorans.
I really suggest getting a Rylai its pretty good on her since ALL of her spells counts (Weirdly) as single target, so the 4 of them gives the full slow of the rylai, making chasing/escaping a lot easier.
Didnt knew, they must have change it since i remember like single target when she was out.
Anyway W/E still works with the single target effect.
Edit: Nevermind apparently R also counts as multi.