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Thread: [Update KMS] Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

  1. Default Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    Nexon posted a patch for KMST version 424 upgrade to version 425.
    You may download this patch from their official site and begin creating your pre-patcher now.
    Extractions and database updates will be forthcoming (if supported)!

    Size: 25272718 (bytes) (24.10 mb)

    Want quick and easy notification of just patches & updates? Follow PatchWatcher on twitter, or visit and monitor just the patches you're interested in.

  2. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    Oh, boy! The moment of truth is here!

  3. Proton Gay Male
    IGN: Nordici / Conhur
    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Paladin/Kaiser
    Guild: Virtual / Prelude

    Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    I wonder what it may contain o_o

  4. Polar Bear Gay Male
    IGN: danielcatu
    Server: yellonde
    Level: 121
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Vendetta
    Farm: 765pro

    Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    here we go! cygnus revamp plox?
    most likely events right?

    welp seems like I'll just wat
    Last edited by danielcatu; 2012-03-19 at 07:13 AM. Reason: I derped so hard

  5. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    a cat

  6. Polar Bear Gay Male
    IGN: danielcatu
    Server: yellonde
    Level: 121
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Vendetta
    Farm: 765pro

    Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425
    well I don't want to speculate but I want to see extractions now >_>

  7. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    Aha.... Ahahaha... Ahahahahahahaha. What the f'uck.

    Nexon, you're a genius. Really. What will you possibly think up next?

  8. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425


  9. Polar Bear Gay Male
    IGN: danielcatu
    Server: yellonde
    Level: 121
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Vendetta
    Farm: 765pro

    Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    OZ the magician with identity problem... oh wait they fixed those dialogs I think...

  10. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    Translator translates that as: "Whenever until 120 level level business, 10% additional experience will pay, gets. 1:1 attack and scope attack"

    So he gets the free 10% EXP every level until 120...just like Cygnus....but also has a 4th job. Can they make it any easier? Why not just make everyone start at Level 120?

  11. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    Has a full 4th job by the looks of it too. SO DUMB. SO DUMB!

  12. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    Yes, please add more classes, Nexon. We need more classes. 28 classes is definitely not enough.

  13. Water
    IGN: JerrysHero
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Imperious
    Alliance: TheAlmightys

    Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    6 months to quit before this silliness comes to GMS :D

    ..or I could ignore it and still play. Decisions..decisons.

  14. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    did nexon do anything to dawn warrior? i mean 1st-3rd skill of mikhail is pretty much the same as dawn warrior o.O

  15. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    Patch notes from Korean -> Japanese -> English. lol

    MapleStory Client Ver.1.2.425 has been released.
    Subject matter for the next patch have been added.

    <Game Related>
    1. Spiegleman's Mysterious Gallery has been opened.
    - Characters above level 50 and below level 120 can participate in the Mysterious Gallery. It is a single player mini-dungeon.
    - You can get to Spiegleman's Mysterious Gallery via the Dimensional Mirror in every town.

    2. Experience values gained from the monsters and the quests for the "Maple Castle" theme dungeon have been corrected.

    3. A new class, Mihael, has been added.
    - Mihael's job advancement levels are as following.
    When you reach the level of the job advancements, you can talk to Ereb's Nineheart and Empress Cygnus to advance.
    1st Job Advancement :Lv.10
    2nd Job Advancement :Lv.30
    3rd Job Advancement :Lv.70
    4th Job Advancement:Lv.120

    - Mihael is a warrior character who uses a one-handed sword and a growth-type Soul Shield.
    - Until you reach level 120, you will receive +10% of your level upon each level-up. It uses a variety of strong 1:1 attacks as well as ranged attacks, growth-type shield as well as diverse defense increasing and damage reduction skills and mobility skills from the beginning.
    - Mihael has Empress' Blessing and Blessing of the fairy. When he reaches fourth job, he can learn Echo of the Hero and can create an Ultimate Adventurer.
    - When Mihael reaches level 70, he can share his "Protection of Light" beginner skill with any character on the account and when it is used on that character, Mihael will appear and recite the Protection of Light skill.

    <Skill Related>
    1. Mihael's main skills are as following.
    - Protection of Light (Beginner) : Receive the Protection of Light and for a time, when you receive attacks, you will not be knocked back.
    - HP Increase (1st Job) : Increase max HP.
    - Soul Shield (1st Job) : Amplify the Soul Shield's ability to increase your defense greatly.
    - Soul Agility (1st Job) : Permanently increases accuracy, speed and jump.
    - Soul Jump (1st Job) : Using the power of Soul, you can jump again (in mid-air) after you've performed a jump. The length of the jump increases as the skill level increases.
    - Soul Blade (1st Job) : Give shape to your invisible Soul and launch it at your enemies.
    - Physical Training (2nd Job) : Permanently increaese STR and DEX.
    - Sword Mastery (2nd Job) : Increases one-handed sword mastery and accuracy.
    - Final Attack (2nd Job) : At a set rate, you will deal damage after using an attacking skill. This can only be used with a one-handed sword equipped.
    - Sword Booster (2nd Job) : Consume some MP to increase your attacking speed by 2.
    - Rage (2nd Job) : For a set period of time, increase your own and your party member's physical attack.
    - Soul Driver (2nd Job) : Drive the power of your soul through the ground and attack multiple enemies.
    - Shining Chase (2nd Job) : Give shape to a sword of light and charge at multiple enemies.
    - Self Recovery (3rd Job) : Recover HP and MP every 4 seconds. It will also recover during battle.
    - Intention (3rd Job) : Permanently increases attack speed by 1.
    - Soul Attack (3rd Job) : Increases your damage and critical rate when attacking mobs inflicted with a status effect.
    - Soul Charge (3rd Job) : For a time, charge your sword with a holy power to increase damage dealt.
    - Soul Endure (3rd Job) : For a time, increase defense, status resistance all attribute resistance rates.
    - Magic Crash (3rd Job) : I'm not translating this one. You know what it does.
    - Soul Slash (3rd Job) : Quickly attack many targets in front of you and at a set rate, stun will be inflicted on the targets.
    - Shining Buster (3rd Job) : Release light in front of you to attack many targets 3 times.
    - Combat Mastery (4th Job) : The same as Heroes. You know what it does.
    - Advanced Sword Mastery (4th Job) : Increases one-handed sword mastery as well as maximum critical damage and physical attack.
    - Advanced Final Attack (4th Job) : You know what this does.
    - Advanced Soul Shield (4th Job) : Enhance your Soul Shield and permanently decrease the damage you receive from enemies.
    - Stance (4th Job) : For a time, you will not be knocked back when hit by enemies.
    - Maple Hero (4th Job) : +% Status, blahblahblah
    - Soul Rage (4th Job) : For a time, focus on one target and if they are inflicted with a status, your damage is greatly increased.
    - Soul Assault (4th Job) : Attack a target in front of you with your sword imbued with your soul 4 times and at a set rate, the target will be stunned.
    - Shining Blast (4th Job) : Shoot a strong light in front of you to attack many targets 4 times.

    2. Some Striker skills have been changed.
    - Fist Enrage (3rd Job) : Skill damage has been changed.
    - Energy Blast (3rd Job) : Skill damage has been changed.

    <Item Related>
    1. Items you can obtain in Spiegleman's Mysterious Gallery have been added.
    Consume Item
    - Spiegleman's Chest : It is unknown what kind of items are hidden away in Spiegleman's Chest.

    Shoulder Pad
    - (Lv.50) Speigleman's Chest Epaulet

    - (Lv.55) Spiegleman's Belt

    - Spiegleman's Belt Special Chaos Scroll 30%
    - Spiegleman's Belt Special Weapon Attack Scroll 30%
    - Spiegleman's Belt Special Magic Attack Scroll 30%
    - Spiegleman's Belt Special STR Scroll 30%
    - Spiegleman's Belt Special DEX Scroll 30%
    - Spiegleman's Belt Special INT Scroll 30%
    - Spiegleman's Belt Special LUK Scroll 30%

    2. New equipment items have been added.
    Soul Shield
    - (Lev.10) Soul Shield of Protection
    - (Lev.30) Soul Shield of Pride
    - (Lev.70) Soul Shield of Courage
    - (Lev.120) Soul Shield of Justice

    - (Lev.30) Mihael's Earring

    - (Lev.50) Mihael ring

    One-handed Sword
    - (Lev.75) Shining Soul Caliber

    3. New consume items have been added.
    - [Mastery Book] Advanced Sword Mastery 20
    - [Mastery Book] Advanced Sword Mastery 30
    - [Mastery Book] Advanced Soul Shield 20
    - [Mastery Book] Advanced Soul Shield 30
    - [Mastery Book] Soul Rage 20
    - [Mastery Book] Soul Rage 30
    - [Mastery Book] Soul Assault 20
    - [Mastery Book] Soul Assault 30
    - [Mastery Book] Shining Blast 20
    - [Mastery Book] Shining Blast 30
    - [Special Mastery Book] Advanced Sword Mastery 30
    - [Special Mastery Book] Advanced Final Attack 30
    - [Special Mastery Book] Advanced Soul Shield 30
    - [Special Mastery Book] Soul Rage 30
    - [Special Mastery Book] Soul Assault 30
    - [Special Mastery Book] Shining Blast 30

    4. Existing consume items have been changed so that Mihael can use them.
    - [Mastery Book] Stance 20
    - [Mastery Book] Stance 30
    - [Mastery Book] Advanced Final Attack 20
    - [Mastery Book] Advanced Final attack 30

    <Map Related>
    1. Spiegleman opened up his Mysterious Gallery.
    - Gallery Entrance
    - Spiegleman's Gallery
    - Season Cultivation : Spring
    - Season Cultivation : Summer
    - Season Cultivation : Autum
    - Season Cultivation : Winter
    - Unannounced Creation : Gallery Without Electricity

  16. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    this might make me go back to KMS.

  17. Proton Straight Male
    IGN: Ngame989
    Server: Windia
    Level: 217
    Job: Marksman
    Guild: Premiere
    Alliance: Ambition

    Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    So what I got from the googrish is that Dawn Warriors are going to go extinct faster than you can say "New class is OP." Also something about Soul Shields... possibly like Force Shields? Also some type of link skill, the ability to make UAs... well this basically is a bowl of Hero-flavored ice cream with Dawn Warrior syrup and a new-class-overpoweredness cherry on top. Bon appetit!

  18. Default Re: Patch Available - KMST 1.2.425

    Not like anyone plays them anyway.



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