In the item description, it says that it doesn't reset potential. However, according to Max's post, it does.
Any confirmation on either from anyone who has used one?
In the item description, it says that it doesn't reset potential. However, according to Max's post, it does.
Any confirmation on either from anyone who has used one?
I have heard no from many many people.
Haven't personally used one, so, LF> solid confirmation
It does not, it just gives a perfectly avg item back except potentials. It also does not reset the untradable tags for trade disabled items and it also gets rid of hammered slots too.
Yeah it doesn't reset potential. I think the original ones did though hence the confusion.
Oki, so then I could take a fail-scrolled weapon from the MTS and give it legendary potential, then use Innocence scroll on it to undo the terrible scrolling and try again without losing my super-awesome potential?
Then I have some old EWands that could become sweet. =)
It resets the item to perfectly average with all slots unhammered. Everything else on it remains (crafted tags, item tags, potential stats, tradable/untradable status, etc).