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  1. Default Tespia opening soon?

    Perhaps it is just my internet connection, but the tespia page does not load at all. It give me a connection error every time.
    Unless this has recently changed for everyone, the tespia page stays open even when tespia is not. Is there a possibility they are working on updating the page right now?

  2. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    I really doubt they would release tespia 3 or 4 days before the actual patch.

  3. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Nexon shut down the tespia homepage not too long ago.
    The patch is scheduled for the upcoming week. No need for testing.

  4. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Yes. Of course, you obviously already know that since you wouldn't otherwise be asking that question.

    How did this warrant a thread?

    Not familiar with GMS, eh?

  5. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Whatever 'testing' is done is all superficial anyway. Nexon only puts up Tespia so they look more professional.

    How many issues are actually resolved with the transition from Tespia to the live servers? compared to KMS who usually resolves issues reported during testing.

  6. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    The only issues I can ever recall being fixed between Tespia and official launch was Demon Slayers being able to use MP potions to gain Force.

    If they do put up Tespia, let's say tomorrow only to have the official patch Wednesday, it wouldn't be the first time Nexon has put up Tespia for such a short duration.
    Since, at the end of the day, it's KMS that has to fix such issues, it's nonsensical to believe that, just because it's Tespia, any reported problem will get fixed any faster than it would after being reported in the live game.

  7. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    I thought the patch was next week (14th'ish) not this week.. o.o;
    Still chance of 1 week Tespia if so.

    However I doubt they will bring up Tespia. They can hardly run their official servers as of late.

  8. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Well since the events end on the 8th, most people think that this week was the "first week of march" and tomorrow to sunday is the 2nd.

  9. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg

    Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Doubt it.
    They usually open Tespia on Fridays, Friday passed, Tespia site is down, I think they gave up on Tespia.

  10. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    If the site when down briefly, I'd say it's more likely that it crashed rather than that they're updating it for new testing.

  11. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    I was under the impression that the update would be in the second [full] week of March. I'd give it until this upcoming Friday before giving up on Tespia returning. Though it's not like it did much good anyways. Most of the glitches I reported never got fixed before the patch was released to the main server. So if it doesn't come we won't be missing much.

  12. Water Gay Male
    IGN: Scenarey
    Server: Arcania
    Level: 146
    Job: Mercedes
    Guild: Destiny
    Alliance: Providence

    Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Don't think we're getting Tespia on this one, but... you never know.

    Either way, Tespia is pretty much useless for bug reports (unless they are SO major that the client can't start / crashing every 5 sec / etc). I feel like NexAm has this misconception that their content is pretty much bug-free since it was already implemented in Korea. In reality, this is never the case...

  13. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    They did fix at least one small-time bug from Tespia that I reported.
    When Mercedes wore a hat that hid the whole head, it used to still show her fancy elf ears over it.

    Imagine my surprise when the live version of Mercedes had that actually fixed. :v
    Last edited by Daakun; 2012-03-04 at 03:07 PM. Reason: typo

  14. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Like some people said stated in the "important change thing for dual blades classes etc" that we would get this patch the "2nd week" of march..unless this really is the beginning of the second week for them..who knows..

    If however they do have tespia ...LF>exclusive content included

  15. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    I am betting we don't get a Tespia this time because of the GMS 'exclusive' content. They probably don't want us to see the new masteria and pass judgement upon it before the patch goes live.

  16. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Tespia's site being down since several weeks ago probably means one thing: they gave up on it.

    I used to fight on their forums to convince them to bring it back up. I'm not saying it was thanks to me that they did, but let's say I brought the thing to their attention, in the hope it would've actually been a positive thing for the game.

    I was a dreamer.

    After seeing how badly they managed it and how nearly completely useless it was (they almost never put any effort with going through all the reports and fixing the reported bugs), I don't even want it to come back anymore. It's just a waste of resources for them, and an useless one at that.

    It's a terrible company. Period. They'll never be able to manage something like that professionally like KMS does, and they only care of their income. It was most likely a way to hype new content up, but it had close to no use. They realised they were just wasting their money and don't have / want to pay a staff who's competent (or even just willing to work hard) enough for that, and they closed it.


    Maybe, if Global MapleStory had been managed by a different company, it would've gone differently.

  17. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    I thought they just got rid of it.

  18. Water Gay Male
    IGN: Scenarey
    Server: Arcania
    Level: 146
    Job: Mercedes
    Guild: Destiny
    Alliance: Providence

    Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    Okay, but...

    NxAm is a child of NxKorea, and its leaders are actually ex-NxKorea employees. Beyond that, it's obvious that Korea has a TON of influence over both game content & management. They're not as different as you may think.

  19. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    But they have a different way of handling things, that's sure.

    In Korea they care more about quality check because they are the first releasers of content. They also have a staff which knows their game better, therefore it's easier for them to spot and fix bugs.

    American branch just tries to milk as much money as they can from it.

  20. Default Re: Tespia opening soon?

    I think the global player base would have had a big part to play also. I’m sure we all realise how feckless Nexon is but I couldn’t even begin to imagine what kind of crap people would have reported to them. Well that is even if they reported anything at all. All anyone ever wanted to do was kill Zakum, Horntail and plantain around as a level 200.

    I do agree that it is better if Tespia is just put to rest. It didn’t work the first time around and the revival was no better.



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