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Thread: [Khaini] Looking for Khainian friends

  1. Default Looking for Khainian friends

    I'm usually on late at night, since I have work late into the evening. I'm a nice guy that won't spam your buddy chat. Please post if you are interested! D:

  2. Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    Since I am from Sweden maybe my timezone match your playing? Midnight Nexon time is 9 am here and since I am a university rat I have lots of free time all across the day. Buddy me on CorvusCorone, as long as you chat is not filled with how to abuse glitches, buy duped stuff and such of course. Yes, I am a narrow minded, stubborn ass that enjoy my game cheat free.

  3. Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    I'm always looking for new friends. My BL is pretty empty :( like the person above I'm also in europe timezone so I tend to be on when everyone in the US is asleep. lol

    I especially like bossing, so if you are looking for someone to boss with that would be me :D

  4. Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    I've been looking for you, CarrionCrow. Still haven't found a time where you are on. :(

    Anyone else want to be my friend pls? :(

  5. Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    Have been unactive for the last week. Will play more after next patch.

    Edit: Sent you a buddy request and heading for bed.

  6. Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    I still loev you mikey. <3 Im gonna start playing again after next patch if you want meh you can add BeyondRegret

  7. Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    Could always use more friends on my BL add Bazookachain

  8. Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    I see you like metal music? This is good...

    Add BluCalhoun, my soon-to-be Corsair. No bl-spam here!

    Nice Animal Crossing reference in your signature xD at least I think so... don't quote me on that >_<

  9. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Straight Male
    IGN: Namalamadingdong
    Server: LoL NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Break The Meta

    Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    You all should buddy Dr. Mike... he's a doctor!

  10. Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    I'll be back when the masteria update goes live on Sciline.
    Last edited by Sarah; 2012-03-09 at 04:12 PM. Reason: lol thought this was my thread. Look like a douche now.

  11. Donator Male
    IGN: LnFearNFaith
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 20x
    Job: Loladin/LolDrK
    Guild: Irresistible
    Farm: Amerish

    Default Re: Looking for Khainian friends

    You can add my Demon Slayer AbrasiveSoul if you'd like.



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