Hey guys,
I would like to find out what would you like to change in Masteria, to make it better place? Since BigBang i think Masteria really lose popularity expect few maps like jesters to train. CWKPQ came back but it wasnt changed at all. Krakia Jungle is so broken place to train/questing.
Here are my ideas.
-Bigfoot and Headless Horseman now give ambition! and also dorp silent crusader coin
-All monsteres here drop cards, but also familiars. Droplist is also changed EE/potential scrolls added, better equips, scrolls etc.
-Maps are changed to be better training places, Jesters and other popular maps now have MiniDungeons.
-Masteria Map is now available in worldmap also HyperTeleport Rock works here.
-In Krakia Jungle maps are with only 1 kind of mob. No more gold slimes with Electrophants, same for BigBen maps.
-NLC has new NPC, taxi (NLC>HH;NLC>Crimsonwood Keep), Spinel)
-Masteria has new quests as a rewards (Onyx Apple, Taos, and other GMS exclusive pots and items)
-Exchange Quest has better rewards including scrolls for new classes like Mercedes, DemonSlayer etc.
-Making Items are now easier and there new items for all classes.
-CWKPQ gives better exp, is available through Dimensional Mirror. All classes can active sigils. More pq per day, make expedition in same way how zakum exped. can be made.
-Visitor Event is now permament conentet and it's added to masteria as a new place.
What are your ideas?