I'm tired of my dit and it's too expensive to fund. I was thinking about xbow gm scrolls and stuff to fund a wild hunter but I'm not sure. What's the cheapest class to fund with the highest dps? Also which gm weapon scrolls are the cheapest?
I'm tired of my dit and it's too expensive to fund. I was thinking about xbow gm scrolls and stuff to fund a wild hunter but I'm not sure. What's the cheapest class to fund with the highest dps? Also which gm weapon scrolls are the cheapest?
The cheapest scrolls are doubtlessly 2h BW and 2h axe. But then again funding classes are now mostly a matter of potential. Even if you save a billion on a decent weapon, you will still have to spend about the same on gear regardless of class.
WH = Mount lag. =/
cheapest class would be prolly merc or DS. Amazing DPS at all levels of funding.
I would say hero/nl/bm but I dont wan't to advise anyone to rely on hacked weaponry..
Any GM scroll you find will run you at least 100m (Typically. Might not hold true for all worlds.)
Regardless, I do not believe in funding a class simply because of a monetary restriction. More times than not, I will join a version of maple where I am not funded, and go with a hermit.
Why? I like Hermits because theyre fast. I always wanted one in the old days and now theyre my "go to" class to start off in a new server/maple version.
I suggest you play a class because you like it, not because you want to be strong.
I just don't want to be made fun of my damage. Someone actually made fun of my damage when they're lower level than me.
At the moment I believe mage equipment is the cheapest in the game.
So what is my best choice?
If you're looking for a cheap class to play potion wise, ulta survivability and decent movement skills, Demon Slayer.
If you just want pure DPS and good movement, go Mercedes, but they're a lot more fragile.
If you want a cheap ranged semi-survival class, go cannon shooter.
If you can wait a few months, wait for Phantom, since they will be the god class, on DPS, survivability, movement and diversity.
The problem is that the power of Phantom lies within combining multiple class skills/buffs into one class. if you want to nerf them, you have to nerf all classes.
And taking skill stealing away is not an option, since that would remove the idea of the phantom class as a whole...
Dang, my cover has been blown...![]()
The ability to steal/use skills is affected by 2 factors. The phantoms skill level, and the victims skill level. If the victim has level 20 HS, and you only have level 10 talent of the phantom thief 3, you have level 10 HS.
If the victim has level 10 HS, and you have level 20 talent of the phantom thief 3, you have level 10 HS.
This means that YES you can nerf a phantoms ability to use stolen skills. This could be done by adjusting the talent of the phantom thief skills to max out at a lower level, or to adjust the math involved with skills. (Making them weaker, yeah?)
Decent Hyper body adds +60% HP and MP.
Decent Haste adds 40 Speed and 20 Jump.
Decent Combat Orders adds +2 skills.
Decent Speed Infusion adds 2 speed levels.
Decent Sharp Eyes adds 20% Crit rate and 30% Max critical damage
Decent Advanced Bless adds 25 Attack/Magic, 500 Def/M. Def, 320 Acc/Avoid, 700 HP/MP, and reduces MP consumption by 20%
See, I know how to play Maple too. Don't say I don't.
Man... this thread started off well and then took a turn towards stupidity...
Mages are pretty cheap considering %int is the least expensive %stat. Although if you are trying to reach high levels of dps/funding, you are going to need a lot of nx to cube items or at least a way of making lots of meso to buy pre-scrolled/cubed items.
Mercedes and Demon Slayers are pretty easy/fun to play, although their mastery books are pretty expensive and dual bowguns, 1h maces, %dex, and %str are all pretty dam expensive, at least in my world. Really you should just play a class that you want to play and then just increase your funding gradually as you can.
Not sure what you're saying in response to the OP. With 468m he can maybe buy 4 or 5 of these skills but he'd have no way to come up with the collaterals needed.
And apparently you don't know how to play Maple. Let me fix it for you
Decent Hyper body adds +40% HP and MP.
Decent Haste adds 20 Speed and 10 Jump.
Decent Combat Orders adds +1 skills.
Decent Speed Infusion adds 1 speed levels.
Decent Sharp Eyes adds 10% Crit rate and 15% Max critical damage
Decent Advanced Bless adds 20 Attack/Magic, 425 Def/M. Def, 260 Acc/Avoid, 475 HP/MP, and reduces MP consumption by 12%
People, can we stay on topic here please?