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Thread: [Sign Up] SPURB

  1. Default SPURB

    Welcome to SPURB BETA user. Please enter your four or six users that will partake in this project and their specific type.

    Welcome to SPURB guys. This is where we will have our own game of S _ _ _ B game, based off homestuck. I will be using rules from the MSPA website and there are a few things that you need to have inorder to join us in our game of SPURB.

    You must have been caught up 100% with HomeStuck to participate.
    You must understand that we can't have 8 Knights. Read the roles that are picked. I am picking the 4 CORE roles we need. Pick one and the 4 sub roles will be given to those who want them.

    We are using these Class types: Heart, Hope, Breath, Time, Space, Mind, Light, Life
    And these specific Classes: Bard, Knight, Prince, Thief, Seer, Page, Witch, Mage

    Bonuses will be given when I set out the stage. You must also fill out the application. If you get ninja'd by someone of that Sub role or Core role, tough cookies gonna have to pick another one :C.

    No "Literal trolls" of both kind. It will just be a human run.

    If we have enough interest I will increase the number to 8 vs. 6/4.


    Pesterchum is highly recommended as it will be a fun way to intereact. We will use it for game purposes and post our chats as our post until we gain the level to not need pesterchum anymore.

    God tiers are; on
    Prospit/Derse; on
    Skaia; on
    Land Creation; dependant on IGN, Class, Role, and your application
    Experience table: WIP, not using SBURBage table.
    Echilader: WIP

    Information on roles can be found here:

    Making one myself. TBD.

    Application format: <FIXED

    [Some things on this guide are used, not all do not follow it 100%]
    Back to update in a little bit.

    Members list | Application | Planet | chumHandle
    1. Derosis | Heir of Space | Prospit | yandereDero
    2. MariaColette | Witch of Time | Prospit | artsyIslander
    3. Solar(insertgenderhere) | Thief of Life | Derse | mischievousSun
    ​4.FenixR | Knight of Light | Prospit | mysticalSilence
    5.Cookie | Prince of Breath | Derse | coloquialCookie
    6. Unleashing | Seer of Mind | Derse | transparentVision
    7. Commander Jim | Page of Hope | Prospit | aloopapayanostic

    Pesterchum Memo:
    If you want to talk with me or any of the other members we are at #SPURB_Discussion


    Rev. 1.9.3

    Last edited by Derosis; 2012-02-23 at 08:53 PM.

  2. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: SPURB

    Have 8 people on Southperry even read Homestuck?

  3. Default Re: SPURB

    Pffft yea.

    >comicsams to piss Keith off

  4. Default Re: SPURB


  5. Default Re: SPURB

    Before I finish reading, I call Mage of Mind. Also, the only essential roles (to my knowledge) are a hero of Time, and a hero of Space. Then again I may have forgotten some. Also how do we apply?

    (am I allowed to call Mage of Mind?)

  6. Default Re: SPURB

    Application is up. You can assume your role once you have completed your application.

  7. Spirit of the Arrow Bi Female
    IGN: MariettaRC
    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Bowmistress
    Guild: KoopaForce
    Alliance: KoopaEmpire

    Default Re: SPURB

    Mentioned in your visitor page already but I totally want to join in... and I have no idea how these games work (first timer!) + the guidelines sound all confusing. :< And the application is blank...?

  8. Default Re: SPURB

    He will put up the application soon.
    O wait it's up.

    You can play! I'm a first timer as well, you can always ask other people about the weird RPG pomegranate.

  9. Default Re: SPURB

    Just so everyone can have an easier life, just post your apps here and on another page we will update when you level up.

    Application process for SPURB:

    Name: Dj Sisored
    SP User Name: Derosis
    Pesterchum name: harmonicDero
    Class: Heir
    Role: Space

    Introductory Paragraph:

    Your name is DJ SISORED, you are 18 years old. You are a BOY WITH GLASSES, AND AN ODD ADDICTION TO SWEET TEA, PEPSI, AND MTN DEW. You doodle sometimes but they usually look like flying spaghetti monsters. You watch Anime and enjoy them quite well. You are currently in your room with your multi-monitor desk and your nice iced sweet tea cup in front of you. You begin to activate pesterchum when your friend quickly messages you to talk. You are distracted by the cute dog in your room Soraka. She occupied her corner of the room quite well and seems to horde bones there quite often. What a strange animal you have. You are also quite the MUSICIAN, playing multiple instruments and quite skilled at the Brass side of the instrument family. You are sitting in your chair. What do you do...?

    Initial Stats: Based on STR, DEX, LUK, INT, VIT, (Role/Class will influence once I see your stats)
    STR:(Increases normal attacks, 1 point = .75 dmg increase) : 4
    DEX:(Chance to dodge, 1 point = .015% Increase) : 3
    LUK:(increases chance for double roll or critical chance, 1 point = .00025% of happening): 0
    INT: (Increases your ability Damage, 1 point = .25 dmg increase): 4
    VIT: (Based on your Health, 1 ponit = .0025% increase per point): 4
    You have 15 points to put into. All stats are 1 until points are added.

    Starting stats:
    Current HP is 21 HP.
    Current MP is 20 MP
    STR: 5 - Current damage is 4.75 (2 STR Points added Per level)
    DEX: 4 - Current Dodge is 1.6% (1 DEX Points added Per level)
    LUK: 1 - Current Double roll/Crit is 1.00025% ( 1 LUK added Per level)
    INT: 5- Current Ability damage is 5.75 (2 int Per level)
    VIT: 5 - Current HP is 21 HP (2 VIT per level)
    Stat points earned per level : (3) - Increases when Echilader rank earned, Stats restricted to adding is : DEX, LUK, INT

    Skills available: (Assigned and given by GM/Level)
    - Passive:
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet

    Class Abilities/Passives: (Assigned and given by GM/Level)

    Role Abilities/Passives: (Assigned adn given by GM/Level)
    - PASSIVE:
    Double Turn chance - 6.25 % per turn

    Land Name: Determined by Role and Class
    - Land of Ruin and Frogs

    Planet: Prospit

    Last edited by Derosis; 2012-02-12 at 03:12 PM.

  10. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: SPURB

    My first impresion was: What the pineapple is this pomegranate!?

    Then my second impresion was: Is this pomegranate some kind of Dungeon and Dragons gameplay?

  11. Default Re: SPURB

    SPURB, and Kind of. Working on the system atm. Pretty sure it'll work out :P

  12. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: SPURB

    ಠ_ಠ... not convinced enough what the pineapple is this this pomegranate yet, guess ill watch and see it crash.

  13. Default Re: SPURB

    Application process for SPURB:

    Name:Luisa Robles
    SP User Name: Solarboy
    Pesterchum name: mischievousSun
    Class: Thief
    Role: Life

    Introductory Paragraph:
    Your name is Luisa Robles, you are 17 years old. You are a black belt in Karate; you don't really regret taking it but other than increasing your strength and teaching you how to use some weapons it was pretty much useless. Drawing is one of your favorite things to do, even though you suck at it. Your short height has never been something that you worry about, you prefer to think of it as an advantage, specially because you don't have to crouch when walking near trees. You also wish you were half cat, you used your high sewing abilities to make the best cat costume ever crafted by a 17 year old, you never get to use it though, you think it looks kinda sexual.

    It is a late night where you live, as you finally finish your schoolwork you realize that someone has been pestering you , you don't know what it is but your friend is certainly hyped for it. Before you can even get to your computer you realize that your cat Nazrin is sleeping on the wireless keyboard again, your friend will have to wait, waking your cat up would start a frenzy of madness and claw swipes. Or you can try to type with the built in keyboard.

    Now, this keyboard sure is lame, oh well. What do you do...?

    Initial Stats: Based on STR, DEX, LUK, INT, VIT, (Role/Class will influence once I see your stats)
    STR:(Increases normal attacks, 1 point = .75 dmg increase)1
    DEX:(Chance to dodge, 1 point = .015% Increase)6
    LUK:(increases chance for double roll or critical chance, 1 point = .00025% of happening8
    INT: (Increases your ability Damage, 1 point = .25 dmg increase)
    VIT: (Based on your Health, 1 ponit = .0025% increase per point)
    You have 15 points to put into. All stats are 1 until points are added.

    Starting stats:

    20 HP

    20 MP

    STR: 2

    DEX: 7

    LUK: 9

    INT: 1

    VIT: 1

    (all stats change when points added initially)

    Skills available: (Assigned and given by GM/Level)
    - Passive: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet

    Class Abilities/Passives: (Assigned and given by GM/Level)

    Role Abilities/Passives: (Assigned adn given by GM/Level)

    Land Name: Determined by Role and Class
    -Land of Clockwork and Glass

    Planet: Derse

  14. Default Re: SPURB

    It's already worked on serveral sites, Besides this is only the application run. I wanted this out of the way so I could work on peoples exp rates and how they'll scale. I did mine in 2 hours. >Bard being the most awkward class ever and Hope having some game changing roles (much like heart but goddamit that one is a real one though).

  15. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: SPURB

    Google is failing me on "SPURB" search fuuuuuuuuuuuuu.


  16. Spirit of the Arrow Bi Female
    IGN: MariettaRC
    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Bowmistress
    Guild: KoopaForce
    Alliance: KoopaEmpire

    Default Re: SPURB

    Oh boy. Here goes... left the stats untouched because pomegranate's confusing, but I hope I made proper use of the caps in my intro. I also have no idea if I decide what my planet is (I chose Prospit) or if I can choose my land since apparently that's decided by my role and class...

    Application process for SPURB:

    Name: Marietta Colette (Called by Maria for short)
    SP User Name: MariaColette
    Pesterchum name: artsyIslander
    Class: Witch
    Role: Time

    Introductory Paragraph:

    Your name is MARIETTA COLETTE, but your buddies call you MARIA for short. You are 19 years old and you are a STRANGE GIRL with SQUARE SPECTACLES. You have a variety of INTERESTS AND ADDICTIONS that include staring at COLORFUL ART, playing OLD-SCHOOL VIDEO GAMES and EATING PASTA. You enjoy drawing and you're NOT TOO BAD AT IT. But you practice as much as you can because you clearly feel otherwise. You enjoy watching BRITISH SCI-FI AND MYSTERY SERIES and have a STRONG ATTRACTION to FELINES. You are currently in your OWN APARTMENT and you enjoy BEING ALONE. You also have ROOMMATES but you couldn't care less about their presence, as their interests, you believe, are BORING AND IRRITATING. You sit in your computer chair to do your usual activities, which include looking at ART BLOGS and playing MMORPGs. Your chumtag is artsyIslander and sometimes you wonder if anything NEW AND INTERESTING will happen any day now...

    Initial Stats: Based on STR, DEX, LUK, INT, VIT, (Role/Class will influence once I see your stats)
    STR:(Increases normal attacks, 1 point = .75 dmg increase) : 1
    DEX:(Chance to dodge, 1 point = .015% Increase) : 5
    LUK:(increases chance for double roll or critical chance, 1 point = .00025% of happening): 5
    INT: (Increases your ability Damage, 1 point = .25 dmg increase): 3
    VIT: (Based on your Health, 1 ponit = .0025% increase per point): 1
    You have 15 points to put into. All stats are 1 until points are added.

    Starting stats:
    Current HP is 20 HP.
    Current MP is 20 MP
    STR: 2 - Current damage is 2.25 (1 STR Points added Per level)
    DEX: 6 - Current Dodge is 1.09% (2 DEX Points added Per level)
    LUK: 6 - Current Double roll/Crit is 2.0065% ( 2 LUK added Per level)
    INT: 5 - Current Ability damage is 5.75 (3 int Per level)
    VIT: 1 - Current HP is 20.1 HP (1 VIT per level)
    Stat points earned per level : (3) - Increases when Echilader rank earned, Stats restricted to adding is : DEX, LUK, INT

    Skills available: (Assigned and given by GM/Level)
    - Passive: No idea.
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet
    - Active: None yet

    Class Abilities/Passives: (Assigned and given by GM/Level)

    Role Abilities/Passives: (Assigned and given by GM/Level)

    Land Name: Determined by Role and Class
    - Land of Shade and Music

    Planet: TBA

    EDIT: Fixed stats.
    Last edited by MariettaRC; 2012-02-23 at 11:37 PM.

  17. Default Re: SPURB

    Also to everyone. I add your final stats. But so far Marie has the closest to what I would add in for her stats.

    and LOL marie, copy from the sheet I gave you all not mine haha.

  18. Spirit of the Arrow Bi Female
    IGN: MariettaRC
    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Bowmistress
    Guild: KoopaForce
    Alliance: KoopaEmpire

    Default Re: SPURB


    Like seriously, the application document comes up blank for me. :I

  19. Default Re: SPURB

    It's actually called SBURB. Named SPURB because S _ _ _ B can be changed.



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