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  1. Default Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    The Magician Damage Range Thread


    I don't think I can put it in words better than Kevo so here is his quote from the old thread.

    Rules and Guidelines to Follow.

    It's a straightforward post a screenshot of your range thread. However, there are a few rules to be followed to have your range accepted into the thread.

    -First off, all posters wanting to add their damage range to the thread must have a screenshot accompanied with their post. Failure to post a screenshot invalidates your range until you edit your post with one.

    -Screenshots must not be altered in any way. This includes but is not limited to blacking out your HP/MP, Level, EXP, or any other area of the screen.

    -You must post a clean range. Buffed ranges are optional and allowed, clean ranges are mandatory.

    -Potions that enhance your damage range may not be used in your screenshot. You are allowed to post a buffed range but you may only be self buffed, meaning that your range is increased by skills that you own (MW 30 only if you have MW 30.)

    -Event items that expire (like pre-2011 Rudolph Noses) may not be used in your screenshot. However, expiring items that can be easily re obtained are allowed. This includes but is not limited to Pendant Slots, and Monster Park Items. I will look at everything that comes up and determines if it is suitable for the thread or not.

    -Other versions of MapleStory are required to state what version their screenshot is from. Private server entries are not accepted.

  2. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Last edited by Eiger; 2012-02-29 at 01:21 PM.

  3. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Last edited by Eiger; 2012-02-08 at 11:21 AM.

  4. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    one more placeholder

  5. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Does this also mean dual pendant slots shouldn't be used in this calculation?

  6. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    I will allow dual pendants since although they expire, you can purchase them again unlike time limited event items which cannot be re obtained.

    By the way, OP on the redesigned first post is almost done now. :)

  7. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    I think the Empress/Fairy blessing rule and the expiring item rule are kinda outdated now. There are so many link skills + will of alliance skill that will increase your range. Same goes for expiring items like dual pendant, Spiegelmann badge, android heart, pet equips.

  8. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Yeah, once I get to revising that part, some things will probably be changed. The idea of the ban of expiring items is something like how Rudolph Noses were before this past event. They added stats, but were not permanent and did not reflect your real range then.

  9. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    But now they can be extended though.

  10. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    For now, it will be done on a case by case basis.

    Also, OP updated. Looks nicer now. Gonna add some images later.

  11. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Allow me to be the first to submit. =P
    33341 ~ 37045


  12. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    back in da pre legendary dayss. broke 75k clean before i quit it in nov

    RIP DinosaurFood

  13. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Clean Range: Zoccq, 194 Battle Mage, 70534~94045

    I guess from now on the only way I can get stronger is to spend more money in this damn game... Guess I'll post my buffed range later. It's like 141k~188k or so.

  14. Water
    IGN: JerrysHero
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Imperious
    Alliance: TheAlmightys

    Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Copy/Paste time. These are without a dual pendant, a badge and a heart. Got my shoulderpads to Legendary after thes eimages and my range is 106-112k clean now:D 163% INT btw

    Level: 200, IGN: JerrysHero, World: Khaini, Range: 103285 ~ 108722

    Level: 200, IGN: JerrysHero, World: Khaini, Range: 127691 ~ 134412

  15. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Updated. :)

  16. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    No %int whatsoever. the only potential that are useful for me are +10int(from overall) and +5luk(from shoes). also no heart or expiring items.



  17. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY

    Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

    Really wish I could get my hands on ABless 20 and 30. ;_; Can't even find any 20s in the FM.

    Oh, and only 5% int.



  18. Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0

  19. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY

    Default Re: Magician Damage Range Thread v2.0




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