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  1. Default Farming Crusader Coins

    After you complete the quest line, what are the ways to get more coins? So far i know of

    - The leafre portals, 3 coins * 15 = 45 coins/day
    - Akyrum drops some

    Are there any other ways?

  2. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    I thought the other bosses were supposed to drop coins. Could have sworn Zak dropped them in KMS videos. But since they seem not to, then yea, those are the ways to get them.

  3. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    So only 45 coins a day right now then? I also tried to see if Zak dropped coins, since I KNOW he does in KMS, but he doesn't in our version. Perhaps bosses get updated to drop coins at a later time?

  4. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    I did the silent crusade quests before the change to stockpile on coins, so that they would transfer over, but its too late for that now.

    To add on top of zakum not dropping coins, other bosses such as pap also do not drop coins (though I dont know if those did in KMS to begin with)

  5. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    Yep, Zak drops coins in kMS.

    Pap never dropped coins, but almost all free spawning bosses do. I personally go through all 19 channels of Snowman for ~60 coins per cycle :)

  6. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    Horntail doesn't drop coins either.

  7. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    Where does Snowman spawn? I've been looking for him without success, and I doubt Kradia exterminates him very fast.

  8. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    Have you checked his old map, Valley of the Snowman?

  9. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    Doesn't it tell you on the world map for you guys? I can't remember the specific map but its the one right before the split to LHC and Forest of Dead Trees. There's no hidden map for it or anything.

  10. Sassy Stranger Male
    IGN: SlayerZach
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: YES
    Job: Paladin
    Guild: Phoenix
    Farm: SlayerZach

    Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    ^nope. The only boss that comes to mind from the old Silent Crusade would be Dyle (then again, I think he always spawned in the swamp, even with his portal up).

    Missing bosses

    Long story short, the developpers removed all the Master Monster Portals, implemented the Mystic Gates from KMS's Silent Crusade, and forgot to make the bosses spawn normally, like before the Silent Crusade was released.
    Last edited by SlayerZach; 2012-02-07 at 12:16 PM.

  11. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg

    Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    I prefer the Master Monster Portals appearing for all the other bosses ^ stated.
    I'm very impatient. :\
    And I think D.Roy is required for a DS quest? I heard someone was having trouble completing it because D.Roy no longer exists.

  12. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    It's Rurumo that's required, but the point still stands since Rurumo is also missing.

  13. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    So which boss is best for farming ambition?

  14. Euro Minicar Straight Male
    IGN: ZekkenAdele
    Server: Scania
    Level: 246
    Job: Adele
    Guild: DarkLily
    Alliance: Arcane
    Farm: HarvestxMoon

    Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins

    im killing deet and roi for 32 ambition all the other bosses that existed for the old crusade quests dont give any ambition

  15. Default Re: Farming Crusader Coins




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