(You may edit this pre-populated form as you like, it's just a suggestion of possible things you can tell about yourself)
I'm new to Southperry and here's some info about myself.
Name: Reggie
Age: 20
Location: San Francisco, California
When I started playing Maple & what server: I started playing MapleStory several years ago on Khaini.
Other Games I play: Battlefield 3 (PC), Star Wars: The Old Republic, Dota 2, League of Legends (rarely)
Where I heard about SP: I used to be a member years ago, but I kinda misplaced my info. I felt like no one will know me or remember me, so I might as well just make a new account to lurk and post on.
Reason for Registering: Stated above. ;o
Three interesting facts about me are:
I've been working in graphic design since the age of 13, I am starting to become a music producer, and I'm studying computer engineering in school. Needless to say, I'm kind of big into computers. Other than that, I'm pretty boring.