Some of you may remember that my Maple account was stolen sometime in September 2010 and made an Angry Dome thread about it. Well, I spent the last two months or so trying to recover it, since I recently recovered the email tied to it. Problem is, for some reason I couldn't get into my account (it was "blocked"). After first emailing their listed email, then writing a complaint to the BBB when they completely ignored that email, I finally got a response. Here it is:
Not that I intend on being able to get my account back, but can anyone remember what the "Meso Glitch" is? Is this at all related to the mysterious duped mesos and related "hell ban" I had been hearing about around the time? Mostly just curious.Originally Posted by Nexon
As an extra, I find it even more annoying that my account was banned during a period of time where I had no access to it. And here I was looking forward to seeing what was new for 30 minutes before uninstalling again. Oh well. (P.S. Corsair Forever!)