Hello there! Just realized I should make an account after lurking around and just creepishly stalking random threads. Its never too late :P
Name: Tiff!!!!!
IGN: iDeekayyy or Hokayyy
Location: What.... Hong Kong
When I started playing Maple & what server: 2004? Its been so long, there is just something making me still play.
Unfortunately I only have characters in Scania :f4:
Other Games I play:For now, this is the main one i play. But I still occasionally play some FPS and other games like skyrim and assassin's creed
Where I heard about SP: I was just bored, surfing around the net as usual.
Interesting facts about me are:
1)Before BB it took me two years to reach level 46. (Cause I never train)
2)Just recently found out eating rice with only mayonnaise is actually not bad.
3)I love to sing in my shower, or especially when no one is at home loudly. Its like having my own concert with me only... Forever alone.
So.. That's about it for now. I got hooked on maple again recently, thought for the past years I've been pretty much on/off playing. Finally reached 100!! Don't think I am going to quit till I am level 200. Which is probably take me a while.
Happy Mapling!~ (or just reading) ._.