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  1. Neon Atom

    IGN: rattboy
    Server: windia
    Level: 148
    Job: Dark Knight
    Guild: Virtual
    Alliance: Sanctum

    Default B>Level 140 lionheart battle cape

    paying up to 800 SSS(around 200k nx - tax) depending on how good the stats are.

  2. Neon Atom

    IGN: rattboy
    Server: windia
    Level: 148
    Job: Dark Knight
    Guild: Virtual
    Alliance: Sanctum

    Default Re: B>Level 140 lionheart battle cape

    Cant believe no one is sellings :( me sad.

  3. Default Re: B>Level 140 lionheart battle cape

    You can't be surprised that you get no hits on one of the smaller forums. We are hardly known for our market section either.
    I got a Lionheart Battle Cape for my wife simply by having a B> message on my store took me less than a week.

  4. Neon Atom

    IGN: rattboy
    Server: windia
    Level: 148
    Job: Dark Knight
    Guild: Virtual
    Alliance: Sanctum

    Default Re: B>Level 140 lionheart battle cape

    ive been looking for far more than a week with alot of smegaing its hopeless T>T.
    got 1 ;D
    Last edited by rattown; 2012-01-27 at 03:31 PM.

  5. Neon Atom

    IGN: rattboy
    Server: windia
    Level: 148
    Job: Dark Knight
    Guild: Virtual
    Alliance: Sanctum

    Default Re: B>Level 140 lionheart battle cape

    T.T ... i had it ... i cubed it .... it was 21% str .... and now its gone ... CRY !!! b> empress cape T>T.

  6. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: B>Level 140 lionheart battle cape

    i'm extremely sorry for your loss D: can't contact the guy that sold it to you again?

  7. Neon Atom

    IGN: rattboy
    Server: windia
    Level: 148
    Job: Dark Knight
    Guild: Virtual
    Alliance: Sanctum

    Default Re: B>Level 140 lionheart battle cape

    I dont remember his ign T>T bump :(



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