I'm new to Southperry and here's some info about myself:
Name: I would rather not say currently.
Age: 20.
Location: Ontario, Canada.
When I started playing Maple & what server: I first started playing Maplestory in 2008.. or was it 2009, but quit a year later as it started to cost me more then I originally intended.
Other Games I play: Normally my Wii or 3DS.
Where I heard about SP: I've always knew of it, but I randomly started browsing as a guess, decided since I'm back into Maplestory.. although I'm not too active on game. (Hour or two a day.)
Reason for Registering: Eh, always browsed the site, decided I'd finally register to it.
Three interesting facts about me are:
I'd post stuff here, but I'm not interesting. :'(
... Eh. So yeah. Hi everyone.