So Southperry its time we had a sit down.
I would like to hit cap or as close to with angel ray with out infinity now I can do so with a cheese but my question is how much % int = 220 MA?
Happy to provide any stats or info :)
So Southperry its time we had a sit down.
I would like to hit cap or as close to with angel ray with out infinity now I can do so with a cheese but my question is how much % int = 220 MA?
Happy to provide any stats or info :)
73% int at the moment
44419 = ((4*2404)+299) * (1) * (m.Att/100)
448=m.Att (roughly) clean.
You've got 1390 base int with equips.
Buffed, 25m.att from adv bless, 15%stat from MW, your top buffed range is probably
(((1390*1.88)*4)+299*1.15) * (1) * (473/100)
51070 with MW30 and Advanced Bless. Correct me if I'm wrong.
With a cheese, it's:
(((1390*1.88)*4)+299*1.15) * (1) * 693/100
I went wrong somewhere, dunno what happened.
Wait, do you have SE?
How much %luk do you have?
That'll affect at least some of it.
I assume I'm going to have to recube to get more %int thus removing my %luk but its only at 9% :)
Edit: Equips
448 total matk -> a cheese represents a 49% increase in your range.
So you'd need a 49% increase in your INT% to achieve the same effect, with +73% int you'd have to rise to +109% int to have the same effect.