I read this in a blog post the other day, the entirety of which was decently okay, but this section in particular standing out in my mind:

Originally Posted by
They say that the trifecta of happiness is comprised of good friendships, a lover, and work. Why does one always seem to be missing from the trifecta? The one missing link is what fuels us, what spawns the success of so many films, music, and books. It’s what keeps us going out and buying stuff and waking up in the morning. Or in some cases, pressing the snooze button.
The post goes on to discuss the specific difficulties and frustrations of trying to achieve this trifecta in ones 20s, questioning whether or not it's something pretty much solely reserved as a reward for those 30+. While that idea is in and of itself interesting, and, well, pretty though-provoking to consider for many of us, being in our 20s, it's the general application of this above section I want to talk about.
Open discussion questions: What does the "trifecta" mean to you in your life? Have you ever achieved the "trifecta," and if so, when, and for how long? Philosophically, what is this "trifecta"? Does it exist? If it does, is the above rhetorical question valid?