Welcome everyone! (Since 1337 sp33k 1s 4nnoy1ng!) Welcome to the Blind Investigation Episode 1! Today we will be having an adventure that will take us across the internet (But not to the dark dank undergrounds); to discover the mystery about a Dark Dirty Murder! We are doing a Simple sign up. No less than 10, and must have 50 or more post.
Reason to play?:You see we, which is Keith and I, will be delivering you a deliciously tasty reward(s) that are revolved around the current game at hand. It will be very flavorful and if chosen, can be a mix between 4 different games variants.
- Fun times
- Get to know your fellow SP-tards more
- Steam Games
- NX
- Monies
When one variant is chosen for that episode, the same game variant may not be played again until the next episode after. So you are choosing the game, but Keith and I are coming up with the story and the Flavor.
- Mafia (vanilla)
- Mafia (HARD MODE)
- Detective (vanilla)
- Detective (HARD MODE)
PS: I'm god and so is he. Rules will be made after votes and Suggestions to flavor.
Also the rewards will have a slight add-on to flavor.
And time for the news everyone wants to know: The Reward.
Grand Theft Auto 4
Now get to signing up girls.
God: Dj (Derosis) & Keith (Zelkova)
Signups:Signups closed!
- Corn
- Solarboy
- Raul <LOL You're in time out :33>
- z0mgc00k13
- Kurtle
- FenixR
- Alloy
- Holypie
- Shidoshi
- TheThunderBandit
- Pancaea
- Sardines
- y0y0y0y0shi0 <Cause I'm lazy>
- ChaoticCJ
The signups will end on the 6th so the maximum amount of users, plus the time to work on the flavor, can be maximized!
Edit: oh boy that was fast.