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Thread: Starcraft 2

  1. Default Starcraft 2

    I'm annoyed at not having a Starcraft 2 general, with as many tournaments as there is atm i feel like it'd be spam to make a thread about every one of them.

    On top of that there might be funny things people have to share or they want to add more people to their friends list. Do you have a cool replay to share or a cast that everybody just had to see?

    And i just felt like there were quite a few Starcraft 2 fans on the forums (:

    I'll start out by blowing some minds:


    I play on the european server and my IGN is Unleashing as well and my friendcode is 343 and i'm a mid-platinum player. Would be fun to have people to play with, since testing new builds doesnt work that well on the ladder, and seeing that i play random most of the time i test a lot of builds often, and testing VS the AI doesnt work that well..

    If enough people post i'll update the OP and add a list of names and friend-codes :)
    Last edited by Malthe; 2012-08-16 at 09:12 AM.

  2. Default

    I enjoy watching a lot more than actually playing :C if i was any better I'd play ladder more often.

    I let my friend use my account as a smurf account cause he's like 193718923 times better than me. So now I have a platinum ladder rank and probably a gold level play. If anything, I usually just play the very hard AI to practice macroing and hotkeys and stuff like that. The only problem I have with SC2 is that I can't play it very well in a window mode and I like having the accessibility to other applications to check things like IMs or email. I'm probably one of those casual gamers that die-hards hate with a vengeance.

  3. Default

    I'm not fan of playing it online, because i just suck lol. I like to play the campaign tho, i think i finished it 3-4 times already, was trying to finish on brutal mode, but stopped playing the game.

    Waiting for the zerg expansion to get back to sc2

  4. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    i play protoss, and suck hard, get-beaten-on-silver-hard, but SC is pretty fun to watch.
    anyone has that replay of when (i can't remember name, famous old player) countered banelings with marines?

  5. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal


    I don't even play the game and I love watching the tourney streams. So much Hype!

  6. Default


    I play, but I suck quite hard at playing it. I know the ins and outs of the games, but I just can't keep up when actually playing. My mind just doesn't work that way. QQ.
    So now I resign to watching streams 24/7.

  7. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    i didn't mean that one, i'll see if i can find it, it was a game where the guy used ONLY MARINES. and micro'd them individually, i think it was boxer.

  8. Default

    Yea i was looking for a sc2 thread on here the other day and was surprised to not find one. I tend to watch more streams and VODs than play as well, due to having a pomegranatety computer, but I am able to play on my brother's computer sometimes. I'm a gold level protoss but lately I have been using any play time to play the campaign.

  9. Default

    I'm actually surprised as to how pros manipulate all the settings in the game. like how you can hotkey the camera to the F# buttons and press them for instant access to your main or natural. Or how they can even reach the hotkeys > 7.

    If you saw the MLG stream, I find it how ridiculously fast their hands and screens are going. It's like they're on Speed or something cause their keyboard hand is just a blur and their screen flashes like 3 times per second. I find it simply amazing how many details people can get from just half a second of screen time.

  10. Default

    You mean marineking prime, and he got that name for a reason :P
    He's done that quite some times. He used to honor Boxer by using his name on his account though.

    Also, i don't feel that the Pre-igniter nerf will matter too much :( 3 non-upgraded hellions still roast workers in 1 shot, hellions have really been rocking the pro-scene lately.

    Also IdrA actually changed in his way of talking to others and talking about the game-balance.

    IdrA: swing that butt from side to side + he sounds less raging and more awesome, i just wish he'd play really well in all games :( he kicked korean ass while playing at his best.
    Incontrol: Trollface.jpg

  11. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    probably, but i meant the first game he played in which he did it, everyone went wtp o.O

  12. Default

    Idra: hi im incontrol
    incontrol: hi im idra

  13. Default

    Remember that one time that MKP built siege tanks and NOT MARINES!? pomegranate went down that day. MKP building anything other than marines is wtphax.

  14. Deluxe Refrigerator Male
    IGN: GlaciaIWolf
    Server: Broa
    Level: 146
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Forte
    Alliance: HighestLevel


    Someone listened to SotG last night? =p Either that or you know the math pretty well.

  15. Default

    That's how I feel as well. I only really play the custom maps because I suck at laddering. I watch husky videos all the damn time, and I keep up with the tournys pretty well.

  16. Default

    I'm european, i don't get to watch SOTG on normal days :(

    But i know my math + i play random so i've used hellions myself often, like the iechoic style, tried it a few times but didnt really enjoy it.

    I just wish they'd do something to make it easier to stop one, one, one from terrans as a protoss, if i know that it's coming i can sometimes just barely get out charge on my zealots and get out maybe 2 phoenix before it hits and maybe hold it off. But even then i lose PvT where they go one, one, one too much <_>

    And you guys should ladder, even if you think you're 'horrible', if you keep playing you'll improve :D

  17. Deluxe Refrigerator Male
    IGN: GlaciaIWolf
    Server: Broa
    Level: 146
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Forte
    Alliance: HighestLevel


    Unfortunately, I can't ladder due to comp limitations. I would, and I've tried (I'm mid silver but I haven't played for months) but as soon as my comp starts heating up it basically slaps me in the face and says I'm not doing this pomegranate anymore.

  18. Default

    Mind explaining the resurgence of 1/1/1?

    I remember when TLO (orr someone like him) whipped it out and it was all revolutionary because of the fact it allowed ridiculous amounts of diversity really quickly, then it died in use. And now it's considered OP even though it's been around since beta? o_O

  19. Default

    I actually have no idea of why the 1/1/1 became popular again, i've used it as terran and faced it as protoss multiple time on ladder prior to it returning to the pro-scene.
    It's the same with hellions, they've always been great and now people suddenly use them a lot.

    And i feel bad for TLO, his CTS set him back a lot and now that people know how to respond to weird and strange strategies he isn't winning as much as he used to. But he still brings forth some odd timing and wreck face every now and then, i saw him do some weird hellion marine push vs toss and it won so one-sided.

    But if HoTS changes things a lot that might be his chance to shine for a while again :P

    Also, does anyone here watch Destiny's stream? I find it to be the most enjoyable stream.

    Still LF> someone around plat/diamond level on the EU servers :(



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