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  1. Default [Legend] Mercedes

    Credit to JoeTang for the translations.

    Mercedes Beginner

    Mercedes (I)
    Mercedes (II)
    Mercedes (III)
    Mercedes (IV)
    Last edited by Fiel; 2011-12-06 at 10:08 PM.

  2. ᗧ · · · ᗣ · · · ᗣ ᗣ Straight Male
    IGN: Helsinki
    Server: MYBCKN
    Level: 220
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Friends
    Alliance: Unbreakable


    I think you made a mistake Fiel. This isn't Pony General.

  3. Hot minute Gay Male

    IGN: Farewell
    Server: Reboot
    Level: ???
    Job: Meth Addict
    Guild: None
    Alliance: None


    Please tell me this class does not use some form of hurricane as a main attack. Hopefully it's like a Corsair and just has it to have it.

  4. Default

    Am I supposed to have a clue as to what you're talking about? Because I don't.

  5. ᗧ · · · ᗣ · · · ᗣ ᗣ Straight Male
    IGN: Helsinki
    Server: MYBCKN
    Level: 220
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Friends
    Alliance: Unbreakable


  6. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: Akusaria
    Server: Windia
    Level: 15x
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: Nuclear
    Alliance: NuclearHonor


    This class' Hurricane is just as strong as regular Bowmasters' Hurricane, and the other 4th job attacks look like mobbing attacks. The power that Bowmasters have after Jump is mostly through their passives, though. Of which Mercedes also appears to have a variant of Advanced Final Attack and Dual Bow Expertise.

    EDIT: Oh sheesh, it seems she also has a variant of Snipe. Perfect archer, much?

  7. Default

    The rest of the classes were changed as well. I should have something up in about an hour or so.

  8. Default

    Wow, unicorn spike looks really strong. I look forward to play this class :D

  9. Hot minute Gay Male

    IGN: Farewell
    Server: Reboot
    Level: ???
    Job: Meth Addict
    Guild: None
    Alliance: None


    Yeah, I was looking at the snipe. Is that also somewhat of an ultimate with a 5 second cooldown?

    Edit: I'm guessing not. I am basing it off of Google Translator, but it seems like you jump, attack and it hits below you?

    IGN: Overburnd
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 210
    Job: Cannoneer
    Guild: Contagious


    So i see hurricane, adv FA, a deer party skill that gives % damage, NO SE, 1200%*4 10 sec cooldown snipe, f'uck tons of mob skills, rushing, and mobility. Oh, and HP/MP recovery.

    Sounds like a winrar.

  11. Default

    Now people can stop saying Nexon doesn't love Thieves/Pirates

  12. Hot minute Gay Male

    IGN: Farewell
    Server: Reboot
    Level: ???
    Job: Meth Addict
    Guild: None
    Alliance: None


    Does it also have a damage absorbing skill? I see something about water in there, but is that just a regular 30% resistance to all attacks and then 25% more for water?

    IGN: Overburnd
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 210
    Job: Cannoneer
    Guild: Contagious


    Thank god there were other changes. I was on my way to writing off my character due to no relevant updates for 7+ months.

  14. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: Akusaria
    Server: Windia
    Level: 15x
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: Nuclear
    Alliance: NuclearHonor


    Yeah, the one thing I noticed during the Mercedes reveal two days ago was that some of her skills could be used in mid-air. Actually, some of her skills looks like they can be preformed in mid-air, and she remains frozen in mid-air throughout the attack animation. I wonder if she has invincibility frames as well (because one of the skills has a delay called 'demolitionElf').

  15. Default

    Obv Cannon Shooter changes, who cares about Buccs.

  16. Default

    *raises hand*

  17. Default

    *raises hand with SwordStaker* If not, I'll continue my tankadin.

  18. Default

    I'd hope they'd get the same treatment as Magicians, Warriors, and Archers recieved, but without an entire patch dedicated to them, I don't see the content being as good, but we will see!

  19. Won't Be Coming Back Male

    IGN: Matiusu
    Server: Broa
    Level: Up
    Job: Demon who Slaye
    Guild: Aura


    Lets see, many 6-8 hitting mobing moves with grreeat damage, snipe , a low cooldown ultimate, hurricane , tonsa buffs ,fj ,
    and MOAR! hoe my, this job is getting me wet for demon slayers.


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