Credit to JoeTang for the translations.
Mercedes Beginner
엘프의 회복
Description: 자연 속의 정화된 에너지를 이용하여 지속적으로 HP와 MP를 회복한다.
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 1
4초당 최대 HP와 최대 MP의 #x%만큼 HP와 MP를 회복
4초당 최대 HP와 최대 MP의 5%만큼 HP와 MP를 회복
스타일리쉬 무브
Description: 사다리나 로프를 빠르게 위로 이동할 수 있다.
Info: type = 12, morph = 1
Delays: fastest - 720 ms
Animations: effect
Maximum Level: 1
사다리나 로프에서 사용 가능\n[발동 커맨드:#c↑ + 점프# ]
사다리나 로프에서 사용 가능\n[발동 커맨드:↑ + 점프# ]
스피드 마스터리
Description: 엘프는 태어날 때부터 빠른 기동력과 공격 속도를 타고 난다.
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 1
영구적으로 공격속도 1단계 향상, 이동속도 #psdSpeed, 점프력#psdJump 상승
영구적으로 공격속도 1단계 향상, 이동속도 10, 점프력20 상승
엘프의 축복
Description: [종족특성 스킬] 고대 엘프의 축복으로 에우렐로 돌아갈 수 있고, 영구적으로 경험치를 추가로 받을 수 있다.
Info: pvp = 0
Animations: effect, special
Maximum Level: 1
사용 시 에우렐로 귀환(재사용 대기시간:#cooltime초)\n추가효과 : 영구적으로 경험치 #expR% 추가 획득
사용 시 에우렐로 귀환(재사용 대기시간:1800초)\n추가효과 : 영구적으로 경험치 10% 추가 획득
Mercedes (I)
Swift Dual Shot
Description: Fire arrows at multiple enemies in front of you.
Info: type = 2, multiTargeting = 1, rectBasedOnTarget = 1
Delays: speedDualShot - 720 ms
Range: 120%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, ball, hit.0
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 8, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 96%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 2 MP Cost: 8, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 97%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 3 MP Cost: 8, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 98%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 4 MP Cost: 8, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 99%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 5 MP Cost: 8, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 100%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 6 MP Cost: 10, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 101%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 7 MP Cost: 10, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 102%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 8 MP Cost: 10, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 103%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 9 MP Cost: 10, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 104%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 10 MP Cost: 10, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 105%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 11 MP Cost: 10, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 106%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 12 MP Cost: 12, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 107%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 13 MP Cost: 12, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 108%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 14 MP Cost: 12, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 109%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 15 MP Cost: 12, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 110%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 16 MP Cost: 12, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 111%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 17 MP Cost: 12, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 112%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 18 MP Cost: 14, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 113%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 19 MP Cost: 14, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 114%, Max Monsters Hit: 3 20 MP Cost: 14, Arrows Fired: 2, Damage: 115%, Max Monsters Hit: 3
Potential Power
Description: Activates hidden powers within. Increases movement speed and maximum movement speed. Grants a fixed chance of avoiding enemy attacks.
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 15
1 Movement Speed: +2, Max Movement Speed Limit: +151, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 6% 2 Movement Speed: +4, Max Movement Speed Limit: +152, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 7% 3 Movement Speed: +6, Max Movement Speed Limit: +153, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 8% 4 Movement Speed: +8, Max Movement Speed Limit: +154, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 9% 5 Movement Speed: +10, Max Movement Speed Limit: +155, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 10% 6 Movement Speed: +12, Max Movement Speed Limit: +156, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 11% 7 Movement Speed: +14, Max Movement Speed Limit: +157, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 12% 8 Movement Speed: +16, Max Movement Speed Limit: +158, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 13% 9 Movement Speed: +18, Max Movement Speed Limit: +159, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 14% 10 Movement Speed: +20, Max Movement Speed Limit: +160, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 15% 11 Movement Speed: +22, Max Movement Speed Limit: +161, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 16% 12 Movement Speed: +24, Max Movement Speed Limit: +162, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 17% 13 Movement Speed: +26, Max Movement Speed Limit: +163, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 18% 14 Movement Speed: +28, Max Movement Speed Limit: +164, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 19% 15 Movement Speed: +30, Max Movement Speed Limit: +165, Enemy Attack Avoidance Rate: 20%
Glide Blast
Description: Move forward during a jump by tumbling. Movement distance increases as the skill level increases.
Info: type = 40, casterMove = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1
Delays: spiritJump - 240 ms
Animations: effect
Maximum Level: 10
1 MP Cost: 28, jumps a certain distance 2 MP Cost: 26, jumps a certain distance 3 MP Cost: 24, jumps a certain distance 4 MP Cost: 22, jumps a certain distance 5 MP Cost: 20, jumps a certain distance 6 MP Cost: 18, jumps a certain distance 7 MP Cost: 16, jumps a certain distance 8 MP Cost: 14, jumps a certain distance 9 MP Cost: 12, jumps a certain distance 10 MP Cost: 10, jumps a certain distance
Sharp Aim
Description: Permanently increases Critical Rate.
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20
1 Critical Rate +2% 2 Critical Rate +4% 3 Critical Rate +6% 4 Critical Rate +8% 5 Critical Rate +10% 6 Critical Rate +12% 7 Critical Rate +14% 8 Critical Rate +16% 9 Critical Rate +18% 10 Critical Rate +20% 11 Critical Rate +22% 12 Critical Rate +24% 13 Critical Rate +26% 14 Critical Rate +28% 15 Critical Rate +30% 16 Critical Rate +32% 17 Critical Rate +34% 18 Critical Rate +36% 19 Critical Rate +38% 20 Critical Rate +40% Mercedes (II)
Piercing Storm
Description: Continuously fire arrows containing the power of nature. Arrows can penetrate enemies.
Info: type = 2, piercing = 1
Delays: crossPiercing - 810 ms
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: hit.0, ball, mob, effect
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 14, Damage: 64%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 2 MP Cost: 15, Damage: 65%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 3 MP Cost: 15, Damage: 66%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 4 MP Cost: 16, Damage: 67%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 5 MP Cost: 16, Damage: 68%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 6 MP Cost: 17, Damage: 69%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 7 MP Cost: 17, Damage: 70%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 8 MP Cost: 18, Damage: 71%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 9 MP Cost: 18, Damage: 72%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 10 MP Cost: 19, Damage: 73%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 11 MP Cost: 19, Damage: 74%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 12 MP Cost: 20, Damage: 75%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 13 MP Cost: 20, Damage: 76%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 14 MP Cost: 21, Damage: 77%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 15 MP Cost: 21, Damage: 78%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 16 MP Cost: 22, Damage: 79%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 17 MP Cost: 22, Damage: 80%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 18 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 81%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 19 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 82%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4 20 MP Cost: 24, Damage: 83%, Max Monsters Hit: 6, Number of Penetration Attacks: 4
Rising Rush
Description: Pushes back multiple enemies in front of you before launching them into the air. You can deal additional damage by attacking the enemies in the air.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1
Delays: elfrush - 600 ms
Range: 350%
Animations: effect, effect0
Maximum Level: 15
1 MP Cost: 20, Damage: 102%, Launch Damage: 182%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 2% 2 MP Cost: 20, Damage: 104%, Launch Damage: 184%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 4% 3 MP Cost: 21, Damage: 106%, Launch Damage: 186%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 6% 4 MP Cost: 21, Damage: 108%, Launch Damage: 188%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 8% 5 MP Cost: 21, Damage: 110%, Launch Damage: 190%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 10% 6 MP Cost: 22, Damage: 112%, Launch Damage: 192%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 12% 7 MP Cost: 22, Damage: 114%, Launch Damage: 194%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 14% 8 MP Cost: 22, Damage: 116%, Launch Damage: 196%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 16% 9 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 118%, Launch Damage: 198%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 18% 10 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 120%, Launch Damage: 200%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 20% 11 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 122%, Launch Damage: 202%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 22% 12 MP Cost: 24, Damage: 124%, Launch Damage: 204%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 24% 13 MP Cost: 24, Damage: 126%, Launch Damage: 206%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 26% 14 MP Cost: 24, Damage: 128%, Launch Damage: 208%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 28% 15 MP Cost: 25, Damage: 130%, Launch Damage: 210%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Additional Damage when Attacking in Air: 30%
Parting Shot
Description: Fires arrows at enemies launched into the air with Rising Rush. Can only be used after Rising Rush.\nRequired Skill: #cRising Rush Lv. 1#
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: elfrush_final - 900 ms
Range: 130%
Pre-requisite: Level 1 Rising Rush
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, hit.0, hit.1, hit.2, hit.3
Maximum Level: 5
1 MP Cost: 12, Damage: 66%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 2 MP Cost: 12, Damage: 72%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 3 MP Cost: 12, Damage: 78%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 4 MP Cost: 12, Damage: 84%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 5 MP Cost: 16, Damage: 90%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Dual Bowguns Boost
Description: Uses MP to increase the attack speed of your Dual Bowguns by 2 levels for a fixed period of time. \nRequired Skill: #cDual Bowguns Mastery Lv. 5#
Info: type = 10
Delays: alert2 - 600 ms
Pre-requisite: Level 5 Dual Bowguns Mastery
Animations: effect
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 30, Duration: 10 sec 2 MP Cost: 29, Duration: 20 sec 3 MP Cost: 28, Duration: 30 sec 4 MP Cost: 27, Duration: 40 sec 5 MP Cost: 26, Duration: 50 sec 6 MP Cost: 25, Duration: 60 sec 7 MP Cost: 24, Duration: 70 sec 8 MP Cost: 23, Duration: 80 sec 9 MP Cost: 22, Duration: 90 sec 10 MP Cost: 21, Duration: 100 sec 11 MP Cost: 20, Duration: 110 sec 12 MP Cost: 19, Duration: 120 sec 13 MP Cost: 18, Duration: 130 sec 14 MP Cost: 17, Duration: 140 sec 15 MP Cost: 16, Duration: 150 sec 16 MP Cost: 15, Duration: 160 sec 17 MP Cost: 14, Duration: 170 sec 18 MP Cost: 13, Duration: 180 sec 19 MP Cost: 12, Duration: 190 sec 20 MP Cost: 11, Duration: 200 sec
Spirit Surge
Description: Increases Damage and Critical Chance for a fixed period of time.
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert6 - 990 ms
Animations: effect
Maximum Level: 15
1 MP Cost: 25, Damage: 1%, Duration: 68 sec, Critical Chance: +1% 2 MP Cost: 25, Damage: 2%, Duration: 76 sec, Critical Chance: +2% 3 MP Cost: 25, Damage: 3%, Duration: 84 sec, Critical Chance: +3% 4 MP Cost: 30, Damage: 4%, Duration: 92 sec, Critical Chance: +4% 5 MP Cost: 30, Damage: 5%, Duration: 100 sec, Critical Chance: +5% 6 MP Cost: 30, Damage: 6%, Duration: 108 sec, Critical Chance: +6% 7 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 7%, Duration: 116 sec, Critical Chance: +7% 8 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 8%, Duration: 124 sec, Critical Chance: +8% 9 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 9%, Duration: 132 sec, Critical Chance: +9% 10 MP Cost: 40, Damage: 10%, Duration: 140 sec, Critical Chance: +10% 11 MP Cost: 40, Damage: 11%, Duration: 148 sec, Critical Chance: +11% 12 MP Cost: 40, Damage: 12%, Duration: 156 sec, Critical Chance: +12% 13 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 13%, Duration: 164 sec, Critical Chance: +13% 14 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 14%, Duration: 172 sec, Critical Chance: +14% 15 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 15%, Duration: 180 sec, Critical Chance: +15%
Dual Bowguns Mastery
Description: Increases the weapon mastery and accuracy of Dual Bowguns.
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20
1 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +12%, Accuracy: +6 2 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +14%, Accuracy: +12 3 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +16%, Accuracy: +18 4 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +18%, Accuracy: +24 5 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +20%, Accuracy: +30 6 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +22%, Accuracy: +36 7 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +24%, Accuracy: +42 8 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +26%, Accuracy: +48 9 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +28%, Accuracy: +54 10 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +30%, Accuracy: +60 11 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +32%, Accuracy: +66 12 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +34%, Accuracy: +72 13 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +36%, Accuracy: +78 14 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +38%, Accuracy: +84 15 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +40%, Accuracy: +90 16 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +42%, Accuracy: +96 17 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +44%, Accuracy: +102 18 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +46%, Accuracy: +108 19 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +48%, Accuracy: +114 20 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +50%, Accuracy: +120
Final Attack: Dual Bowguns
Description: Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack. Must have Dual Bowguns equipped.\nRequired Skill: #cDual Bowguns Mastery Lv. 3#
Info: type = 53, finalAttack = 1, condition = attack
Range: 700%
Pre-requisite: Level 3 Dual Bowguns Mastery
Animations: hit.0
Maximum Level: 20
1 Chance: 2%, Damage: 55%, Final Attack Count: 2 2 Chance: 4%, Damage: 57%, Final Attack Count: 2 3 Chance: 6%, Damage: 57%, Final Attack Count: 2 4 Chance: 8%, Damage: 59%, Final Attack Count: 2 5 Chance: 10%, Damage: 59%, Final Attack Count: 2 6 Chance: 12%, Damage: 61%, Final Attack Count: 2 7 Chance: 14%, Damage: 61%, Final Attack Count: 2 8 Chance: 16%, Damage: 63%, Final Attack Count: 2 9 Chance: 18%, Damage: 63%, Final Attack Count: 2 10 Chance: 20%, Damage: 65%, Final Attack Count: 2 11 Chance: 22%, Damage: 65%, Final Attack Count: 2 12 Chance: 24%, Damage: 67%, Final Attack Count: 2 13 Chance: 26%, Damage: 67%, Final Attack Count: 2 14 Chance: 28%, Damage: 69%, Final Attack Count: 2 15 Chance: 30%, Damage: 69%, Final Attack Count: 2 16 Chance: 32%, Damage: 71%, Final Attack Count: 2 17 Chance: 34%, Damage: 71%, Final Attack Count: 2 18 Chance: 36%, Damage: 73%, Final Attack Count: 2 19 Chance: 38%, Damage: 73%, Final Attack Count: 2 20 Chance: 40%, Damage: 75%, Final Attack Count: 2
Physical Training
Description: Improves STR and DEX permanently through physical training.
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 10
1 Permanently increase STR by 3 and DEX by 3. 2 Permanently increase STR by 6 and DEX by 6. 3 Permanently increase STR by 9 and DEX by 9. 4 Permanently increase STR by 12 and DEX by 12. 5 Permanently increase STR by 15 and DEX by 15. 6 Permanently increase STR by 18 and DEX by 18. 7 Permanently increase STR by 21 and DEX by 21. 8 Permanently increase STR by 24 and DEX by 24. 9 Permanently increase STR by 27 and DEX by 27. 10 Permanently increase STR by 30 and DEX by 30. Mercedes (III)
Stunning Strikes
Description: Quickly fire multiple arrows at enemies in front of you. Enemies who are hit have a chance to be stunned.
Info: type = 2, multiTargeting = 1, rectBasedOnTarget = 1, mes = stun
Delays: strikeDual - 630 ms
Range: 120%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, ball, hit.0, hit.1, mob
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 20, Damage: 107%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 23%, Stun Duration: 2 sec 2 MP Cost: 20, Damage: 108%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 26%, Stun Duration: 2 sec 3 MP Cost: 20, Damage: 109%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 29%, Stun Duration: 2 sec 4 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 110%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 32%, Stun Duration: 2 sec 5 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 111%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 35%, Stun Duration: 3 sec 6 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 112%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 38%, Stun Duration: 3 sec 7 MP Cost: 23, Damage: 113%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 41%, Stun Duration: 3 sec 8 MP Cost: 26, Damage: 114%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 44%, Stun Duration: 3 sec 9 MP Cost: 26, Damage: 115%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 47%, Stun Duration: 3 sec 10 MP Cost: 26, Damage: 116%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 50%, Stun Duration: 4 sec 11 MP Cost: 26, Damage: 117%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 53%, Stun Duration: 4 sec 12 MP Cost: 29, Damage: 118%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 56%, Stun Duration: 4 sec 13 MP Cost: 29, Damage: 119%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 59%, Stun Duration: 4 sec 14 MP Cost: 29, Damage: 120%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 62%, Stun Duration: 4 sec 15 MP Cost: 29, Damage: 121%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 65%, Stun Duration: 5 sec 16 MP Cost: 32, Damage: 122%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 68%, Stun Duration: 5 sec 17 MP Cost: 32, Damage: 123%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 71%, Stun Duration: 5 sec 18 MP Cost: 32, Damage: 124%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 74%, Stun Duration: 5 sec 19 MP Cost: 32, Damage: 125%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 77%, Stun Duration: 5 sec 20 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 126%, Number of Arrows: 4, Max Monsters Hit: 4, Stun Chance: 80%, Stun Duration: 6 sec
Leaf Tornado
Description: Spin in mid-air and fire a hail of arrows all around you. This skill can only be used while in mid-air, and requires 120 or more Jump.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, requireHighestJump = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1
Delays: elfTornado - 750 ms
Range: 250%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, effect0, hit.0, hit.1, mob, tile.0, tile.1
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 33, Damage: 97%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 2 MP Cost: 33, Damage: 99%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 3 MP Cost: 33, Damage: 101%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 4 MP Cost: 33, Damage: 103%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 5 MP Cost: 36, Damage: 105%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 6 MP Cost: 36, Damage: 107%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 7 MP Cost: 36, Damage: 109%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 8 MP Cost: 36, Damage: 111%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 9 MP Cost: 39, Damage: 113%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 10 MP Cost: 39, Damage: 115%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 11 MP Cost: 39, Damage: 117%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 12 MP Cost: 39, Damage: 119%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 13 MP Cost: 42, Damage: 121%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 14 MP Cost: 42, Damage: 123%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 15 MP Cost: 42, Damage: 125%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 16 MP Cost: 42, Damage: 127%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 17 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 129%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 18 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 131%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 19 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 133%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8 20 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 135%, Number of Attacks: 4, Max Enemies Hit: 8
Unicorn Spike
Description: Summons a sacred unicorn that attacks multiple enemies ahead of you while weakening them for a fixed period of time. Weakened enemies take additional damage from a fixed number of attacks from your party members. For boss monsters, the amount of additional damage is doubled.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, mes = amplifyDamage
Delays: windEffect - 1290 ms
Range: 500%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: special, effect, effect0, mob, hit.0, hit.1
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 38, Damage: 112%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 19%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 5 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 5\nCooldown: 20 sec 2 MP Cost: 38, Damage: 114%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 23%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 6 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 5\nCooldown: 19 sec 3 MP Cost: 38, Damage: 116%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 27%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 6 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 5\nCooldown: 19 sec 4 MP Cost: 38, Damage: 118%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 31%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 7 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 6\nCooldown: 18 sec 5 MP Cost: 38, Damage: 120%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 35%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 7 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 6\nCooldown: 18 sec 6 MP Cost: 46, Damage: 122%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 39%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 8 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 6\nCooldown: 17 sec 7 MP Cost: 46, Damage: 124%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 43%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 8 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 6\nCooldown: 17 sec 8 MP Cost: 46, Damage: 126%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 47%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 9 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 7\nCooldown: 16 sec 9 MP Cost: 46, Damage: 128%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 51%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 9 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 7\nCooldown: 16 sec 10 MP Cost: 46, Damage: 130%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 55%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 10 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 7\nCooldown: 15 sec 11 MP Cost: 54, Damage: 132%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 59%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 10 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 7\nCooldown: 15 sec 12 MP Cost: 54, Damage: 134%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 63%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 11 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 8\nCooldown: 14 sec 13 MP Cost: 54, Damage: 136%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 67%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 11 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 8\nCooldown: 14 sec 14 MP Cost: 54, Damage: 138%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 71%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 12 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 8\nCooldown: 13 sec 15 MP Cost: 54, Damage: 140%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 75%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 12 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 8\nCooldown: 13 sec 16 MP Cost: 62, Damage: 142%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 79%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 13 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 9\nCooldown: 12 sec 17 MP Cost: 62, Damage: 144%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 83%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 13 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 9\nCooldown: 12 sec 18 MP Cost: 62, Damage: 146%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 87%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 14 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 9\nCooldown: 11 sec 19 MP Cost: 62, Damage: 148%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 91%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 14 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 9\nCooldown: 11 sec 20 MP Cost: 62, Damage: 150%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Critical Attacks: 5, Additional Damage Debuff Chance: 95%, Additional Damage Debuff Duration: 15 sec, Amount of Additional Damage: 10\nCooldown: 10 sec
Gust Dive
Description: Uses the power of wind to dive down onto multiple enemies, dealing damage to all of them. Requires 120 or more Jump.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, pushTarget = 1, casterMove = 1, avaliableInJumpingState = 1, requireHighestJump = 1
Delays: dealingRush - 900 ms
Range: 320%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, effect0, special, hit.0
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 30, Damage: 138%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 2 MP Cost: 30, Damage: 141%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 3 MP Cost: 30, Damage: 144%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 4 MP Cost: 30, Damage: 147%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 5 MP Cost: 30, Damage: 150%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 6 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 153%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 7 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 156%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 8 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 159%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 9 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 162%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 10 MP Cost: 35, Damage: 165%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 11 MP Cost: 40, Damage: 168%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 12 MP Cost: 40, Damage: 171%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 13 MP Cost: 40, Damage: 174%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 14 MP Cost: 40, Damage: 177%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 15 MP Cost: 40, Damage: 180%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 16 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 183%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 17 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 186%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 18 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 189%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 19 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 192%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6 20 MP Cost: 45, Damage: 195%, Number of Attacks: 3, Max Enemies Hit: 6
Aerial Barrage
Description: A combo skill used after lifting enemies into the air with Rising Rush. Fly towards airborne enemies, peppering them with swift attacks. In addition, permanently increases the damage caused by Rising Rush.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: demolitionElf - 870 ms
Range: 200%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, hit.0, hit.1
Maximum Level: 15
1 Active Effect: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 106%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 1%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +10% 2 Active Effect: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 107%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 2%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +10% 3 Active Effect: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 108%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 3%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +14% 4 Active Effect: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 109%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 4%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +14% 5 Active Effect: MP Cost: 24, Damage: 110%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 5%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +14% 6 Active Effect: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 111%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 6%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +18% 7 Active Effect: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 112%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 7%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +18% 8 Active Effect: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 113%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 8%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +18% 9 Active Effect: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 114%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 9%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +22% 10 Active Effect: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 115%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 10%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +22% 11 Active Effect: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 116%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 11%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +22% 12 Active Effect: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 117%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 12%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +26% 13 Active Effect: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 118%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 13%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +26% 14 Active Effect: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 119%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 14%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +26% 15 Active Effect: MP Cost: 32, Damage: 120%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6, Instant Death Chance: 15%\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +30%
Ignis Roar
Description: Permanently increases your Avoidability, while borrowing the power of the Fire Spirit to greatly increase your ATT for a fixed period of time.
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Animations: effect, special
Maximum Level: 20
1 Active Effect: MP Cost: 40, ATT: +2, Duration: 47 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +5% 2 Active Effect: MP Cost: 40, ATT: +4, Duration: 54 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +5% 3 Active Effect: MP Cost: 40, ATT: +6, Duration: 61 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +5% 4 Active Effect: MP Cost: 40, ATT: +8, Duration: 68 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +8% 5 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, ATT: +10, Duration: 75 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +8% 6 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, ATT: +12, Duration: 82 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +8% 7 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, ATT: +14, Duration: 89 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +8% 8 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, ATT: +16, Duration: 96 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +11% 9 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, ATT: +18, Duration: 103 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +11% 10 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, ATT: +20, Duration: 110 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +11% 11 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, ATT: +22, Duration: 117 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +11% 12 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, ATT: +24, Duration: 124 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +14% 13 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, ATT: +26, Duration: 131 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +14% 14 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, ATT: +28, Duration: 138 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +14% 15 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, ATT: +30, Duration: 145 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +14% 16 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, ATT: +32, Duration: 152 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +17% 17 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, ATT: +34, Duration: 159 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +17% 18 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, ATT: +36, Duration: 166 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +17% 19 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, ATT: +38, Duration: 173 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +17% 20 Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, ATT: +40, Duration: 180 sec\nPassive Effect: Avoidability: +20%
Water Shield
Description: Borrows the power of the spirits to raise a water barrier around you for a fixed period of time. The barrier absorbs a portion of the damage you receive, and increases resistance against abnormal status and all elemental attacks.
Info: type = 11, condition = damaged
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Animations: repeat, effect, repeat2
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 60, Absorbs 11% damage for 104 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 6%. 2 MP Cost: 60, Absorbs 12% damage for 108 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 7%. 3 MP Cost: 60, Absorbs 13% damage for 112 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 8%. 4 MP Cost: 60, Absorbs 14% damage for 116 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 9%. 5 MP Cost: 70, Absorbs 15% damage for 120 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 10%. 6 MP Cost: 70, Absorbs 16% damage for 124 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 11%. 7 MP Cost: 70, Absorbs 17% damage for 128 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 12%. 8 MP Cost: 70, Absorbs 18% damage for 132 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 13%. 9 MP Cost: 70, Absorbs 19% damage for 136 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 14%. 10 MP Cost: 80, Absorbs 20% damage for 140 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 15%. 11 MP Cost: 80, Absorbs 21% damage for 144 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 16%. 12 MP Cost: 80, Absorbs 22% damage for 148 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 17%. 13 MP Cost: 80, Absorbs 23% damage for 152 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 18%. 14 MP Cost: 80, Absorbs 24% damage for 156 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 19%. 15 MP Cost: 90, Absorbs 25% damage for 160 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 20%. 16 MP Cost: 90, Absorbs 26% damage for 164 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 21%. 17 MP Cost: 90, Absorbs 27% damage for 168 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 22%. 18 MP Cost: 90, Absorbs 28% damage for 172 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 23%. 19 MP Cost: 90, Absorbs 29% damage for 176 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 24%. 20 MP Cost: 100, Absorbs 30% damage for 180 sec and increases resistance to abnormal status and all elemental attacks by 25%.
Elemental Knights
Description: Randomly summons an Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, or Shadow Spirit to aid you in battle.\nIce Spirit: Has a chance to freeze enemies.\nFire Spirit: Deals continuous fire damage to enemies.\nShadow Spirit: Deals increased damage.
Info: type = 33, minionAttack = freeze
Delays: alert2 - 600 ms
Summon Range: attack1 = 301%
Animations: summon.summoned,, summon.stand, summon.attack1, summon.die, hit.0, mob
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 132, 1 random Spirit summoned for 65 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 360%, Freeze Chance: 14%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 360% chance of causing 53% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 397%\nCooldown: 196 sec 2 MP Cost: 132, 1 random Spirit summoned for 70 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 370%, Freeze Chance: 18%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 370% chance of causing 56% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 409%\nCooldown: 192 sec 3 MP Cost: 124, 1 random Spirit summoned for 75 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 380%, Freeze Chance: 22%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 380% chance of causing 59% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 421%\nCooldown: 188 sec 4 MP Cost: 124, 1 random Spirit summoned for 80 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 390%, Freeze Chance: 26%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 390% chance of causing 62% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 433%\nCooldown: 184 sec 5 MP Cost: 116, 1 random Spirit summoned for 85 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 400%, Freeze Chance: 30%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 400% chance of causing 65% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 445%\nCooldown: 180 sec 6 MP Cost: 116, 1 random Spirit summoned for 90 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 410%, Freeze Chance: 34%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 410% chance of causing 68% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 457%\nCooldown: 176 sec 7 MP Cost: 108, 1 random Spirit summoned for 95 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 420%, Freeze Chance: 38%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 420% chance of causing 71% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 469%\nCooldown: 172 sec 8 MP Cost: 108, 1 random Spirit summoned for 100 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 430%, Freeze Chance: 42%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 430% chance of causing 74% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 481%\nCooldown: 168 sec 9 MP Cost: 100, 1 random Spirit summoned for 105 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 440%, Freeze Chance: 46%, Freeze Duration: 3 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 440% chance of causing 77% damage every 1 sec for 3 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 493%\nCooldown: 164 sec 10 MP Cost: 100, 1 random Spirit summoned for 110 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 450%, Freeze Chance: 50%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 450% chance of causing 80% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 505%\nCooldown: 160 sec 11 MP Cost: 92, 1 random Spirit summoned for 115 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 460%, Freeze Chance: 54%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 460% chance of causing 83% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 517%\nCooldown: 156 sec 12 MP Cost: 92, 1 random Spirit summoned for 120 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 470%, Freeze Chance: 58%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 470% chance of causing 86% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 529%\nCooldown: 152 sec 13 MP Cost: 84, 1 random Spirit summoned for 125 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 480%, Freeze Chance: 62%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 480% chance of causing 89% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 541%\nCooldown: 148 sec 14 MP Cost: 84, 1 random Spirit summoned for 130 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 490%, Freeze Chance: 66%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 490% chance of causing 92% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 553%\nCooldown: 144 sec 15 MP Cost: 76, 1 random Spirit summoned for 135 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 500%, Freeze Chance: 70%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 500% chance of causing 95% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 565%\nCooldown: 140 sec 16 MP Cost: 76, 1 random Spirit summoned for 140 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 510%, Freeze Chance: 74%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 510% chance of causing 98% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 577%\nCooldown: 136 sec 17 MP Cost: 68, 1 random Spirit summoned for 145 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 520%, Freeze Chance: 78%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 520% chance of causing 101% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 589%\nCooldown: 132 sec 18 MP Cost: 68, 1 random Spirit summoned for 150 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 530%, Freeze Chance: 82%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 530% chance of causing 104% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 601%\nCooldown: 128 sec 19 MP Cost: 60, 1 random Spirit summoned for 155 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 540%, Freeze Chance: 86%, Freeze Duration: 4 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 540% chance of causing 107% damage every 1 sec for 4 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 613%\nCooldown: 124 sec 20 MP Cost: 60, 1 random Spirit summoned for 160 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 550%, Freeze Chance: 90%, Freeze Duration: 5 sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: 550% chance of causing 110% damage every 1 sec for 5 sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: 625%\nCooldown: 120 sec
Elemental Knights
Description: Randomly summons an Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, or Shadow Spirit to aid you in battle.\nIce Spirit: Has a chance to freeze enemies.\nFire Spirit: Deals continuous fire damage to enemies.\nShadow Spirit: Deals increased damage.
Info: type = 33, minionAttack = dot, dotType = burn
Delays: alert2 - 600 ms
Element: Fire
Summon Range: attack1 = 301%
Animations: summon.summoned,, summon.stand, summon.attack1, summon.die, hit.0, mob
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 65 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 360%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 2 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 70 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 370%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 3 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 75 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 380%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 4 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 80 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 390%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 5 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 85 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 400%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 6 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 90 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 410%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 7 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 95 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 420%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 8 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 100 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 430%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 9 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 105 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 440%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 10 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 110 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 450%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 11 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 115 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 460%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 12 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 120 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 470%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 13 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 125 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 480%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 14 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 130 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 490%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 15 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 135 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 500%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 16 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 140 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 510%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 17 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 145 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 520%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 18 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 150 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 530%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 19 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 155 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 540%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 20 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 160 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 550%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec
Elemental Knights
Description: Randomly summons an Ice Spirit, Fire Spirit, or Shadow Spirit to aid you in battle.\nIce Spirit: Has a chance to freeze enemies.\nFire Spirit: Deals continuous fire damage to enemies.\nShadow Spirit: Deals increased damage.
Info: type = 33, minionAttack = normal
Delays: alert2 - 600 ms
Summon Range: attack1 = 301%
Animations: summon.summoned,, summon.stand, summon.attack1, summon.die, hit.0
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 65 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 397%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 2 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 70 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 409%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 3 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 75 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 421%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 4 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 80 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 433%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 5 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 85 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 445%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 6 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 90 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 457%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 7 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 95 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 469%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 8 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 100 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 481%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 9 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 105 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 493%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 10 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 110 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 505%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 11 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 115 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 517%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 12 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 120 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 529%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 13 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 125 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 541%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 14 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 130 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 553%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 15 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 135 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 565%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 16 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 140 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 577%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 17 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 145 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 589%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 18 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 150 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 601%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 19 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 155 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 613%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec 20 MP Cost: 0, 1 random Spirit summoned for 160 sec.\nIce Spirit - Damage: 625%, Freeze Chance: %, Freeze Duration: sec\nFire Spirit - Damage Over Time: % chance of causing % damage every sec for sec\nShadow Spirit: Damage: %\nCooldown: sec Mercedes (IV)
Ishtar's Ring
Description: Borrows the power of Ishtar, a legendary weapon, to rapidly fire arrows at enemies ahead of you. Hold down the skill key to fire arrows continuously. In addition, damage from Stunning Strikes will be increased permanently.\nRequired Skill: #cStunning Strikes Lv. 20#
Info: type = 2, rapidAttack = 1, knockbackLimit = 80
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Stunning Strikes
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: prepare, keydown, keydownend, ball, hit.0, hit.1
Maximum Level: 30
1 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 81%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +7% 2 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 82%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +7% 3 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 83%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +7% 4 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 84%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +9% 5 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 85%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +9% 6 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 86%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +9% 7 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 87%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +11% 8 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 88%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +11% 9 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 89%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +11% 10 Active Effect: MP Cost: 8, Damage: 90%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +13% 11 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 91%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +13% 12 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 92%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +13% 13 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 93%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +15% 14 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 94%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +15% 15 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 95%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +15% 16 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 96%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +17% 17 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 97%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +17% 18 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 98%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +17% 19 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 99%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +19% 20 Active Effect: MP Cost: 9, Damage: 100%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +19% 21 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 101%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +19% 22 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 102%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +21% 23 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 103%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +21% 24 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 104%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +21% 25 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 105%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +23% 26 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 106%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +23% 27 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 107%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +23% 28 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 108%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +25% 29 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 109%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +25% 30 Active Effect: MP Cost: 10, Damage: 110%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +25% 31 Active Effect: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 111%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +27% 32 Active Effect: MP Cost: 11, Damage: 112%, Number of Attacks: 2\nPassive Effect: Stunning Strikes Damage: +27%
Spikes Royale
Description: Jump into the air while raining down legendary spears that deal damage to multiple enemies. Enemy DEF will decrease, and all attacks will become critical hits. In addition, damage of Leaf Tornado will increase permanently.\nRequired Skill; #cLeaf Tornado Lv. 10#
Info: type = 2, areaAttack = 1, mes = reduceTargetPDP&&reduceTargetMDP
Delays: jShot - 840 ms
Range: 600%
Pre-requisite: Level 10 Leaf Tornado
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, effect0, hit.0, hit.1, hit.2, hit.3, hit.4, mob, tile.0, tile.1, tile.2, tile.3, tile.4, tile0.0, tile0.1, tile0.2
Maximum Level: 20
1 Active Effect: MP Cost: 40. Critical Attack - Damage: 458%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --1%, Duration: 5 sec\nCooldown: 10 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +11% 2 Active Effect: MP Cost: 40. Critical Attack - Damage: 464%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --2%, Duration: 6 sec\nCooldown: 10 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +12% 3 Active Effect: MP Cost: 40. Critical Attack - Damage: 470%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --3%, Duration: 6 sec\nCooldown: 10 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +13% 4 Active Effect: MP Cost: 40. Critical Attack - Damage: 476%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --4%, Duration: 7 sec\nCooldown: 9 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +14% 5 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45. Critical Attack - Damage: 482%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --5%, Duration: 7 sec\nCooldown: 9 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +15% 6 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45. Critical Attack - Damage: 488%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --6%, Duration: 8 sec\nCooldown: 9 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +16% 7 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45. Critical Attack - Damage: 494%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --7%, Duration: 8 sec\nCooldown: 9 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +17% 8 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45. Critical Attack - Damage: 500%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --8%, Duration: 9 sec\nCooldown: 8 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +18% 9 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45. Critical Attack - Damage: 506%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --9%, Duration: 9 sec\nCooldown: 8 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +19% 10 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50. Critical Attack - Damage: 512%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --10%, Duration: 10 sec\nCooldown: 8 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +20% 11 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50. Critical Attack - Damage: 518%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --11%, Duration: 10 sec\nCooldown: 8 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +21% 12 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50. Critical Attack - Damage: 524%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --12%, Duration: 11 sec\nCooldown: 7 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +22% 13 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50. Critical Attack - Damage: 530%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --13%, Duration: 11 sec\nCooldown: 7 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +23% 14 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50. Critical Attack - Damage: 536%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --14%, Duration: 12 sec\nCooldown: 7 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +24% 15 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55. Critical Attack - Damage: 542%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --15%, Duration: 12 sec\nCooldown: 7 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +25% 16 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55. Critical Attack - Damage: 548%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --16%, Duration: 13 sec\nCooldown: 6 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +26% 17 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55. Critical Attack - Damage: 554%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --17%, Duration: 13 sec\nCooldown: 6 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +27% 18 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55. Critical Attack - Damage: 560%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --18%, Duration: 14 sec\nCooldown: 6 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +28% 19 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55. Critical Attack - Damage: 566%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --19%, Duration: 14 sec\nCooldown: 6 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +29% 20 Active Effect: MP Cost: 60. Critical Attack - Damage: 572%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --20%, Duration: 15 sec\nCooldown: 5 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +30% 21 Active Effect: MP Cost: 60. Critical Attack - Damage: 578%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --21%, Duration: 15 sec\nCooldown: 5 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +31% 22 Active Effect: MP Cost: 60. Critical Attack - Damage: 584%, Max Enemies Hit: 12, Number of Attacks: 2. Enemy DEF: --22%, Duration: 16 sec\nCooldown: 5 sec\nPassive Effect: Leaf Tornado Damage: +32%
Lightning Edge
Description: Dash forward while attacking multiple enemies in your path.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1, casterMove = 1
Delays: edgeSpiral - 1080 ms
Range: 500%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, hit.0, hit.1, hit.2, hit.3, hit.4
Maximum Level: 30
1 MP Cost: 54. While moving forward - Damage: 290%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 10 sec 2 MP Cost: 54. While moving forward - Damage: 295%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 10 sec 3 MP Cost: 54. While moving forward - Damage: 300%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 10 sec 4 MP Cost: 54. While moving forward - Damage: 305%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 10 sec 5 MP Cost: 54. While moving forward - Damage: 310%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 10 sec 6 MP Cost: 58. While moving forward - Damage: 315%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 9 sec 7 MP Cost: 58. While moving forward - Damage: 320%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 9 sec 8 MP Cost: 58. While moving forward - Damage: 325%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 9 sec 9 MP Cost: 58. While moving forward - Damage: 330%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 9 sec 10 MP Cost: 58. While moving forward - Damage: 335%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 9 sec 11 MP Cost: 62. While moving forward - Damage: 340%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 9 sec 12 MP Cost: 62. While moving forward - Damage: 345%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 8 sec 13 MP Cost: 62. While moving forward - Damage: 350%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 8 sec 14 MP Cost: 62. While moving forward - Damage: 355%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 8 sec 15 MP Cost: 62. While moving forward - Damage: 360%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 8 sec 16 MP Cost: 66. While moving forward - Damage: 365%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 8 sec 17 MP Cost: 66. While moving forward - Damage: 370%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 8 sec 18 MP Cost: 66. While moving forward - Damage: 375%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 7 sec 19 MP Cost: 66. While moving forward - Damage: 380%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 7 sec 20 MP Cost: 66. While moving forward - Damage: 385%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 7 sec 21 MP Cost: 70. While moving forward - Damage: 390%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 7 sec 22 MP Cost: 70. While moving forward - Damage: 395%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 7 sec 23 MP Cost: 70. While moving forward - Damage: 400%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 7 sec 24 MP Cost: 70. While moving forward - Damage: 405%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 6 sec 25 MP Cost: 70. While moving forward - Damage: 410%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 6 sec 26 MP Cost: 74. While moving forward - Damage: 415%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 6 sec 27 MP Cost: 74. While moving forward - Damage: 420%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 6 sec 28 MP Cost: 74. While moving forward - Damage: 425%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 6 sec 29 MP Cost: 74. While moving forward - Damage: 430%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 6 sec 30 MP Cost: 74. While moving forward - Damage: 435%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 5 sec 31 MP Cost: 78. While moving forward - Damage: 440%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 5 sec 32 MP Cost: 78. While moving forward - Damage: 445%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 3\nCooldown: 5 sec
Rolling Moonsault
Description: A combo skill used after lifting enemies into the air using Rising Rush. Spin enemies in the air while attacking them. In addition, the damage caused by Rising Rush will be permanently increased.
Info: type = 1, areaAttack = 1
Delays: rollingElf - 810 ms
Range: 200%
Final Attack: Dual Bow
Animations: effect, effect0, hit.0, hit.1, hit.2
Maximum Level: 20
1 Active Effect: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 152%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +12% 2 Active Effect: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 154%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +14% 3 Active Effect: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 156%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +16% 4 Active Effect: MP Cost: 54, Damage: 158%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +18% 5 Active Effect: MP Cost: 58, Damage: 160%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +20% 6 Active Effect: MP Cost: 58, Damage: 162%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +22% 7 Active Effect: MP Cost: 58, Damage: 164%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +24% 8 Active Effect: MP Cost: 58, Damage: 166%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +26% 9 Active Effect: MP Cost: 62, Damage: 168%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +28% 10 Active Effect: MP Cost: 62, Damage: 170%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +30% 11 Active Effect: MP Cost: 62, Damage: 172%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +32% 12 Active Effect: MP Cost: 62, Damage: 174%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +34% 13 Active Effect: MP Cost: 66, Damage: 176%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +36% 14 Active Effect: MP Cost: 66, Damage: 178%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +38% 15 Active Effect: MP Cost: 66, Damage: 180%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +40% 16 Active Effect: MP Cost: 66, Damage: 182%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +42% 17 Active Effect: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 184%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +44% 18 Active Effect: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 186%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +46% 19 Active Effect: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 188%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +48% 20 Active Effect: MP Cost: 70, Damage: 190%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +50% 21 Active Effect: MP Cost: 74, Damage: 192%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +52% 22 Active Effect: MP Cost: 74, Damage: 194%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 6\nPassive Effect: Rising Rush Damage: +54%
Ancient Warding
Description: For a fixed period of time, receive the Ancient Spirit's protection, which increases your damage and HP. In addition, the chance of Avoidability for Ignis Roar will be increased permanently.\nRequired Skill: #cIgnis Roar Lv. 5#
Info: type = 10, magicSteal = 1
Delays: blessOfGaia - 1260 ms
Pre-requisite: Level 5 Ignis Roar
Animations: effect, effect0, special
Maximum Level: 30
1 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, Damage: +1%, HP: +50, Duration: 65\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +6% 2 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, Damage: +2%, HP: +100, Duration: 70\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +6% 3 Active Effect: MP Cost: 45, Damage: +3%, HP: +150, Duration: 75\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +7% 4 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, Damage: +4%, HP: +200, Duration: 80\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +7% 5 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, Damage: +5%, HP: +250, Duration: 85\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +8% 6 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, Damage: +6%, HP: +300, Duration: 90\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +8% 7 Active Effect: MP Cost: 50, Damage: +7%, HP: +350, Duration: 95\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +9% 8 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, Damage: +8%, HP: +400, Duration: 100\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +9% 9 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, Damage: +9%, HP: +450, Duration: 105\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +10% 10 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, Damage: +10%, HP: +500, Duration: 110\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +10% 11 Active Effect: MP Cost: 55, Damage: +11%, HP: +550, Duration: 115\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +11% 12 Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, Damage: +12%, HP: +600, Duration: 120\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +11% 13 Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, Damage: +13%, HP: +650, Duration: 125\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +12% 14 Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, Damage: +14%, HP: +700, Duration: 130\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +12% 15 Active Effect: MP Cost: 60, Damage: +15%, HP: +750, Duration: 135\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +13% 16 Active Effect: MP Cost: 65, Damage: +16%, HP: +800, Duration: 140\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +13% 17 Active Effect: MP Cost: 65, Damage: +17%, HP: +850, Duration: 145\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +14% 18 Active Effect: MP Cost: 65, Damage: +18%, HP: +900, Duration: 150\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +14% 19 Active Effect: MP Cost: 65, Damage: +19%, HP: +950, Duration: 155\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +15% 20 Active Effect: MP Cost: 70, Damage: +20%, HP: +1000, Duration: 160\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +15% 21 Active Effect: MP Cost: 70, Damage: +21%, HP: +1050, Duration: 165\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +16% 22 Active Effect: MP Cost: 70, Damage: +22%, HP: +1100, Duration: 170\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +16% 23 Active Effect: MP Cost: 70, Damage: +23%, HP: +1150, Duration: 175\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +17% 24 Active Effect: MP Cost: 75, Damage: +24%, HP: +1200, Duration: 180\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +17% 25 Active Effect: MP Cost: 75, Damage: +25%, HP: +1250, Duration: 185\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +18% 26 Active Effect: MP Cost: 75, Damage: +26%, HP: +1300, Duration: 190\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +18% 27 Active Effect: MP Cost: 75, Damage: +27%, HP: +1350, Duration: 195\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +19% 28 Active Effect: MP Cost: 80, Damage: +28%, HP: +1400, Duration: 200\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +19% 29 Active Effect: MP Cost: 80, Damage: +29%, HP: +1450, Duration: 205\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +20% 30 Active Effect: MP Cost: 80, Damage: +30%, HP: +1500, Duration: 210\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +20% 31 Active Effect: MP Cost: 80, Damage: +31%, HP: +1550, Duration: 215\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +21% 32 Active Effect: MP Cost: 85, Damage: +32%, HP: +1600, Duration: 220\nPassive Effect: Ignis Roar's Avoidability Chance: +21%
Dual Bowguns Expert
Description: Increases Dual Bowguns Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Minimum Critical Damage.\nRequired Skill: #cDual Bowguns Mastery Lv. 20#
Info: type = 50
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Dual Bowguns Mastery
Maximum Level: 30
1 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +1, Minimum Critical Damage: +1% 2 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +56%, Weapon ATT: +2, Minimum Critical Damage: +1% 3 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +57%, Weapon ATT: +3, Minimum Critical Damage: +2% 4 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +57%, Weapon ATT: +4, Minimum Critical Damage: +2% 5 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +58%, Weapon ATT: +5, Minimum Critical Damage: +3% 6 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +58%, Weapon ATT: +6, Minimum Critical Damage: +3% 7 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +59%, Weapon ATT: +7, Minimum Critical Damage: +4% 8 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +59%, Weapon ATT: +8, Minimum Critical Damage: +4% 9 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +60%, Weapon ATT: +9, Minimum Critical Damage: +5% 10 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +60%, Weapon ATT: +10, Minimum Critical Damage: +5% 11 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +61%, Weapon ATT: +11, Minimum Critical Damage: +6% 12 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +61%, Weapon ATT: +12, Minimum Critical Damage: +6% 13 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +62%, Weapon ATT: +13, Minimum Critical Damage: +7% 14 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +62%, Weapon ATT: +14, Minimum Critical Damage: +7% 15 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +63%, Weapon ATT: +15, Minimum Critical Damage: +8% 16 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +63%, Weapon ATT: +16, Minimum Critical Damage: +8% 17 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +64%, Weapon ATT: +17, Minimum Critical Damage: +9% 18 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +64%, Weapon ATT: +18, Minimum Critical Damage: +9% 19 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +65%, Weapon ATT: +19, Minimum Critical Damage: +10% 20 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +65%, Weapon ATT: +20, Minimum Critical Damage: +10% 21 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +66%, Weapon ATT: +21, Minimum Critical Damage: +11% 22 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +66%, Weapon ATT: +22, Minimum Critical Damage: +11% 23 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +67%, Weapon ATT: +23, Minimum Critical Damage: +12% 24 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +67%, Weapon ATT: +24, Minimum Critical Damage: +12% 25 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +68%, Weapon ATT: +25, Minimum Critical Damage: +13% 26 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +68%, Weapon ATT: +26, Minimum Critical Damage: +13% 27 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +69%, Weapon ATT: +27, Minimum Critical Damage: +14% 28 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +69%, Weapon ATT: +28, Minimum Critical Damage: +14% 29 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +29, Minimum Critical Damage: +15% 30 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +70%, Weapon ATT: +30, Minimum Critical Damage: +15% 31 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +71%, Weapon ATT: +31, Minimum Critical Damage: +16% 32 Dual Bowguns Mastery: +71%, Weapon ATT: +32, Minimum Critical Damage: +16%
Defense Break
Description: Grants a chance to ignore all enemy DEF. Applies to Boss Monsters as well.
Info: type = 50
Maximum Level: 20
1 2% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 2 4% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 3 6% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 4 8% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 5 10% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 6 12% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 7 14% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 8 16% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 9 18% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 10 20% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 11 22% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 12 24% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 13 26% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 14 28% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 15 30% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 16 32% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 17 34% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 18 36% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 19 38% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 20 40% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 21 42% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF 22 44% chance of ignoring all enemy DEF
Advanced Final Attack
Description: Permanently increases ATT and Accuracy. Greatly increases the damage and activation rate of your Final Attack.\nRequired Skill: #cFinal Attack Lv. 20#
Info: type = 53, finalAttack = 1, condition = attack
Range: 400%
Pre-requisite: Level 20 Final Attack: Dual Bowguns
Animations: hit.0
Maximum Level: 30
1 Permanently increases ATT by 6 and Accuracy by 1%. Upon attacking, has 41% chance of activating 76% damage Final Attack 2 times. 2 Permanently increases ATT by 6 and Accuracy by 1%. Upon attacking, has 42% chance of activating 77% damage Final Attack 2 times. 3 Permanently increases ATT by 7 and Accuracy by 1%. Upon attacking, has 43% chance of activating 78% damage Final Attack 2 times. 4 Permanently increases ATT by 7 and Accuracy by 2%. Upon attacking, has 44% chance of activating 79% damage Final Attack 2 times. 5 Permanently increases ATT by 8 and Accuracy by 2%. Upon attacking, has 45% chance of activating 80% damage Final Attack 2 times. 6 Permanently increases ATT by 8 and Accuracy by 2%. Upon attacking, has 46% chance of activating 81% damage Final Attack 2 times. 7 Permanently increases ATT by 9 and Accuracy by 3%. Upon attacking, has 47% chance of activating 82% damage Final Attack 2 times. 8 Permanently increases ATT by 9 and Accuracy by 3%. Upon attacking, has 48% chance of activating 83% damage Final Attack 2 times. 9 Permanently increases ATT by 10 and Accuracy by 3%. Upon attacking, has 49% chance of activating 84% damage Final Attack 2 times. 10 Permanently increases ATT by 10 and Accuracy by 4%. Upon attacking, has 50% chance of activating 85% damage Final Attack 2 times. 11 Permanently increases ATT by 11 and Accuracy by 4%. Upon attacking, has 51% chance of activating 86% damage Final Attack 2 times. 12 Permanently increases ATT by 11 and Accuracy by 4%. Upon attacking, has 52% chance of activating 87% damage Final Attack 2 times. 13 Permanently increases ATT by 12 and Accuracy by 5%. Upon attacking, has 53% chance of activating 88% damage Final Attack 2 times. 14 Permanently increases ATT by 12 and Accuracy by 5%. Upon attacking, has 54% chance of activating 89% damage Final Attack 2 times. 15 Permanently increases ATT by 13 and Accuracy by 5%. Upon attacking, has 55% chance of activating 90% damage Final Attack 2 times. 16 Permanently increases ATT by 13 and Accuracy by 6%. Upon attacking, has 56% chance of activating 91% damage Final Attack 2 times. 17 Permanently increases ATT by 14 and Accuracy by 6%. Upon attacking, has 57% chance of activating 92% damage Final Attack 2 times. 18 Permanently increases ATT by 14 and Accuracy by 6%. Upon attacking, has 58% chance of activating 93% damage Final Attack 2 times. 19 Permanently increases ATT by 15 and Accuracy by 7%. Upon attacking, has 59% chance of activating 94% damage Final Attack 2 times. 20 Permanently increases ATT by 15 and Accuracy by 7%. Upon attacking, has 60% chance of activating 95% damage Final Attack 2 times. 21 Permanently increases ATT by 16 and Accuracy by 7%. Upon attacking, has 61% chance of activating 96% damage Final Attack 2 times. 22 Permanently increases ATT by 16 and Accuracy by 8%. Upon attacking, has 62% chance of activating 97% damage Final Attack 2 times. 23 Permanently increases ATT by 17 and Accuracy by 8%. Upon attacking, has 63% chance of activating 98% damage Final Attack 2 times. 24 Permanently increases ATT by 17 and Accuracy by 8%. Upon attacking, has 64% chance of activating 99% damage Final Attack 2 times. 25 Permanently increases ATT by 18 and Accuracy by 9%. Upon attacking, has 65% chance of activating 100% damage Final Attack 2 times. 26 Permanently increases ATT by 18 and Accuracy by 9%. Upon attacking, has 66% chance of activating 101% damage Final Attack 2 times. 27 Permanently increases ATT by 19 and Accuracy by 9%. Upon attacking, has 67% chance of activating 102% damage Final Attack 2 times. 28 Permanently increases ATT by 19 and Accuracy by 10%. Upon attacking, has 68% chance of activating 103% damage Final Attack 2 times. 29 Permanently increases ATT by 20 and Accuracy by 10%. Upon attacking, has 69% chance of activating 104% damage Final Attack 2 times. 30 Permanently increases ATT by 20 and Accuracy by 10%. Upon attacking, has 70% chance of activating 105% damage Final Attack 2 times. 31 Permanently increases ATT by 21 and Accuracy by 11%. Upon attacking, has 71% chance of activating 106% damage Final Attack 2 times. 32 Permanently increases ATT by 21 and Accuracy by 11%. Upon attacking, has 72% chance of activating 107% damage Final Attack 2 times.
Maple Warrior
Description: Increases the stats of all party members.
Info: type = 10, massSpell = 1, magicSteal = 1
Delays: alert3 - 1500 ms
Range: 400%
Animations: effect, affected
Maximum Level: 30
1 MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec 2 MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 60 sec 3 MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +2%, Duration: 90 sec 4 MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +2%, Duration: 120 sec 5 MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +3%, Duration: 150 sec 6 MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +3%, Duration: 180 sec 7 MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +4%, Duration: 210 sec 8 MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +4%, Duration: 240 sec 9 MP Cost: 20, All Stats: +5%, Duration: 270 sec 10 MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +5%, Duration: 300 sec 11 MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +6%, Duration: 330 sec 12 MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +6%, Duration: 360 sec 13 MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +7%, Duration: 390 sec 14 MP Cost: 30, All Stats: +7%, Duration: 420 sec 15 MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +8%, Duration: 450 sec 16 MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +8%, Duration: 480 sec 17 MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +9%, Duration: 510 sec 18 MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +9%, Duration: 540 sec 19 MP Cost: 40, All Stats: +10%, Duration: 570 sec 20 MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +10%, Duration: 600 sec 21 MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +11%, Duration: 630 sec 22 MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +11%, Duration: 660 sec 23 MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +12%, Duration: 690 sec 24 MP Cost: 50, All Stats: +12%, Duration: 720 sec 25 MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +13%, Duration: 750 sec 26 MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +13%, Duration: 780 sec 27 MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +14%, Duration: 810 sec 28 MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +14%, Duration: 840 sec 29 MP Cost: 60, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 870 sec 30 MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec 31 MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +16%, Duration: 930 sec 32 MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +16%, Duration: 960 sec
Hero's Will
Description: By focusing your mind, you can ignore some abnormal status effects. However, this will not work on all abnormal status effects.
Info: type = 35
Animations: effect
Maximum Level: 5
1 MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 sec 2 MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 540 sec 3 MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 480 sec 4 MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 420 sec 5 MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 sec 6 MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 300 sec 7 MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 240 sec