Yeah, that's my brother.
EDIT: She said yes.!5795066/claptrap...l-for-you-tora
Yeah, that's my brother.
EDIT: She said yes.
Last edited by Fiel; 2011-04-23 at 11:03 PM.
That's incredib(ly awesom)e. Congrats to them. :)
Is it really your brother?
Also you get points if you know who is voicing the "Director"
Here Fiel, reddit is talking about your brother~
I think a lot of redditors turn off their adblock to help reddit gain more revenue, but maybe they're only turning it off specifically for that site.
Anyways, that is definitely a really imaginative way to propose. Congratulations to your brother and his future wife, Fiel.
You know it's a good developer when they spend time just to do something like this.
Clap-Trap makes EVERYTHING better!
I know he has an SP account. I think he has a reddit account. I'll talk to him about it.
Wow, awesomeness.
Congrats to your brother and his new wifey to be.