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  1. Default [Ascension] [Adventurers] Magicians


    F/P Wizard
    F/P Mage
    F/P Archmage
    I/L Wizard
    I/L Mage
    I/L Archmage
    Last edited by Fiel; 2011-09-24 at 02:46 AM.

  2. Default

    what does elemental weaken do ?

  3. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    You mean this?

    It's Element Reset, like for Blaze Wizards. F/Ps and I/Ls got it in Big Bang..

  4. Default

    uhm this

    엘리멘탈 위큰(elemental weaken)
    Maximum Level: 1

  5. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    Oh, my bad. Didn't see that.

  6. Default

    That might be a PvP skill.

  7. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?


    Edit: Ok my bad, it seems it is indeed the PvP Skill but with no description

  8. Default

    There is a description. The description is: 공격 시 일정확률로 대상을 마법공격에 취약한 상태로 만든다. 취약 상태가 된 대상을 마법스킬로 공격하면 더 많은 피해를 줄 수 있다.

    Level 1: 공격 시 15% 확률로 대상을 5초간 마법공격에 취약한 상태로 만듬. 대상에게 마법 스킬 사용 시 데미지 20% 증폭

  9. Default

    It's really a PvP skill.

  10. ☮♫♥ Gay Male
    IGN: FrozNlite
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: F/P ArchMage
    Guild: Brazzers
    Alliance: Heroes


    My apologies for a potentially stupid question, but I'm trying to understand Arcane Aim with Ascension hitting GMS next week.

    I'll just use max level figures for the questions.

    First off, the 20% Ignore Enemy Def - is that WHENEVER attacking a monster, or only after landing 3+ successive hits? Also, is this essentially useless for Magicians since it's Def, or does "Def" in this case refer to both physical and magical defense?

    More importantly, the damage stacking - how exactly does that work? There's a 50% chance that after 3 hits my damage will increase by 8%? As in hits 4+ each carry a 50% chance of increasing damage by 8%, with a stack factor of 5? Meaning I'll be doing an extra 40% damage on the 9+ successive hits provided (1) they're successive, and (2) the 50% worked successfully each time?

    Thanks for the help!

    IGN: Overburnd
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 210
    Job: Cannoneer
    Guild: Contagious


    1) Near certain def ignore is passive.
    2) EACH HIT activates it. You could have 5 casts after 2 attacks if you're lucky.

  12. Won't Be Coming Back Male

    IGN: Biades4hire
    Server: Windia
    Level: 19x
    Job: Dual Blade


    The def ignore is a passive boost that always applies.
    The def ignore works for magic def too
    Yes, after you stack arcane aim's effect 5 times, all damage on the mob will be +40%, until a different mob is attacked, or the skill is dispelled.

  13. Default

    High Wisdom looks hot.

  14. Lazy Mathematician Female
    IGN: MsJudith
    Server: Windia
    Level: 130
    Job: aran
    Guild: n/a
    Alliance: n/a


    Invincible now reduces magic damage too? 0.o

  15. Default


  16. Default

    How does high wisdom work? Does it add to base or as +stat?

  17. Default

    If I'm not wrong and it works just like physical training it'll be as +stat.

  18. Default

    If I'm not wrong and it works just like physical training it'll be as +stat.

  19. Proton

    IGN: ScottyxD
    Server: Scania
    Level: 193
    Job: Bishop
    Guild: Synergy
    Alliance: Sovergy


    Magic Booster has the wrong icon.

  20. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: Dailom
    Server: Windia
    Level: 188
    Job: Wild Hunter
    Guild: Caelia
    Alliance: HighOrder


    It may be a bit late for me to be answering your question, but that skill is a passive PvP skill that occasionally causes one of the mage's spells to debuff another player he or she attacks. When the other player is under the effects of the debuff, it causes the symbol in the skill's icon to appear over his or her head, and all spells used on that player will deal more damage than normal. Exactly how much more damage is dealt, I am unsure, but I believe it was something like +40% or +50% damage.


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