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  1. Default [New] Friend Codes list! Prepare for B&W 2!

    This way we don't have to use Mute's cruddy old thread.

    Friend Codes / Versions
    ForumIDCharacter NameFriendCodeTimeZoneVersion
    DerosisBang0175 0590 1802CentralWhite
    InfectionJohn3395 9011 5626MountainBlack [JP]
    ---Jiggy3954 6299 4025CentralBlack
    DredragonAndre3181 5356 4889EasternWhite
    HurrycaneXDaan3095 6273 4005GMT+1White
    TikeyAllen0647 5091 8077 PSTWhite
    Secun Secun 5243 1237 5887 CST White
    Sarah Sarah 3997 6386 5829 EST White
    Kojo Kojo 4985 4254 6563 PST White
    Peter Peter 3611 0379 2055 EST Black
    Jon Jon 2322 5575 2859 EST White
    Piggy 2.0 Myles 2236 6428 1733 CST White
    CommanderJinn Black 3825 7821 8417 ? Black
    Kurtle Kurt 5028 3793 3342 EST White
    WingZeroBrewer 0905 2131 3864 ESTWhite
    DoctorShanks Brandon 0862 2560 1930 EST Black
    JPTheMonkey John 1506 5110 5458 CST Black
    BBD Jag 1721 2800 8038 EST Black
    greytastic Jess 1205 8835 8651 CST Black
    Daku Ceddy 1033 6734 3652 EST White
    Nalek Nalek 2236 6727 8625 EST Black
    Loose Link 4470 0851 8811 MST White
    HighOnMushrooms Black 2966 7891 3838 EST White
    JPTheMonkey JohnW 5028 4394 8252 CST White
    TKWizard Dennis 1248 8595 9285 EDT White
    modular Jisk 5071 3546 1566 MST black
    Jackie Jackie 4169 4524 5097 GMT+8 White
    Locked Danny 3611 1055 5302 EST White
    Kunagisa Phorni 1592 4806 7246 EST White
    z0mgc00k13 Cookie 1162 9119 6522 PST White
    Ryanide Davis 4126 5123 2039 GMT+8 White
    Infection John 5071 4123 4222 Mountain Black (EN)

    PGL - WIP
    Forum ID PGL Name IGN FC
    Tigeon wildlion Zail 2795 0091 7752
    modular insanemaniac Jisk 5071 3546 1566
    Razmos Ayrtonius Matt 4598 9678 2349

    The Dream World: Brief Information Thread:
    Last edited by Derosis; 2011-04-17 at 02:48 PM.

  2. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    Use a table format pl0x. And leave your tildes at home. Also, include version.


  3. Default

    Include Eastern/Western Time too.. so ppl know where others hail from.

  4. Default


  5. Default

    Dredragon Andre 318153564889 Eastern White

  6. Default

    Yep yep. :3
    I was using teh letter L instead of the line I didn't know was there. xD

  7. Default

    GG :P

  8. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    "To obtain your friend code please log on to the Nintendo WFC"

    okay what?

  9. Default

    You need to actually connect with a Wi-Fi point before you can get a Friend Code.

  10. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    Oh okay.
    Well did that (thank you useless c-gear thing)

  11. Default

    Give all the information.

  12. Default

    Character name is Daan, Friend Code is in sig, version is White. Timezone is CET/GMT+1 (aka Europe).

  13. Default

    Character name - Allen
    Timezone - Pacific
    Version - White
    FC - 0647 5091 8077

  14. the Immutable Neuter
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 25
    Job: Sailor
    Guild: USN
    Alliance: VAQ-141 Shadowhawks


    Timezone, version, and player name?

    Eastern, White, and Tobias respectively.



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