Name Level Exp HP PD/MDRate Elements Sma Gingerman 1 1 10 25 Scientist Who Could Be Abducted 1 2,400 930 Snail 1 3 15 10 Tutorial Tino 1 3 15 10 Scientist Who Could Be Abducted 1 2,400 1,050 Grii Gingerman 1 1 10 25 Alien That Appeared 1 1 5 Wise Alien Soldier 1 129 4,000 Scientist Abductor Alien 1 161 7,000 Unidentified Dexterous Alien 1 123 3,200 Powerful Alien Soldier 1 162 7,000 Sma Gingerman 1 1 30 25 Golden Slime 1 3 15 10 Snow Blower 1 20 1 Golden Pig 1 17 15 10 Tutorial Muru 1 3 15 10 Tino 1 3 15 10 Grii Gingerman 1 1 10 25 Unidentified Lucky Alien 1 9 5,000 Unidentified Powerful Alien 1 11 7,000 Tutorial Jr. Sentinel 1 3 15 10 Monster Book Test 1 33 15 10 Muru 1 3 15 10 Unidentified Wise Alien 1 12 4,000 Lucky Alien Scientist Abductor 1 158 5,000 Wise Alien Scientist Abductor 1 143 4,000 Lucky Alien Soldier 1 143 5,000 Bob 2 7 777 Zoo Snail 2 7 777 Spore 2 4 20 10 Blue Snail 2 4 20 10 Murupa 3 5 25 10 Tiv 3 5 25 10 Shroom 3 5 25 10 Red Snail 4 6 35 10 Stump 4 6 35 10 Fire weak Murupia 5 8 50 10 Red Snail 5 8 50 10 Black Cat 5 10 500 Potted Sprout 5 8 50 10 Fire strong Timu 5 8 50 10 Frog 5 10 500 Stirge 6 10 65 10 Orange Mushroom 6 10 65 10 Potted Morning Glory 6 10 65 10 Poison weak, Fire strong Slime 6 10 65 10 Lightning weak Slime (PC) 6 10 65 10 Lightning weak Target Slime 6 10 65 10 Lightning weak Turkey 6 11 50 Lightning weak Zoo Pig 7 10 10,000 25 Tiru 7 12 80 10 Treacherous Fox 7 12 80 10 Green Mushroom 7 12 80 5 Poison immune Jr. Boogie 1 7 12 80 10 Murumuru 7 12 80 10 Strange Pig 7 15 75 Target Pig 7 12 80 10 Pig 7 12 80 10 Slime 7 12 80 10 Lightning weak Jr. Boogie 2 7 12 80 10 Grape Juice Bottle 8 15 110 10 Dejected Green Mushroom 8 13 95 10 Poison immune Totem2 8 10 500 Totem1 8 10 500 Frog 8 13 95 10 Jr. MV 8 10 2,000 Octopus 8 13 95 10 Lightning weak Orange Mushroom 8 13 95 10 Stump 8 13 95 10 Fire weak MV Minion 8 50 2,000 Target Orange Mushroom 8 13 95 10 Cynical Orange Mushroom 8 13 95 10 Strange Orange Mushroom 8 15 80 Flyeye 8 13 95 10 Murukun 9 15 110 10 Tiguru 9 15 110 10 Sky Mushroom of the Maze V 10 1 3 10 Skel Guard Dog 10 50 1,200 Holy weak Transforming Yellow Snail of the Maze 10 1 10 Bubbling 10 17 125 10 Sky Mushroom of the Maze III 10 1 3 10 Mutae of the Maze 10 1 10 Muscle Stone Minion 10 300 20,000 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong Mano 10 180 1,250 20 Jack-o-Lantern 10 17 125 10 Red Ribbon Pig of the Maze 10 1 10 Kid Snowman 10 20 3 25 Candle Mob (2nd) 10 17 125 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Ribbon Pig 10 17 125 10 Unidentified Alien 10 45 15,000 Little Snowman 10 16 10 Purple Ribbon Pig of the Maze 10 1 10 Sky Mushroom of the Maze II 10 1 3 10 Sky Mushroom of the Maze IV 10 1 3 10 Pig of the Maze 10 1 10 Unidentified Alien 10 50 20,000 Angry Guard Dog 10 70 1,600 Bain Minion 10 250 45,000 Fire strong, Ice weak Unidentified Alien 10 45 5,000 Jr. Balrog Minion 10 1,000 50,000 Poison immune, Holy weak Sky Mushroom of the Maze I 10 1 3 10 Strange Ribbon Pig 10 20 120 Item Killer 10 20 120 짓궂은 주황버섯 10 10 125 10 Strange Dark Stump 10 18 250 Fire weak Unidentified Alien 10 45 10,000 Zoo Ribbon Pig 10 10 10,000 25 Gaga 10 10 10 25 Toy Clown 10 17 125 10 MV 10 1,000 400,000 Unidentified Alien 10 40 8,000 Dark Stump 10 17 125 10 Fire weak Blue Mushroom 10 17 125 10 Malady 10 100 1,000 10 Holy weak Coke Snail 10 17 125 10 Kid Snowman 10 20 3,000 25 Pigmy that lays Golden Eggs 10 1 10 25 Blue Ribbon Pig of the Maze 10 1 10 Golden Pig 10 17 125 10 Sand Rabbit of the Maze 10 1 10 Black Magician's Disciple 10 17 125 10 Training Robot A 10 17 125 10 Poison strong New Year's Party Pouch 10 10,000 24,000,000 Rash of the Maze 10 1 10 Mummy Guard Dog 10 60 1,400 Holy weak Green Ribbon Pig of the Maze 10 1 10 짓궂은 리본돼지 10 17 125 10 Dark Stump (PC) 10 17 125 10 Fire weak Sky Mushroom of the Maze VI 10 1 160 10 Poison weak Crimson Balrog Minion 10 2,500 100,000 Poison immune, Holy weak Training Robot B 11 19 150 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Stirge 11 19 150 5 Goblin Fire 11 19 150 10 Crying Blue Mushroom 11 19 150 10 Strange Pig 11 19 150 5 Axe Stump 12 25 175 20 Training Robot C 12 21 525 20 Octopus 12 21 175 10 Lightning weak Trainee Spore 12 21 175 10 Blue Ribbon Pig 13 23 200 10 Delinquent Rudolph 13 23 200 10 Fairy 13 27 200 20 Training Robot O 13 22 180 10 Jr. Wraith 13 23 200 10 Holy weak, Fire weak, Dark strong Horny Mushroom 13 23 200 10 Dark Axe Stump 14 28 225 20 Fire weak Patrol Robot 14 24 225 10 Holy strong, Dark weak White Rooster 15 26 250 10 Anniversary Cake 15 30 250 Plateon 15 26 250 10 Wraith 15 26 250 10 Holy weak, Dark strong NooNoo 15 1,500 500,000 A Parasite 15 25 200 Rideword P 15 26 250 10 Maple Bday Cake 15 26 250 10 Ghost 15 26 250 10 Mushmom 15 280 2,500 25 Space Mateon 15 5 200,000 25 Red Boogie 15 26 250 10 Fire weak, Poison strong Strange Green Mushroom 15 26 250 Poison immune Cake Monster 15 30 250 Wild Monkey 15 26 250 10 Green Mushroom (PC) 15 26 250 10 Poison immune Green Mushroom 15 26 250 10 Poison immune Barnard Gray 15 26 250 10 Lightning weak Rideword B 15 26 250 10 Zeta Gray 15 26 250 10 Lightning weak Chief Gray 15 26 250 10 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Zombie Mushroom 15 26 250 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Bubbling 15 26 250 10 Royal Fairy 15 31 250 20 Mateon 15 26 250 10 Ultra Gray 15 26 250 10 Lightning strong Rideword Y 15 26 250 10 Coke Slime 15 26 250 10 Mecateon 15 26 250 10 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Green Phantom 16 28 275 10 Strange Sign 16 28 275 10 Ghost Stump 16 33 275 20 Annoyed Zombie Mushroom 16 28 275 5 Holy weak, Dark strong Axe Stump 17 30 300 10 Smirking Ghost Stump 17 36 300 20 Shade 17 320 3,000 25 Training Robot Force 18 320 3,250 20 Serpent 18 32 325 10 Biner 18 30 280 Evil Eye 18 32 325 10 Blue Mushmom 18 340 3,250 20 Fire weak Street Slime 19 33 350 10 Wild Boar 19 33 350 5 Jr. Necki 19 33 350 5 So Gong 20 35 2,000 25 Rotting Skeleton 20 74 850 Poison immune, Holy weak Curse Eye 20 35 375 10 Poison strong Mano 20 120 2,000 25 Water Thief Monster 20 35 375 10 Fire strong Blue Mushroom (PC) 20 35 375 10 Snowman1 20 182 54,000 Coke Mushroom 20 35 375 10 Turkey Commando 20 41 350 Yellow Eggy Popp 20 50 350 King Slime 20 182 945 25 White Baby Monkey 20 35 375 10 Blue Mushroom 20 35 375 10 Birthday Candle 20 33 350 Fire weak Cross (Easy) 20 300 2,500 Stumpy 20 370 3,750 20 Mirror Ghost 3 20 1 350 25 Destroyed Doll 20 35 375 10 Shadow Dual Blade 20 35 375 10 Stone Golem 20 35 375 10 Busted Doll 20 35 375 10 Terrified Wild Boar 20 35 375 10 Mirror Ghost 2 20 1 350 25 Strange Blue Mushroom 20 32 350 Machine MT-09 20 980 600 25 Mirror Ghost 20 1 350 25 Dangerous Blue Mushroom 20 35 375 10 Urban Fungus 21 37 405 10 Jr. Necki (PC) 21 37 405 10 Glutton Ghoul 21 37 300 Glutton Ghoul 21 36 300 Mama Monkey 21 37 405 10 Ligator 21 37 405 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Strange Horny Mushroom 22 35 300 Horny Mushroom 22 39 435 10 Iron Hog 22 39 435 10 Cold Eye 22 39 435 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Strange Dark Axe Stump 22 38 550 Fire weak Horned Mushroom (PC) 22 39 435 10 Dust Box 22 39 435 10 Fire weak Devil Slime 23 40 465 10 King Slime 23 210 5,000 25 Batoo 23 43 465 10 Ligator (PC) 23 32 558 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Zombie Mushmom 23 430 4,650 25 Dark Stone Golem 23 40 465 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Stray Dog 23 40 465 10 Croco 23 40 465 10 Strange Zombie Mushroom 24 42 500 Holy weak Surgeon Eye 24 42 495 10 Zombie Mushroom 24 42 495 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Iron Boar 24 42 495 20 Zombie Mushroom (PC) 24 42 495 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Curse Eye (PC) 25 36 630 10 Poison strong Crow 25 44 525 10 Lightning weak Valefor 25 60 2,500 25 Yellow Lizard 25 44 525 10 Giant Shadow Blade 25 44 525 10 Little Pie monster 25 58 600 Scorpion 25 44 525 10 Lightning strong Cactus 25 44 525 10 Fire weak Andras 25 60 2,500 25 Killa Bee 25 44 525 10 Wild Boar (PC) 25 44 525 10 Amdusias 25 60 2,500 25 Strawberry Cake 25 58 600 Crocell 25 60 2,500 25 Streetlight 25 44 525 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Coketump 25 44 525 10 Stylish Stray Dog 25 46 525 10 Muddy Swamp Monster 25 44 525 10 Fire weak Genin 25 44 525 10 Poison weak, Fire weak Marbas 25 60 2,500 25 Mixed Golem 26 47 580 10 Fire Boar 26 47 580 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Lupin 26 47 580 10 Boomer 27 50 650 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Boomer 27 55 700 Fire strong, Ice weak Mad Turkey 27 55 720 Evil Eye (PC) 27 50 650 10 Dyle 28 570 7,200 20 Toad 28 53 720 10 Wooden Mask 28 53 720 10 Royal Cactus 28 53 720 10 Fire weak Patrol Robot S 28 53 720 10 Fire weak Zombie Lupin 28 53 720 10 Holy weak, Dark strong King Slime 28 110 23,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Stopnow 28 50 700 Rocky Mask 29 56 790 10 Mighty Maple Eater 30 60 900 10 Holy weak Assassin Visitor 30 65 5,700 Ice strong, Holy weak Master Chronos 30 60 900 10 Lightning strong Ashigaru 30 60 900 10 Ice weak, Poison weak Possessed Bear Doll 30 60 1,300 Magik Fierry B 30 60 900 10 Psycho Jack Box 30 1 10 Gift Box 30 60 900 10 Rombot 30 250 9,000 20 Lightning strong OS3A Machine 30 1,450 30,000 OSD Diver 30 1,200 30,000 Possessed Rabbit Doll 30 60 1,950 Destroyer 30 9,000 45,600 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Bully Visitor 30 80 11,400 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Speedy Visitor 30 70 22,800 Ice strong, Lightning weak, Poison strong Ratz 30 60 900 10 Lightning strong Gas Tank 30 60 900 10 Malady 30 60 900 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Renegade Spores 30 72 900 10 Olivia 30 2,711 50,000 Fire Raccoon 30 60 900 10 Ice weak Axe Visitor 30 65 8,550 Fire strong, Ice weak King Block Golem 30 60 900 10 Lightning strong Tick-Tock 30 60 900 10 Lightning strong Jr. Balrog 30 263 3,094 25 Holy weak Bully Visitor 30 90 22,800 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Coketump Lite 30 60 900 10 Jr. Balrog 30 300 9,500 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Cake Mob (2nd) 30 65 950 Ice strong, Poison weak Drumming Bunny 30 60 900 10 Sniper Visitor 30 60 5,700 Lightning weak, Poison strong Cloud Fox 30 60 900 10 Fire weak Ultimate Visitor 30 42,500 91,200 Fire strong, Ice strong, Holy weak Brown Teddy 30 60 900 10 Lightning strong Bloctopus 30 60 900 10 Lightning strong Chronos 30 60 900 10 Lightning strong Commander 30 8,500 34,200 Fire weak, Ice strong, Poison weak Blue Boogie 30 60 900 10 Lightning weak, Ice strong OS3D Diver 30 1,350 30,000 Shadow Blade Lord 30 60 900 10 OS3M Miner 30 1,350 40,000 Unseen Visitor 30 6,000 20,000 Cleric Visitor 30 70 5,700 Fire weak, Holy strong Robo 30 60 900 20 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong Broken Wires 30 60 900 10 Psycho Jack 30 73 850 Randall Machine 30 1,800 50,000 OS4 Delivery Ship 30 1,600 72,000 Gunner Visitor 30 60 5,700 Lightning weak, Poison strong Unjust Visitor 30 80 45,600 Fire strong, Ice weak, Poison weak Brown Tanny 30 60 900 10 Spirit Visitor 30 75 8,550 Holy strong OS4 Shuttle 30 1,500 40,000 Bully Visitor 30 85 17,100 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Skeledog 31 64 990 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Safety First 31 64 990 10 Poison Mushroom 31 76 990 10 Mummydog 32 68 1,100 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Ligator 32 68 1,100 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Jr. Pepe Doll 32 5 200 10 Ratz from Another Dimension 32 68 1,100 10 Intoxicated Pig 32 81 1,100 10 Astaroth 32 5,250 180,000 25 Yeti Doll 32 5 200 10 Pink Tanny 32 68 1,100 10 Lupin Pig 32 68 1,100 10 Cherry Bubble Tea 32 81 1,100 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Ratz 32 68 1,100 10 Fire Boar (PC) 32 68 1,100 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Mango Bubble Tea 33 86 1,200 10 Lightning strong, Poison weak Faust 33 780 12,000 20 Sakura Cellion 33 72 1,200 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Baby Boulder Muncher 33 72 1,200 10 Holy strong, Dark weak Nospeed 33 60 1,000 Helmet Pepe 33 86 1,200 10 Dark Eye from Another Dimension 33 58 1,440 4 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Shadow Eye from Another Dimension 33 58 1,440 10 Ratz from Another Dimension 34 60 1,560 10 Black Ratz from Another Dimension 34 60 1,560 10 White Mama Monkey 34 75 1,300 10 Melon Bubble Tea 34 90 1,300 10 Poison strong, Lightning weak Skeleton Soldier 34 75 1,300 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Royal Guard Pepe 34 90 1,300 10 Black Ratz from Another Dimension 34 75 1,300 10 Tick 34 75 1,300 10 Zombie Lupin 35 53 1,400 10 Poison strong Crimson Balrog 35 360 13,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Lupin 2 35 47 1,400 10 Gold Yeti and King Pepe 35 210 14,000 25 Skeledog 35 64 1,400 10 Fire strong, Ice weak White Yeti and King Pepe 35 210 14,000 25 Evil Eye 2 35 32 1,400 10 Grey Yeti and King Pepe 35 210 14,000 25 Tiguru of Exam 35 15 1,400 10 Coke Pig 35 79 1,400 10 Yeti Doll Claw Game 35 94 1,400 5 Star Pixie 35 79 1,400 10 Holy strong, Dark weak Cursed Black Cat 35 5,000 14,000,000 Jr. Pepe Doll Claw Game 35 94 1,400 5 Jr. Pepe 35 79 1,400 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Green Eggy Popp 35 85 1,250 Stumpy 35 405 7,000 25 Cursed Frog 35 5,000 14,000,000 Big Boulder Muncher 35 79 1,400 10 Fire weak, Ice weak Stone Golem 35 35 1,400 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Bloctopus from Another Dimension 35 64 1,680 10 Horned Mushroom 2 35 23 1,400 10 Bloctopus from Another Dimension 35 79 1,400 10 Jr. Sentinel 35 79 1,400 5 Officer Skeleton 35 79 1,400 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Blue Mushroom 2 35 17 1,400 10 Jr. Wraith 35 79 1,400 10 Holy weak, Fire weak, Dark strong Swamp Monster 35 44 1,400 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Watermelon Guard Hogol 35 35 330,000,000 25 Commander Skeleton 36 83 1,500 10 Holy weak, Ice strong, Poison immune, Dark strong Fire Tusk 36 83 1,500 10 Poison strong, Fire immune, Ice weak Rombad from Another Dimension 36 67 1,950 15 Helly 36 83 1,500 10 Transformed Doll Claw Game 36 99 1,500 5 Transformed Doll Claw Game 36 5 200 10 Jr. Lioner 36 83 1,500 10 Lightning strong, Ice weak Panda Teddy 36 83 1,500 10 Lorang 36 83 1,500 10 Lightning weak Jr. Cellion 36 83 1,500 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Jr. Grupin 36 83 1,500 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Yeti Doll 36 83 1,500 10 Jr. Pepe Doll 36 83 1,500 10 Lupin 37 86 1,600 10 Black Sheep 37 86 1,600 10 Lorang 37 86 1,600 10 Lightning weak Pink Perfume 37 86 1,600 10 Cronos 37 86 1,600 10 Clang 37 86 1,600 10 Lightning weak Lupin (PC) 37 86 1,600 10 Blue Perfume 37 86 1,600 10 Yellow Perfume 37 86 1,600 10 Coke Seal 38 89 1,700 10 Deo 38 445 7,700 25 Green Bubble Tea 38 89 1,700 10 Poison strong, Lightning weak Prime Minister 38 800 17,000 25 Alishar 38 980 55,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Indigo Eye 38 89 1,700 10 Poison strong Freezer 38 80 1,900 Fire weak Sentinel 38 89 1,700 5 Holy strong, Lightning strong, Ice weak, Dark weak Red Bubble Tea 38 89 1,700 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Kid Mannequin 38 89 1,700 10 Star Pixie 38 89 1,700 5 Holy strong, Dark weak King Blockpus 38 89 1,700 10 Yellow Bubble Tea 38 89 1,700 10 Lightning strong, Poison weak Female Mannequin 39 93 1,800 5 Fire Sentinel 39 93 1,800 5 Fire strong, Ice weak Ice Sentinel 39 93 1,800 5 Ice strong, Fire weak Toy Trojan 39 93 1,800 10 Tweeter 39 93 1,800 10 Toy Trojan 39 75 2,160 10 Tortie 39 93 1,800 5 Toy Trojan 39 93 1,800 10 Lightning strong Baby typhon 40 96 1,900 10 Rooster 40 105 1,900 10 King Slime 40 96 1,900 10 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Paper Lantern Ghost 40 96 1,900 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Nependeath 40 96 1,900 10 Fire weak Silver Slime 40 96 1,900 10 Leatty 40 96 1,900 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Angry Strawberry Cake 40 100 1,300 Ice strong, Poison weak Pie monster 40 100 1,300 Ice strong, Poison weak Transformed Snack Bar 40 532 5,810 25 Angry Snowman 40 85 4,500 25 Nightmare 40 120 1,930 King Slime 40 800 8,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Red Lizard 40 96 1,900 10 Witch Bear 40 445 7,700 25 Magik Fierry A 40 96 1,900 10 Cold Eye (PC) 40 96 1,900 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Tick-Tock 40 96 1,900 10 Zombie Lupin 40 96 1,900 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Zombie Lupin (PC) 40 96 1,900 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Crystal Boar 40 96 1,900 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Clown Monkey 40 96 1,900 10 Papa Pixie 40 475 19,300 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Male Mannequin 40 96 1,900 5 Barnard Gray 40 96 1,900 10 Lunar Pixie 41 99 2,000 5 Block Golem from Another Dimension 41 80 2,400 10 Lightning strong, Ice strong, Fire weak Mateon 41 99 2,000 10 Platoon Cronos 41 99 2,000 10 Latest Hits Compilation 41 99 2,000 10 Electrophant 41 99 2,000 10 Ice immune, Lightning strong, Fire weak Platoon Chronos 41 99 2,000 10 Duck 42 112 2,100 10 Kenta's Freezer 42 103 2,100 10 Ice strong, Fire strong Play Seal 42 103 2,100 10 Dark Nependeath 42 103 2,100 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Greatest Oldies 42 103 2,100 10 Angry Stray Dog 42 103 2,100 10 Dark Leatty 42 103 2,100 10 Holy weak, Dark strong King Clang 42 1,120 21,000 20 Zeta 42 103 2,100 10 Iron Hog 42 103 2,100 10 Luster Pixie 43 106 2,200 5 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Cheap Amplifier 43 106 2,200 10 Deathly Fear 43 106 2,200 10 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Blue Goblin 43 106 2,200 10 Fire weak Poisoned Lord Tree 43 85 2,640 10 Poisoned Stone Bug 43 85 2,640 10 Jr. Pepe 43 106 2,200 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Crimson Balrog 44 10 50,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Jr. Balrog 44 10 50,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong I.AM.ROBOT 44 109 2,300 10 Ratz 44 109 2,300 10 Fancy Amplifier 44 109 2,300 10 Spright 45 90 2,880 10 Extra A 45 112 2,400 10 Poison weak, Fire weak Poison Golem Level 3 45 90 2,880 10 Deluxe Candle 45 120 2,000 Fire strong, Ice weak Fancy Amplifier 45 112 2,400 10 King Block Golem 45 112 2,400 10 Papa Pixie 45 543 8,925 25 Big Cloud Fox 45 112 2,400 10 Lightning weak Reinforced Iron Mutae 45 112 2,400 10 Igloo Turtle 45 112 2,400 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Black Ratz 45 112 2,400 10 Jr. Yeti 45 112 2,400 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Pianus 45 550 26,000 25 Poison Golem Level 2 45 90 2,880 10 Giant Nependeath 45 112 2,400 10 Fire weak Green Boogie 45 112 2,400 10 Poison weak, Fire strong Cheap Amplifier 45 112 2,400 10 Kenta's Seruf 45 330 7,800 25 Chlorotrap 45 123 2,400 10 Leprechaun 45 112 2,400 10 Holy weak, Ice immune Cross (Medium) 45 1,000 7,500 Mushmom 45 550 25,500 25 Ultra Gray 45 112 2,400 10 Lightning strong Sheep 45 123 2,400 10 Greatest Oldies 45 112 2,400 10 Master Chronos 46 116 2,520 10 Grupin 46 116 2,520 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Mecateon 46 116 2,520 10 Retz 46 116 2,520 10 Master Cronos 46 116 2,520 10 Cellion 46 116 2,520 5 Fire strong, Ice weak Dark Jr. Yeti 46 116 2,520 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Lioner 46 116 2,520 5 Lightning strong, Ice weak Extra B 47 119 2,640 10 Poison weak, Fire weak Emo Slime 47 131 2,640 10 Biker Monkey 47 119 2,640 10 Mithril Mutae 47 119 2,640 10 Training Jar 47 119 2,640 10 Trixter 47 119 2,640 5 Holy strong, Fire weak, Dark weak Ghost Pixie 48 99 3,312 10 Holy strong, Dark weak Pepe 48 123 2,760 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Super-Charged Poison Golem 48 1,467 50,000 20 Baby Balrog 48 10 2,800 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Trucker 48 135 2,760 10 Lightning weak Green Trixter 48 123 2,760 5 Poison immune Clang 48 123 2,760 10 Lightning weak Wraith 48 123 2,760 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Separated Pepe 48 123 2,760 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Spirit of Rock 48 1,350 500,000 25 Separated Dark Pepe 49 126 2,880 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Chief Gray 49 126 2,880 10 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Brown Teddy 49 126 2,880 10 Dark Pepe 49 126 2,880 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Snowman2 50 543 162,000 Jr. Lucida 50 130 3,000 10 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Possessed Rabbit Doll 50 145 3,950 Leviathan 50 675 30,000 25 Fire strong, Ice strong Slot Machine 50 130 3,000 10 Drake (PC) 50 130 3,000 10 Olivia 50 6,950 210,000 Copper Drake 50 130 3,000 10 Sophilia Doll 50 115 1,800 Dead Scarecrow 50 220 3,300 Giant Centipede 50 1,080 18,000 25 Crimson Balrog 50 1,267 18,620 25 Holy weak Alishar 50 1,590 20,230 25 Witch Bear 50 410 9,800 25 Possessed Bear Doll 50 140 2,950 Extra C 50 130 3,000 10 Poison weak, Fire weak Faust 50 410 9,800 25 Holiday Super Sock 50 10,000 20,000,000 Alishar 50 675 32,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Jr. Yetti 50 130 3,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Goat 50 142 3,000 10 Giant Centipede 50 1,780 20,692 25 Unknown Jr. Balrog 50 400 10,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Chunin 50 130 3,000 10 Lightning weak, Fire weak Frankenroid 50 675 30,000 25 Reinforced Mithril Mutae 50 130 3,000 10 Gryphon 50 130 3,000 10 Red Eggy Popp 50 120 2,150 Headless Horseman 50 160 4,000 Phantom Tree 50 130 3,000 10 Fire weak Jr. Pepe UFO Catcher 50 130 3,000 10 Straw Training Doll 50 130 3,000 10 Chirppy 50 130 3,000 10 Sophilia Doll Ground 50 55 2,000 Coke Golem 50 130 3,000 10 Yeti UFO Catcher 50 130 3,000 10
Name Level Exp HP PD/MDRate Elements Firebomb 51 135 3,200 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Buffy 51 1 3,500 25 Wooden Training Doll 51 135 3,200 10 Pink Teddy 51 135 3,200 10 Drake 52 141 3,400 10 Pinboom 52 141 3,400 10 Fire strong Dark Fission 52 155 3,400 10 Drumming Bunny 52 141 3,400 10 Flying Boogie 52 113 4,080 20 Croko 52 141 3,400 10 Jr. Lioner in Tower of Goddess 53 117 4,320 10 Lightning strong, Ice weak Training Bellflower 53 146 3,600 10 Soul Teddy 53 2 4,500 25 Lightning strong, Ice strong, Holy weak, Dark strong Jr. Cellion in Tower of Goddess 53 117 4,320 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Royal Nependeath in Tower of Goddess 53 117 4,320 10 Fire weak Nependeath in Tower of Goddess 53 117 4,320 10 Fire weak Jr. Grupin in Tower of Goddess 53 117 4,320 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Hector 53 146 3,600 10 Roloduck 53 146 3,600 10 Cow 53 161 3,600 10 Panda Teddy 54 151 3,800 10 Luster Pixie in Tower of Goddess 54 121 4,560 10 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Star Pixie in Tower of Goddess 54 121 4,560 10 Holy strong, Dark weak Seacle 54 151 3,800 10 Poison weak, Fire strong Red Goblin 54 151 3,800 10 Ice weak Mimic 54 151 3,800 10 Red Drake 54 151 3,800 5 Fire strong, Ice weak Lucida 54 151 3,800 5 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Bloctopus 54 151 3,800 10 Lunar Pixie in Tower of Goddess 54 121 4,560 10 Papulatus 55 850 46,000 25 Black Goat 55 173 4,000 10 Lunar Pixie in Tower of Goddess(Summon Boss) 55 125 4,800 10 Stone Golem (PC) 55 156 4,000 10 Red Slime 55 156 4,000 10 Ice weak Lazy Buffy 55 3 5,500 25 White Fang 55 156 4,000 5 Ice strong, Fire weak Grupin in Tower of Goddess 55 125 4,800 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Lioner in Tower of Goddess 55 125 4,800 10 Lightning strong, Ice weak Lord Pirate 55 925 48,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Cellion in Tower of Goddess 55 125 4,800 10 Fire strong, Ice weak King Clang 55 1,210 25,000 25 Luster Pixie in Tower of Goddess(Summon Boss) 55 125 4,800 10 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Jr. Balrog 55 10 30,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Malady 55 156 4,000 10 Holy weak Crimson Balrog 55 10 28,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Moon Bunny 55 156 4,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Star Pixie in Tower of Goddess(Summon Boss) 55 125 4,800 10 Holy strong, Dark weak Helly 56 164 4,300 10 Ice Drake 56 164 4,300 5 Ice strong, Fire weak Three-Tailed Fox 56 164 4,300 10 Fire weak, Holy weak, Dark strong Samiho 56 164 4,300 10 Fire weak, Holy weak, Dark strong Oly Oly 56 181 4,300 10 Alishar 56 4,800 125,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Luster Pixie 56 164 4,300 10 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Krappy 56 164 4,300 10 Poison weak, Fire strong Grizzly 56 164 4,300 10 Decaying Coolie Zombie 57 172 4,600 10 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Propelly 57 172 4,600 10 Toy Trojan 57 172 4,600 10 Primitive Thief Boar 57 172 4,600 10 Master Soul Teddy 57 4 6,500 25 Lightning strong, Ice immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Black Sheep 57 190 4,600 10 King Bloctopus 58 179 4,900 5 Dark Drake 58 179 4,900 20 Experimental Neo Huroid 58 144 5,880 10 White Fang 58 179 4,900 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Zoo White Fang 58 10 10,000 25 Ice strong, Fire weak Snow Witch 58 2,388 49,000 25 Plow Ox 58 199 4,900 10 Cico 58 179 4,900 10 Poison weak, Fire strong Hodori 58 179 4,900 10 Papa Pixie 58 1,990 490,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Scaredy Scarlion 59 207 5,200 10 Ratatula 59 207 5,200 10 Ghost Pixie 59 187 5,200 10 Holy strong, Dark weak Timer 59 650 21,000 25 Mixed Golem 59 187 5,200 10 Klock 59 5 7,500 25 Holy weak, Fire weak, Dark strong Gold Captain 60 156 4,000 10 Lightning strong Assassin Visitor 60 900 60,480 Ice strong, Holy weak Bully Visitor 60 900 181,440 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Voodoo 60 335 6,800 Ravana 60 98,550 2,343,500 25 Eliza 60 1,940 55,000 20 Lord Pirate 60 7,200 420,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Bully Visitor 60 800 120,960 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Bully Visitor 60 1,000 241,920 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Gunner Visitor 60 850 60,480 Lightning weak, Poison strong Hogul 60 194 5,500 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Spirit Visitor 60 950 90,720 Holy strong Sniper Visitor 60 850 60,480 Lightning weak, Poison strong Planey 60 194 5,500 10 Red Drake 60 194 5,500 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Chocolate Cake 60 200 4,400 Ultimate Visitor 60 475,000 1,209,600 Fire strong, Ice strong, Holy weak Big Puff Daddy 60 5,200 50,000,000 Transforming Doll Machine (After) 60 194 5,500 10 Mushmom 60 1,200 20,000 25 Ice Golem 60 194 5,500 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Unjust Visitor 60 900 383,040 Fire strong, Ice weak, Poison weak Wild Kargo 60 194 5,500 10 Geist Balrog 60 230 7,000 Water Goblin 60 194 5,500 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Panda 60 194 5,500 10 Unseen Visitor 60 6,000 20,000 Hoodoo 60 335 6,800 Event Horntail's Right Head 60 10,000 1,000,000 Python 60 194 5,500 10 Destroyer 60 100,000 604,800 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Separated Pepe 60 194 5,500 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Speedy Visitor 60 900 241,920 Ice strong, Lightning weak, Poison strong Angry Lord Pirate 60 2,430 54,600 25 Giant Blade Master 60 194 5,500 10 Axe Visitor 60 950 90,720 Fire strong, Ice weak Kunoichi 60 194 5,500 10 Fire weak, Holy weak Bubble Fish 60 194 5,500 10 Lightning weak, Poison weak, Fire strong Cleric Visitor 60 900 60,480 Fire weak, Holy strong Event Horntail's Left Head 60 10,000 1,000,000 Nightghost 60 194 5,500 10 Holy weak, Fire weak, Ice weak, Dark strong Blue Mushmom 60 2,260 50,400 25 Fire weak Commander 60 95,000 453,600 Fire weak, Ice strong, Poison weak Snowman3 60 350,000 324,000 Doll Vending Machine 60 194 5,500 10 Lord Pirate's 100yrOld Ancient Bellflower 61 164 7,080 10 Lord Pirate's 100yrOld Bellflower 61 164 7,080 10 Robo 61 204 5,900 10 Ice strong, Fire strong Flower Fish 61 204 5,900 10 Ice weak, Poison strong, Fire strong Rodeo 61 226 5,900 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Lord Pirate's Jar 61 164 7,080 10 Lord Pirate's Ginseng Jar 61 164 7,080 10 Lord Pirate's Ancient Bellflower 61 164 7,080 10 Lord Pirate's Bellflower 61 164 7,080 10 Tweeter 61 204 5,900 10 Buffoon 61 6 8,500 25 Ice weak, Fire strong Tree Road 62 213 6,300 10 Samiho 62 213 6,300 5 Fire weak, Holy weak, Dark strong Jr. Gargoyle 62 213 6,300 10 Wild Kargo (PC) 62 213 6,300 10 Leader A 62 213 6,300 10 Poison weak, Fire weak Tauromacis 62 213 6,300 5 Poison immune Wild Cargo 62 213 6,300 10 Krip 62 213 6,300 10 Poison weak, Fire strong Lord Pirate's Enraged Mr. Alli 63 178 8,040 10 Lightning strong Lord Pirate's Enraged Kru 63 178 8,040 10 Lightning strong Block Golem 63 222 6,700 10 Lightning strong, Ice strong, Fire weak Muscle Stone 63 222 6,700 10 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong Seruf 63 2,480 67,000 20 Lord Pirate's Enraged Captain 63 178 8,040 10 Lightning strong Master Robo 63 222 6,700 10 Deep Buffoon 63 7 9,500 25 Ice weak, Fire strong Ice Drake 64 232 7,100 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Ice Wall 64 250 7,700 25 Taurospear 64 232 7,100 20 Poison immune, Fire strong, Lightning strong Morphed Blin 64 232 7,100 5 Fire strong, Ice strong, Holy weak, Dark strong Leader B 64 232 7,100 10 Poison weak, Fire weak Mask Fish 64 232 7,100 10 Fire strong Lord Pirate's Furious Kru 65 193 9,000 10 Separated Yeti 65 241 7,500 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Lord Pirate's Kru 65 193 9,000 10 Emergency Guard Robot L 65 240 7,500 10 Ghost Pirate 65 8 10,500 25 Ice strong, Fire weak Possessed Rabbit Doll 65 310 13,000 Lord Pirate's Furious Mr. Alli 65 193 9,000 10 Yeti 65 241 7,500 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Dyle 65 810 31,000 25 Lord Pirate's Furious Captain 65 193 9,000 10 Lord Pirate's Enraged Ginseng Jar 65 193 9,000 10 Possessed Bear Doll 65 300 10,000 Papa Pixie 65 17,000 672,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Nine-Tailed Fox 65 2,690 75,000 20 Charmer 65 269 7,500 10 Ice weak Lord Pirate's Captain 65 193 9,000 10 Separated Yetti 65 241 7,500 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Lord Pirate's Devoted Captain 65 193 9,000 10 Lord Pirate's Mr. Alli 65 193 9,000 10 Black Boogie 65 241 7,500 10 Ice weak, Lightning strong Barnard Gray 65 241 7,500 5 Master Muscle Stone 65 241 7,500 10 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong Zeno 65 940 36,000 25 Zoo Yeti 65 10 11,000 25 Ice strong, Fire weak Lord Pirate's Devoted Kru 65 193 9,000 10 Stone Bug 65 241 7,500 10 Zombie Mushmom 65 1,500 35,000 25 King Block Golem 65 241 7,500 10 Green King Goblin 66 400 25,000 25 Poison immune Rowdy Puppet 66 354 16,000 20 Fire weak Sage Cat 66 252 8,000 10 Chaos Patz 66 282 114,000 25 Fire immune, Holy strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong, Ice immune, Dark strong Myst Knight 66 252 8,000 10 Holy weak, Poison strong, Dark strong Yellow King Goblin 66 400 25,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Strong Stone Goblin 66 252 8,000 10 Peeking Lord Pirate 66 4,000 282,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Scuba Pepe 66 252 8,000 10 Ice strong, Fire strong Mateon 66 252 8,000 5 Blue King Goblin 66 400 25,000 25 Fire weak, Ice strong Pachu 66 200 38,000 25 Fire immune, Holy strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong, Ice immune, Dark strong Jr. Balrog 66 2,000 20,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Black Knight 66 252 8,000 10 Holy weak, Poison strong, Dark strong Mist Knight 66 252 8,000 10 Holy weak, Poison strong, Dark strong Secret Master Soul Teddy 67 263 8,500 10 Lightning strong, Ice immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Death Teddy 67 9 11,500 25 Holy weak, Fire weak, Dark strong Puppet Golem 67 263 8,500 10 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Zeta Gray 67 263 8,500 5 Desert Rabbit (F) 67 263 8,500 10 Lord Pirate 67 7,200 469,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Master Soul Teddy 67 263 8,500 10 Lightning strong, Ice immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Guard Robot 67 263 8,500 10 Tick 68 274 9,000 10 Ship Kru 68 274 9,000 10 Jr. Seal 68 274 9,000 10 Fire strong Kru 68 274 9,000 10 Dark Yeti 68 274 9,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Jester Scarlion 68 307 9,000 10 Desert Rabbit (M) 68 274 9,000 10 Gargoyle 68 274 9,000 10 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Angry Lord Pirate 68 8,800 518,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Bamboo Warrior 68 3,684 90,000 25 Rombot 68 3,070 90,000 25 Cuzco 69 285 9,500 10 Holy strong, Dark weak Viking 69 10 12,500 25 Fire strong, Lightning weak Plateon 69 285 9,500 10 Windraider 70 296 10,000 10 Poison immune Nine-Tailed Fox 70 1,300 89,000 25 Racoco 70 296 10,000 10 Tick-Tock 70 296 10,000 10 Ultra Gray 70 296 10,000 5 Lightning strong Yeti and Coketump 70 296 10,000 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Event Pink Bean 70 30,000 2,000,000 Physical strong, Holy strong, Fire strong, Ice strong Captain 70 296 10,000 10 Strong Stone Goblin 70 296 10,000 10 Blue King Goblin 70 400 25,000 25 Fire weak, Ice strong Twisted Jester 70 1,325 50,000 Cross (Hard) 70 1,500 89,000 Giant Snowman 70 270 6,000 25 Boogie 70 296 22,200 25 Holy strong, Dark weak Event Pink Bean 70 30,000 150,000,000 Physical strong, Holy strong, Fire strong, Ice strong Enraged Lord Pirate 70 12,000 555,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Giant Pie 70 280 13,000 Green King Goblin 70 400 25,000 25 Poison immune Yellow King Goblin 70 400 25,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Jr. Cactus 70 296 10,000 10 Fire weak Scholar Ghost 70 3,984 100,000 25 Ship Captain 70 296 10,000 10 Taurospear 70 296 10,000 10 Poison immune Witch Bear 70 810 31,000 25 Poison Poopa 70 296 10,000 5 Poison strong, Fire strong Giant Cake 70 280 13,000 Tauromacis 70 296 10,000 10 Poison immune Poopa 70 296 10,000 10 Poison weak, Fire strong Olivia 70 11,200 810,000 Chaos Boogie 70 296 44,400 25 Holy strong, Dark weak Tae Roon 71 1,580 93,000 25 Bellamoa 71 318 11,000 10 Poison strong Mecateon 71 318 11,000 5 Homun of Closed Laboratory 71 255 13,200 10 Froscola 72 382 12,000 10 Poison strong Freezer 72 340 12,000 5 Ice strong, Fire strong Extra D 72 340 12,000 10 Fire weak, Holy weak, Ice weak Ear Plug Plead 72 340 12,000 10 Fire strong Big Spider 72 340 12,000 10 Sparker 73 361 13,000 5 Lightning strong, Fire strong MT-09 73 4,070 130,000 25 Chaos Puko 73 361 60,000 25 Octobunny 73 407 13,000 10 Poison weak Lucida 73 361 13,000 10 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Puco 73 361 30,000 25 Homunculu of hidden laboratory 73 289 15,600 10 Neo Huroid 73 289 15,600 10 Chronos 73 361 13,000 10 Cactus 73 361 13,000 10 Fire weak Homunculus 73 289 15,600 10 Reinforced Iron Mutae 73 361 13,000 10 Reinforced Iron Mutae 73 289 15,600 10 Cart Bear 74 382 14,000 10 Homun 74 306 16,800 10 Buffoon 74 382 14,000 10 Ice weak, Fire strong Platoon Chronos 74 382 14,000 5 Chief Gray 75 403 15,000 5 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire strong, Holy strong, Dark strong Roid 75 323 18,000 10 Reinforced Mithril Mutae 75 323 18,000 10 Taurospear 75 403 15,000 10 Poison immune, Fire strong, Lightning strong The Charging Taurospear 75 403 15,000 10 Poison immune, Fire strong, Lightning strong Neo Huroid 75 323 18,000 10 Timer 75 4,550 150,000 20 Werewolf 75 403 15,000 10 Crimson Tree 75 403 15,000 10 Fire weak Master Chronos 75 403 15,000 5 Yabber Doo 75 455 15,000 10 Cyti 76 357 20,400 10 Chipmunk 76 446 17,000 10 Royal Cactus 76 446 17,000 10 Fire weak Punco 76 446 60,000 25 Holy strong, Dark weak Chaos Poonko 76 446 102,000 25 Holy strong, Dark weak Meerkat 76 446 17,000 10 Racaroni 76 446 17,000 10 Mossy Snail 76 446 17,000 10 King Sage Cat 77 2,280 108,000 25 Frankenroid 77 11,000 627,000 25 Red Porky 77 487 19,000 10 Scarf Plead 77 487 19,000 10 Fire strong Sand Rat 77 487 19,000 10 Tree Rod 78 529 21,000 10 Cube Slime 78 529 21,000 10 Red Goblin 78 529 21,000 10 Ice weak Zeno 78 6,000 210,000 20 Guard Robot L 79 570 23,000 10 Black Porky 79 570 23,000 10 Kiyo 79 570 23,000 10 Lycanthrope the Kidnapper 80 610 25,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Scarlion Boss 80 268,800 60,000,000 25 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire weak Jr. Balrog in Forgotten Shrine 80 2,000 50,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Dark Lord's Disciple 80 2,400 120,000 25 Hankie 80 610 25,000 10 Poison weak Jr. Balrog in Another World 80 2,000 50,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Jr. Balrog 80 610 25,000 10 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Dances with Balrog's Clone 80 2,400 150,000 25 Targa 80 268,800 60,000,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak, Poison immune Bacal 80 610 25,000 10 Mingu 80 610 25,000 10 Grendel the Really Old's Clone 80 2,400 90,000 25 Angry Frankenroid 80 23,000 809,000 25 Lightning strong, Poison strong Tippo Red 80 694 25,000 10 Ice weak Wolf Spider 80 610 25,000 10 Stormbreaker 80 610 25,000 10 Lightning immune Geist Balrog Phase 1 80 1,000 100,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak Lycanthrope 80 610 25,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Rex 80 330,000 3,300,000 25 Poison strong Manon 80 17,200 205,100 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Athena Pierce's Clone 80 2,400 120,000 25 Harp 80 610 25,000 10 Poison weak Dark Lord's Clone 80 2,400 120,000 25 Stone Bug 80 610 25,000 10 Deo 80 6,940 250,000 20 Chaos Kusko 80 610 120,000 25 Holy strong, Dark weak Jonin 80 610 25,000 10 Holy weak, Poison immune Shadow Kyrin 80 2,400 130,000 25 Jr. Balrog 80 2,000 50,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Griffey 80 17,200 205,100 25 Lightning strong, Poison weak Red Flower Serpent 81 650 27,000 10 Frankenroid 81 12,000 660,000 25 Scorpion 81 650 27,000 10 Blue Flower Serpent 81 650 27,000 10 Rumo 81 650 27,000 10 Triple Rumo 82 689 29,000 10 Booper Scarlion 82 786 29,000 10 Fire weak, Poison weak Straw Target Dummy 82 689 29,000 10 Raco 82 689 29,000 10 Mossy Mushroom 82 689 29,000 10 Iron Mutae 83 729 31,000 10 Blood Harp 83 729 31,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Hoblin Hector 83 584 37,200 10 Elite Hoblin 83 584 37,200 10 Wooden Target Dummy 83 729 31,000 10 Tippo Blue 83 831 31,000 10 Fire weak Elite Green Hoblin 83 584 37,200 10 Eliza 83 2,800 87,000 25 Sand Dwarf 84 767 33,000 10 Fire weak, Ice weak Primitive Boar 84 767 33,000 10 Reinforced Iron Mutae 84 767 33,000 10 Dark Sand Dwarf 84 767 33,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak The Book Ghost 84 767 33,000 10 Rurumo 84 10,500 330,000 25 Chimera 85 3,000 96,000 25 Super-Charged Poison Golem 85 17,980 113,500 25 Chaos Ooparts 85 710 240,000 25 Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Ice immune, Fire weak, Dark strong Snack Bar 85 9,190 350,000 20 Death Teddy 85 805 35,000 10 Holy weak, Fire weak, Dark strong Grizzly 85 805 35,000 10 Berserkie 85 805 35,000 10 Opachu 85 710 80,000 25 Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Ice immune, Fire weak, Dark strong Snack Bar 85 4,230 230,000 25 Combat Hoblin 85 644 42,000 10 Goby in Warped Dimension 85 805 35,000 10 Fire strong Ferocious Hoblin 86 675 44,400 10 Mithril mutae 86 843 37,000 10 Blue Goblin 86 843 37,000 10 Fire weak Master Dummy 86 9,630 370,000 25 Vikerola 87 1,010 39,000 10 Fire weak, Lightning weak Reinforced Mithril Mutae 87 880 39,000 10 Security System 87 880 39,000 10 Red Kentaurus 88 917 41,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Security Camera 88 1,050 41,000 25 Black Kentaurus 88 917 41,000 10 Holy weak Desert Giant 88 917 41,000 10 Fire weak, Ice weak Reindeer 88 917 41,000 5 Poison weak Black Kentaurus 88 917 41,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Blue Kentaurus 88 917 41,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Roid 88 917 41,000 10 Pac Pinky 88 1,050 41,000 10 Holy weak Panda 89 954 43,000 10 Neo Huroid 89 954 43,000 10 Lilynouch of Competence 90 5,200 220,000 25 Ice strong, Lightning weak Enhanced Security System 90 990 45,000 10 Snow Yeti 90 5,200 120,000 25 Blue Mushmom 90 10,000 200,000 25 Fire weak Papulatus 90 18,200 353,500 25 Firebrand 90 990 45,000 10 Fire immune, Ice weak Ravana 90 142,370 3,762,400 25 Snipe of Competence 90 5,200 220,000 25 Fire strong, Ice strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong Selkie Jr. 90 1,130 45,000 10 Fire weak Papulatus 90 24,647 211,400 25 Crimson Balrog of Competence 90 5,200 220,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Firebrand 90 990 45,000 10 Fire strong Veetron 90 990 45,000 10 Tae Roon 90 11,300 450,000 20 Snowman of Competence 90 5,200 220,000 25 Witch Bear 90 3,000 96,000 25 Blue Mushmom 90 4,727 200,000 25 Fire weak Snowman 90 5,200 120,000 25 Bain 90 990 45,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Jar 91 1,026 47,000 10 Goby 91 1,026 47,000 10 Fire strong Peach Monkey 92 1,062 49,000 10 D. Roy 92 1,062 49,000 5 Bone Fish in Warped Dimension 92 1,062 49,000 10 Fire strong, Holy weak, Dark strong Homun 92 1,062 49,000 10 AF Android 93 1,097 51,000 10 Ginseng Jar 93 1,097 51,000 10 Slimy 93 1,260 51,000 10 Holy weak, Lightning weak Gallopera 94 1,300 53,000 10 Holy weak Saitie 95 1,166 55,000 10 Geist Balrog Phase 3 95 5,600 1,500,000 25 Poison immune, Holy immune, Fire immune, Ice immune Male Boss 95 2,516 85,000 25 Fire weak, Lightning weak Slygie 95 1,166 55,000 10 Buffy 95 1,166 55,000 10 Bellflower Root 95 1,166 55,000 10 G. Phantom Watch 95 1,166 55,000 10 Holy weak, Fire weak, Ice immune, Dark strong Sage Cat 95 1,166 55,000 10 Elderwraith 95 1,166 55,000 10 Holy weak, Ice immune Sr. Bellflower Root 96 1,200 57,000 10 White Mama Monkey 96 1,200 57,000 10 Deet and Roi 96 850 27,000 25 Soul Teddy 96 1,200 57,000 10 Lightning strong, Ice strong, Holy weak, Dark strong Broken DF Android 96 1,200 57,000 10 King Sage Cat 97 14,100 590,000 20 Red Wyvern 1 in Cave 97 1,234 59,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Chaos Red Wyvern 97 1,200 159,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Red Wyvern 2 in Cave 97 1,234 59,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Red Wyvern 97 800 79,500 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Lazy Buffy 97 1,234 59,000 5 Rash 97 1,234 59,000 10 Poison weak Mr. Anchor 98 1,450 61,000 10 Bone Fish 98 1,268 61,000 10 Fire strong, Holy weak, Dark strong Master Soul Teddy 98 1,268 61,000 5 Lightning strong, Ice immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Homunculus 98 1,268 61,000 10 Gigantic Viking 98 1,268 61,000 10 Fire strong, Lightning weak Beetle 99 1,301 63,000 10 Lightning strong Mr. Alli 99 1,301 63,000 5 Nightshadow 100 1,334 65,000 10 Ice immune, Poison immune Crimson Balrog 100 3,500 100,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Red Dragon Turtle 100 1,334 65,000 10 Homunscullo 100 1,334 65,000 10 The Cool Shade of the Maze 100 1 10,000 Toy Clown 100 1,334 65,000 10 Green Cornian1 in Cave 100 1,334 65,000 10 Poison strong Crimson Balrog the Kidnapper 100 3,500 50,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Dark Cornian 100 1,334 65,000 10 Green Cornian 2 in Cave 100 1,334 65,000 10 Poison strong Busted Doll 100 1,334 65,000 10 Pumpkin Knight 100 1,334 65,000 10 Advanced Leviathan 100 3,500 560,000 25 Fire strong, Ice strong Squid 100 1,334 65,000 10 Poison strong, Fire strong Gift Box 100 1,334 65,000 10 Mirror Ghost 100 1 1,000,000 Geist Balrog Phase 2 100 1,100 300,000 25 Poison immune, Holy weak Skelosaurus 100 1,334 65,000 10 Chaos Green Cornian 100 1,200 168,000 25 Poison strong Headless Horseman 100 77,099 3,500,000 25 Lightning weak Shark in Warped Dimension 100 1,334 65,000 10 Fire strong The Dangerous Tree of the Maze 100 1 10,000 Advanced Griffey 100 3,500 560,000 25 Lightning strong, Poison weak Typhon 100 1,334 65,000 10 Ice immune, Poison immune Green Cornian 100 1,000 56,000 25 Poison strong Destroyed Doll 100 1,334 65,000 10 Skelegon 100 1,334 65,000 10 Ninto 100 1,334 65,000 10 Holy weak, Lightning strong, Poison immune, Fire strong Angry Targa 100 403,200 90,000,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak, Poison immune Advanced Pianus 100 3,500 560,000 25 Fire weak Angry Scarlion Boss 100 403,200 90,000,000 25 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire weak Green Cornian 100 1,334 65,000 10 Fire Steed 100 1,334 65,000 10 Advanced Manon 100 3,500 560,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Jr. Newtie 100 1,334 65,000 10 Nest Golem 100 1,334 65,000 10 Capt. Latanica 100 210,000 2,000,000 25 Dreamy Ghost 100 1,334 65,000 10 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Blue Dragon Turtle 100 1,334 65,000 10
Name Level Exp HP PD/MDRate Elements Hobi 101 1,367 67,000 10 Poison weak Chaos Blue Wyvern 101 1,200 171,000 25 Fire weak, Ice strong Blue Wyvern 2 in Cave 101 1,367 67,000 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Ore Muncher 101 1,367 67,000 10 Blue Wyvern 101 1,367 67,000 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Blue Wyvern 1 in Cave 101 1,367 67,000 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Blue Wyvern 101 1,000 85,500 25 Fire weak, Ice strong Klock 102 1,399 69,000 10 Holy weak, Fire weak, Dark strong Bigfoot 102 78,521 3,600,000 25 Fire weak, Ice immune, Holy immune Chimera 102 16,000 690,000 20 Gatekeeper Nex 102 1,399 69,000 20 Dark Wyvern 103 1,431 71,000 10 Chaos Dark Wyvern 103 1,300 240,000 25 Soaring Eagle 103 2,862 142,000 20 Dark Wyvern 103 1,050 120,000 25 Kru 103 1,431 71,000 10 Dark Wyvern 1 in Cave 103 1,431 71,000 10 Soaring Hawk 103 2,862 142,000 20 Dark Wyvern 2 in Cave 103 1,431 71,000 10 Dark Rash 103 1,431 71,000 10 Poison strong Risell Squid 103 1,431 71,000 10 Fire strong, Lightning strong White Baby Monkey 104 1,463 73,000 10 Soaring Red Wyvern 104 2,926 146,000 20 Soaring Blue Wyvern 104 2,926 146,000 20 Griffey 105 13,500 3,700,000 25 Lightning strong, Poison weak Dark Cornian 2 in Cave 105 1,495 75,000 10 Poison strong Captain 105 1,495 75,000 10 Jr. Newtie in Cave 105 1,495 75,000 10 Gatekeeper Nex 105 1,495 75,000 20 Red Slime 105 1,495 75,000 10 Chaos Dark Cornian 105 1,350 201,000 25 Poison strong Shark 105 1,495 75,000 10 Fire strong Dark Cornian 1 in Cave 105 1,495 75,000 10 Poison strong Manon 105 13,500 3,700,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Soaring Black Wyvern 105 2,990 150,000 20 Green Hobi 105 1,495 75,000 10 Poison strong Dual Beetle 105 1,495 75,000 5 Lightning strong Master Guardian 105 75,196 7,000,000 25 Ice immune, Fire immune, Poison immune, Lightning immune, Holy immune Montrecer 105 1,495 75,000 10 Dark Cornian 105 1,200 67,000 25 Poison strong Dark Klock 105 1,495 75,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Deep Buffoon 106 1,526 77,000 10 Ice weak, Fire strong Silver Slime 106 1,526 77,000 10 Dragonoir 107 320,000 107,000,000 25 Gold Slime 107 1,557 79,000 10 Hankie 107 1,557 79,000 10 Fire weak, Poison weak Cold Shark 107 1,557 79,000 10 Fire strong, Ice strong Overlord A 108 1,588 81,000 10 The Elemental Thanatos 108 4,100 70,000 25 Ice weak, Fire immune, Lightning immune, Poison immune, Holy immune, Physical immune, Dark immune The Elemental Thanatos 108 4,100 70,000 25 Fire weak, Ice immune, Lightning immune, Poison immune, Holy immune, Physical immune, Dark immune Giant Centipede 108 18,200 810,000 20 Harp 109 1,618 83,000 10 Poison weak Petrifighter 110 1,649 85,000 10 Zakum3 110 3,603,400 110,000,000 40 Skelegon 1 in Cave 110 1,649 85,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Ghost Pirate 110 1,649 85,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Gatekeeper Nex 110 1,649 85,000 20 Pianus 110 1,300,000 30,000,000 25 Fire weak Witch Bear 110 3,000 200,000 25 Zakum's Arm 6 110 560,000 30,000,000 40 Zakum's Arm 4 110 448,000 22,000,000 40 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire weak Zakum's Arm 5 110 560,000 27,500,000 40 Zakum's Arm 1 110 672,000 33,000,000 40 Zakum's Arm 7 110 515,200 25,300,000 40 Zakum's Arm 2 110 672,000 33,000,000 40 Zakum's Arm 3 110 448,000 22,000,000 40 Fire strong, Ice weak, Poison immune Skelegon 2 in Cave 110 1,649 85,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Nest Golem in Cave 110 1,649 85,000 10 Pianus 110 900,000 24,000,000 25 Fire weak Overlord B 110 1,649 85,000 10 Zakum's Arm 8 110 515,200 25,300,000 40 Death Teddy 112 1,709 89,000 5 Holy weak, Fire weak, Dark strong Mama Monkey 112 1,709 89,000 10 Robby 112 1,709 89,000 10 Blood Harp 112 1,709 89,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Bergamot 113 20,000 910,000 20 Fire strong, Lightning weak, Ice weak, Poison immune T-Skelegon in Cave 113 1,739 91,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Birk 114 1,768 93,000 10 Holy strong, Ice weak, Dark weak Iruvata 114 1,768 93,000 5 Poison immune Dual Ghost Pirate 114 1,768 93,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Gatekeeper Nex 115 1,797 95,000 20 Ergoth 115 150,000 1,700,000 25 Ice strong, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark strong Duku 115 1,797 95,000 10 Black Crow 115 718,143 35,000,000 25 Lightning weak Dual Birk 116 1,826 97,000 10 Holy strong, Poison strong, Dark weak Master Death Teddy 116 1,826 97,000 5 Holy weak, Ice strong, Lightning strong, Dark strong Aufheben 117 21,300 990,000 20 Ice weak, Poison weak Dunas 117 21,300 990,000 20 Poison immune Separated Yeti 117 1,855 99,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Yeti 117 1,855 99,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Transformed Yeti 117 1,855 99,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Afterlord 117 1,855 99,000 20 Ice strong, Poison immune, Holy strong, Dark weak Gatekeeper Nex 118 1,884 101,000 20 Black Kentaurus 118 1,884 101,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Blue Kentaurus 118 1,884 101,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Red Kentaurus 118 1,884 101,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Separated Dark Yeti 119 1,912 103,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Spirit Viking 119 1,912 103,000 10 Fire strong, Lightning weak Prototype Lord 119 1,912 103,000 5 Poison immune, Holy strong, Dark weak Dark Yeti 119 1,912 103,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Transformed Dark Yeti 119 1,912 103,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Soaring Griffey 120 13,000 3,230,000 25 Lightning strong, Poison weak Kyrin 120 6,700,000 100,000,000 25 Rellik 120 1,523,591 220,000,000 25 Holy immune, Fire weak Sniper Visitor 120 9,000 1,260,000 Lightning weak, Poison strong Bully Visitor 120 11,500 3,780,000 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Phoenix 120 13,500 1,350,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak MV 120 1,662,096 240,000,000 25 Destroyer 120 1,200,000 11,200,000 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Red Nirg 120 1,454,339 210,000,000 25 Wild Monkey 120 1,940 105,000 10 Leviathan 120 47,355 1,100,000 25 Unjust Visitor 120 10,000 10,080,000 Fire strong, Ice weak, Poison weak Speedy Visitor 120 10,000 5,040,000 Ice strong, Lightning weak, Poison strong Spirit Visitor 120 10,000 1,890,000 Holy strong Margana 120 1,385,087 200,000,000 25 Holy immune, Lightning strong, Fire strong, Ice strong, Fire strong Assassin Visitor 120 9,500 1,260,000 Ice strong, Holy weak Azure Ocelot 120 100,000 5,000,000 25 Ice immune, Lightning immune, Holy weak, Fire weak Manon 120 13,500 3,700,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak The Book Ghost 120 767 105,000 10 Bully Visitor 120 12,000 5,040,000 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Scarlet Phoenix 120 100,000 5,000,000 25 Fire immune, Poison immune, Ice weak, Holy weak Axe Visitor 120 10,000 1,890,000 Fire strong, Ice weak Inferno Kyrin 120 6,700,000 100,000,000 25 Freezer 120 13,500 1,350,000 25 Fire weak, Ice strong Bully Visitor 120 11,000 2,520,000 Fire strong, Ice weak, Lightning weak Dragon Rider 120 540,000 118,000,000 25 Hsalf 120 1,592,843 230,000,000 25 Ice weak, Holy immune Gunner Visitor 120 9,000 1,260,000 Lightning weak, Poison strong Cleric Visitor 120 9,500 1,260,000 Fire weak, Holy strong Ultimate Visitor 120 5,750,000 22,400,000 Fire strong, Ice strong, Holy weak Leviathan 120 47,355 13,400,000 25 Fire strong, Ice strong Crimson Guardian 120 1,940 105,000 10 Fire strong, Ice strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong, Holy immune Ravana 120 186,430 5,879,850 25 Griffey 120 13,500 3,700,000 25 Lightning strong, Poison weak Kacchuu Musha 120 1,566,606 78,000,000 25 Fire strong, Lightning weak, Holy weak, Ice weak, Poison immune Unseen Visitor 120 6,000 20,000 Commander 120 1,150,000 8,400,000 Fire weak, Ice strong, Poison weak Leviathan 120 30,000 13,400,000 25 Fire strong, Ice strong Phantom Watch 121 1,968 107,000 10 Holy weak, Ice strong, Fire weak, Dark strong Maverick Type A 121 2,361 107,000 10 Snowman 122 22,900 1,090,000 20 Oberon 122 22,900 1,090,000 20 Fire strong, Poison strong Flyeye 122 1,996 109,000 10 Gigantic Spirit Viking 122 1,996 109,000 10 Fire strong, Lightning weak Gatekeeper Nex 123 2,024 111,000 20 Maverick Type S 123 2,428 111,000 10 Jr. Cerebes 123 2,024 111,000 10 Grim Phantom Watch 124 2,051 113,000 10 Holy weak, Fire weak, Ice immune, Dark strong Maverick Type D 124 2,461 113,000 20 Maverick Type D 124 2,461 113,000 5 Papulatus 125 596,000 23,000,000 25 Papulatus Clock 125 596,000 23,000,000 25 Papulatus 125 50,000 23,000,000 25 Imperial Guard 125 2,493 115,000 5 Poison strong, Holy strong, Dark weak Papulatus 125 970,000 1,590,000 25 Thanatos 126 2,122 118,000 10 Holy weak, Ice strong, Dark strong Gatekeeper 126 2,122 118,000 10 Lightning strong Werewolf 127 2,149 120,000 10 Blue Dragon Turtle 127 2,149 120,000 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Royal Guard 127 2,578 120,000 5 Poison strong Red Dragon Turtle 128 2,226 125,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Lycanthrope 129 2,303 130,000 10 Ice strong, Fire weak Nibelung 130 27,300 1,350,000 20 Fire strong, Lightning weak, Ice weak, Poison immune Toad 130 2,379 135,000 10 Lightning weak, Fire strong Female Boss 130 1,447,275 75,000,000 25 Lightning weak, Holy weak Rexton 131 2,454 140,000 5 Lightning weak, Poison weak Coolie Zombie 132 2,529 145,000 5 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Miner Zombie 132 2,529 145,000 5 Poison immune, Holy weak, Dark strong Brexton 133 2,603 150,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Red Wyvern 134 2,677 155,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Cerebes 134 2,677 155,000 10 Riche 135 5,707 1,600,000 25 Afterlord Type A 135 2,750 160,000 Ice strong, Poison immune, Holy strong Green Cornian 136 2,823 165,000 10 Poison strong Eye of Time 136 2,823 165,000 10 Bain 136 2,823 165,000 10 Fire strong, Ice weak Blue Wyvern 137 2,896 170,000 10 Fire weak, Ice strong Chaos Zakum Arm 7 140 1,236,480 202,400,000 50 Chaos Zakum Arm 8 140 1,236,480 202,400,000 50 Furious Scarlion Boss 140 1,344,000 150,000,000 25 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire weak Chaos Zakum 140 8,877,840 1,280,000,000 50 Krexel 140 1,344,000 250,000,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Chaos Zakum Arm 3 140 1,075,200 176,000,000 50 Fire strong, Ice weak, Poison immune Chaos Zakum Arm 6 140 1,344,000 240,000,000 50 Krexel 140 2,000,000 250,000,000 25 Fire strong, Ice strong, Poison strong, Holy strong, Lightning strong Chaos Zakum Arm 1 140 1,612,800 264,000,000 50 Ravana 140 148,886 8,000,000 25 Chaos Zakum Arm 4 140 1,075,200 176,000,000 50 Ice strong, Lightning strong, Fire weak Furious Targa 140 1,344,000 150,000,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak, Poison immune Chaos Zakum Arm 2 140 1,612,800 264,000,000 50 Chaos Zakum Arm 5 140 1,344,000 220,000,000 50 Dark Wyvern 141 3,180 190,000 10 Memory Monk 142 3,900 195,000 5 Poison strong, Lightning strong Dark Cornian 142 3,250 195,000 10 Poison strong Imperial Guard Type A 143 3,320 200,000 Poison immune, Holy strong Memory Monk Trainee 144 4,066 205,000 5 Poison strong, Lightning strong Jr. Newtie 145 3,458 210,000 10 Leviathan 145 39,800 2,100,000 20 Fire strong, Ice strong Memory Guardian 146 4,231 215,000 5 Poison strong, Lightning strong Skelegon 147 3,594 220,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Chief Memory Guardian 148 4,393 225,000 20 Poison strong, Lightning strong Dodo 150 43,700 2,350,000 20 Fire strong, Ice strong, Lightning strong, Poison strong Mini Bean 150 11,000 1,515,000 40 Poison strong, Ice weak, Fire weak Nest Golem 150 7,800 235,000 10 Mu Gong Merits 150 100,000 27,523,000 25 Nest Golem 150 3,795 235,000 10
Name Level Exp HP PD/MDRate Elements Qualm Monk 151 4,633 240,000 5 Fire weak, Lightning weak Bodyguard A 152 7,137,894 400,000,000 25 Fire weak, Poison immune Skelosaurus 153 4,146 260,000 10 Holy weak, Dark strong Qualm Monk Trainee 153 4,975 260,000 5 Fire weak, Lightning weak Bodyguard B 155 8,835,567 500,000,000 25 Ice weak Qualm Guardian 155 5,312 280,000 5 Fire weak, Lightning weak, Poison weak Chief Qualm Guardian 157 5,646 300,000 20 Fire weak, Lightning weak, Poison weak Lilynouch 159 57,400 3,200,000 20 Ice strong, Lightning weak Horntail's Left Hand 160 4,844,950 230,000,000 40 Horntail's Head A 160 6,951,450 330,000,000 40 Royal Guard Type S 160 5,116 330,000 Poison immune, Holy immune Horntail's Head B 160 672,000 490,000,000 40 Horntail's Legs 160 2,704,983 130,000,000 40 Chaos Horntail's Left Head 160 3,892,812 1,650,000,000 50 Chaos Horntail's Right Hand 160 7,751,920 1,150,000,000 50 Chaos Horntail's Legs 160 4,381,520 650,000,000 50 Chaos Horntail's Head A 160 11,122,320 1,650,000,000 50 Horntail's Left Head 160 2,919,609 330,000,000 40 Chaos Horntail's Head C 160 11,122,320 1,650,000,000 50 Chaos Horntail's Left Hand 160 7,751,920 1,150,000,000 50 Chaos Horntail's Wings 160 9,100,080 1,350,000,000 50 Chaos Horntail's Right Head 160 3,892,812 1,650,000,000 50 Oblivion Monk 160 6,139 330,000 5 Poison weak, Ice weak, Lightning weak Chaos Horntail's Tail 160 2,696,320 450,000,000 50 Chaos Horntail's Head B 160 23,021,176 1,950,000,000 50 Horntail's Wings 160 5,573,799 270,000,000 40 Horntail's Tails 160 1,685,200 80,000,000 40 Horntail's Head C 160 6,951,450 330,000,000 40 Horntail's Right Head 160 2,919,609 330,000,000 40 Horntail's Right Hand 160 4,844,950 230,000,000 40 Oblivion Monk Trainee 162 6,463 350,000 5 Poison weak, Ice weak, Lightning weak Oblivion Guardian 164 6,783 370,000 5 Poison weak, Ice weak, Lightning weak Chief Oblivion Guardian 166 7,099 390,000 20 Poison weak, Ice weak, Lightning weak Lyka 168 71,300 4,100,000 20 Fire strong, Poison weak Dunas Type D 174 6,943 470,000 Poison immune, Lightning weak, Holy immune The Boss 175 2,494,740 150,000,000 25 Fire weak Castellan 180 10,166,835 620,000,000 25 Poison weak Solomon the Wise 180 3,000,000 300,000,000 60 Munin 180 3,500,000 450,000,000 25 Ice strong, Fire weak Castellan Toad 180 7,379,203 450,000,000 25 Poison immune Ariel 180 20,000,000 600,000,000 60 Holy immune, Fire strong, Lightning strong, Ice strong, Dark strong Rex the Wise 180 3,000,000 300,000,000 60 Solomon the Wise 180 3,000,000 300,000,000 25 Rex the Wise 180 3,000,000 300,000,000 25 Pink Bean 180 62,900,000 2,100,000,000 70 Physical strong, Holy strong, Fire strong, Ice strong, Dark strong Hugin 180 3,500,000 450,000,000 25 Fire strong, Ice weak Hugin 180 3,500,000 450,000,000 60 Fire strong, Ice weak Munin 180 3,500,000 450,000,000 60 Ice strong, Fire weak Black Mage's Henchman A 200 99,999 1,800,000,000 25 Mr. Black Sheep 200 190 930,000 100 Flaming Raccoon 200 60 930,000 10 Ice weak Witch Cat 200 1 10 25 Dark Menhir 200 999 9,999,999 25 Super Slime 200 12 930,000 100 Lightning weak Super Jr. Necki 200 33 930,000 100 Black Mage's Henchman B 200 99,999 1,800,000,000 25 Crow 200 44 930,000 10 Lightning weak Super Stirge 200 19 930,000 100 Bam Bam Cat 200 35 330,000,000 25 Super Ribbon-Pig 200 17 930,000 100 Ultra Jr. Necki 2 200 33 930,000 100 Ultra Jr. Necki 1 200 33 930,000 100 Cat Sleeping Spot 200 1 99,999,999 25 King Block Golem from Another Dimension 200 10,156 1,116,000 10