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  1. Default L> BB screenshot

    Howdy all. Looking for a post-BB screenshot.

    Change the maplerange photo to use the new Big Bang maplestory style and resolution

    - Must be from a post-BB version
    - Must be 1024 x 768 resolution
    - Must have no windows opened in game
    - Character must be facing toward the left
    - Your character must be the only one in the image (enemy mobs are ok, just not other maple characters)
    - The character may not be using any skills which covers the character image.
    - The character must be in the standing animation.
    - Please no obscenities in the chatbox or on the screen
    - The character must be standing close to the center of the screen.
    - A darker area of the game is preferred (Magatia, Leafre). No Ludibrium/Ariant, please.

    The image I choose will be used in maplerange photos to show ranges of skills, like so:


  2. Default

    How's this? Is the mini-map and quest helper a problem?

  3. Default

    Minimap and quest helper are fine. Can you place your feet in the center of the screen (range is determined by where your feet are)? Like... destroy the mobs on the left platform on that screenie then stand in the middle. If so, that would be absolutely perfect.

  4. Default

    Not sure if this is the center, but I guess further right is better than left?

  5. Self-titled badass
    IGN: Gambiarra
    Server: Culverin
    Level: 131
    Job: Dark Knight
    Guild: Century
    Alliance: Foreigners


    How's that?

  6. Default

    Sorry Dusk, I'm going with Cancambo's image.

    Thanks to the both of you for your willingness to help!

  7. Default

    Made some in Edelstein / Leben Mine:

    Enjoy! :)

  8. Default

    Um, his image has a racial word in it. :X

    Don't know if it'll cause huge problems.

  9. Default

    Negro can mean several things, one of which being the colour black in Spanish. Truth be told, it took me a while to guess what you were talking about. I figured you meant cockblock.

  10. Default

    Thanks Eos for uploading the new scripts for the bigger image.

    Quote this post to see how it's done

  11. Self-titled badass
    IGN: Gambiarra
    Server: Culverin
    Level: 131
    Job: Dark Knight
    Guild: Century
    Alliance: Foreigners


    Oops, wasn't even thinking about that. Want a new one where I just minimize the chatbox, Fiel?

  12. Default

    Sure, that'd be fine with me.

  13. Self-titled badass
    IGN: Gambiarra
    Server: Culverin
    Level: 131
    Job: Dark Knight
    Guild: Century
    Alliance: Foreigners



  14. Default


    EDIT: Fiel scams. Nevermind, I'm stupid, it's .php


    So how do I know vertical ranges of the skills again? Or am I not supposed to know.



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