Howdy all. Looking for a post-BB screenshot.
Change the maplerange photo to use the new Big Bang maplestory style and resolution
- Must be from a post-BB version
- Must be 1024 x 768 resolution
- Must have no windows opened in game
- Character must be facing toward the left
- Your character must be the only one in the image (enemy mobs are ok, just not other maple characters)
- The character may not be using any skills which covers the character image.
- The character must be in the standing animation.
- Please no obscenities in the chatbox or on the screen
- The character must be standing close to the center of the screen.
- A darker area of the game is preferred (Magatia, Leafre). No Ludibrium/Ariant, please.
The image I choose will be used in maplerange photos to show ranges of skills, like so: