In no particular order, some old, some new -
- Member's list is more search friendly in regards to who can be looked for and now tells you when people were last active.
- You now have more options for posts-per-page in the user settings.
- We have a icon just because.
- Certain weaknesses in vBulletin that let people hide behind mults have been eliminated so that the R&R section "C. Mult Policy" can be more accurately enforced.
- InfractionPM will notify users when their infractions have been Reversed now.
- There's a [header] tag for anyone who missed that addition.
- Except in certain forums you are unable to reply to a thread that hasn't had a reply, or had the original post edited/updated in the past 21 days. If either of those have happened the post can be replied to normally. Necroposting has been removed from the R&R to celebrate this change.
- Images can no longer expand beyond the frame meant to contain a post & Images can be clicked on to view them in a slideshow at their normal size.
- There's a [BG] tag for background colors. (Making the nocolor mod strip this is still pending).
- # of threads per page can now be set at the user profile level.