A new "CONSUME" item was added - "SP initialization order". It restores all of your SP, then sets all available skills to have 1 SP in them. Note that since this is a consume item, it's not to be sold in the cash shop.
Name: SP 초기화 주문서 Description: 사용 시 #c초보자 스킬을 제외#한 #c모든 스킬이 초기화 #됩니다.
All of the mob's PADamage for skills was increased, as it should have been. The older numbers were still assuming the older system and needed to be updated for the new PADamage calculation which remains elusive.
There seems to be a major change with Combat Orders. Not all skills are affected by Combat Orders. This makes perfect sense. Otherwise, you could use Combat Orders recursively (use combat orders to give combat orders +2 to skill level which increases combat orders, use the skill again....). They also attached a new description to Combat Orders which suggests that it will allow you to go past the mastery level, but will not allow you to go above the maximum level. For the time being, I will not include below which skills are and are not available with Combat Orders. I will leave this for a skill table thread. Anyway, here's the description of Combat Orders:
일정 시간동안 자신을 포함한 파티원 전원의 모든 스킬레벨을 상승시켜준다. 각 직업군의 #c최종 차수 스킬에 한해 마스터 레벨 이상으로 증가#시킬 수 있으며 그 외 스킬은 마스터 레벨까지만 올려줄 수 있다.\n예외적으로 초보자 스킬과 컴뱃 오더스의 스킬 레벨은 올려줄 수 없다.\n필요 스킬 : #c리스토네이션 5레벨 이상#
As a rule of thumb, combat orders cannot increase skills from first or second job. Combat Orders works with all class types of all races.
Also, with some of these changes I question whether Nexon KR really knows what they're doing. They keep changing the same skills over and over again.
- Brave Slash's damage reduced from 205% to 190%
- Enrage's duration decreased from 240 to 180
- ACB reduced from 500% to 460%
- Bossing Armor cooldown has all levels at 30 seconds
- Blast's damage reduced from 740% to 700%. New variable added that increases minimum critical damage by +20%
- Holy Hammer's cooldown increased from 20 seconds to 40 seconds.
- Dark Force's defense reduction reduced from -60% to -30%
- Teleport Mastery's stun rate reduced from 100% to 50% (??? - not sure on this, skill data is vague)
- Teleport Mastery's stun rate reduced from 100% to 50% (??? - not sure on this, skill data is vague)
- Blessing's WATK and MATK increased from +15 to +22
- Teleport Mastery's stun rate reduced from 100% to 50% (??? - not sure on this, skill data is vague)
- Mortal Blow's animation changed
- Snipe's MP cost greatly increased at lower levels (level 1 is 300 MP). Its cooldown is now 10 seconds.
- Nothing
- Greed's damage bonus to Meso Explosion increased from +30% to +40%
Dual Blade:
- Final Cut's damage reduced from 2100% to 2000%
- Chains of hell attack count reduced from 12 to 10
- CSB changed from 3 mobs * 150% damage * 3 times to 3 mobs * 460% damage * 1 time
- Barrage's damage decreased from 360% to 342%
- Demolition damage reduced from 400% to 380%
- Snatch's stun duration increased from 3 to 4. Now attacks 6 mobs.
- Hypnotize's success rate decreased from 100% to 94%
I wonder if certain classes can just leave most of their skills 2 points below the Master Level and just bring a Paladin buddy to max them out from time to time. xD
So it adds 1 sp to all available skills? That's not too good for my 4th job build..
But nice that we get a sp reset anyway...
Yeah, I don't really want any points in poison breath and magic claw, though I think I can work it so I have all the skills I want without having to reset those 1 points.
For 4th job it's fine I guess, just makes me wonder how that will work with pre-reqs.
Yeah, I don't really want any points in poison breath and magic claw, though I think I can work it so I have all the skills I want without having to reset those 1 points.
For 4th job it's fine I guess, just makes me wonder how that will work with pre-reqs.
It only works with available skills, so skills with pre-reqs shouldn't be getting any skill points. This is going to mess up lots of first job builds (I'm a freaking CB, I don't want Lucky 7!). Someone here once proved that there was a cap on the SP you can have (155), so hopefully they removed that. At least we get a full SP reset.
Maybe they give us one extra SP per skill... While keeping our original ones. Like, get all your SP reset, and then, add one per skill. Maybe from now on, you start with all your skills at level one, when you advance.
- Snipe's MP cost greatly increased at lower levels (level 1 is 300 MP). Its cooldown is now 10 seconds.
Snipe, what did they do?!!. Ok, the MP cost is a non-issue, lower levels don't have the spammability that will hurt our pocket like pre balance ultis, so if this is a balance, ur doing it wrong, dev team.
But then, WHY U INCREASE THE CD? is it cuz of ultimate snipe?
I share the same sentiments about Nexon as you Fiel.
Snipe, what did they do?!!. Ok, the MP cost is a non-issue, lower levels don't have the spammability that will hurt our pocket liek pre balance ultis, so if this is a balance, ur doing it wrong, dev team.
But then, WHY U INCREASE THE CD? is it cuz of ultimate snipe?
I share the same sentiments about Nexon as you Fiel.
Because Ultimate Strafe does the same amount of damage as Hurricane and hitting 999999 every 5 seconds is kind of ridiculous.
Maybe they give us one extra SP per skill... While keeping our original ones. Like, get all your SP reset, and then, add one per skill. Maybe from now on, you start with all your skills at level one, when you advance.
Highly unlikely...but it would be a good move to reward loyal players and keep their trust...
Highly unlikely...but it would be a good move to reward loyal players and keep their trust...
No, no, I mean. Also for old players.
I explain. Whenever you make your job advancement, imagine they set each skill to 1. That way, you have a kick at all skills right after the advancement, being able to be tested, and letting you choose where to put points. And also, some extra free points for everyone! Because thanks to this thing, old players would have that extra SP too!
EDIT: Also, looking for drain animation changes... Any luck on that?
Weird Pirate changes. Guess that Cleric change was to encourage Cleric partying. 2 W/MAtk isn't that big of a difference, especially since Clerics are inherently weaker than Wizards. If it was weaker than Meditate and Rage, no one would ever want a Cleric in their party since it would constantly weaken them.
For Fighters, do you mean Brave Slash, instead of Brandish?
For Pirates, Hypnotize's success rate was changed from 100% to 94%. This is a very, very strange change. I can only attribute it to Combat Orders. The formula for the success rate is 34+3*x where X is equal to the current level of the skill. Now, if you get a +2 increase with combat orders, that would put the success rate at 100% but also increase beyond the maxLevel of the skill. So am I reading the skill description of Combat Orders wrong? Perhaps it can go beyond the maxLevel. Otherwise, this change is beyond stupid since no one really uses Hypnotize anyway.
The developers do any changes without planning I assume..they tend to play with the skills after implement it and regret of it, then change again, then regret, and change again, and regret...and the cycle goes round and round again +_+
The developers do any changes without planning I assume..they tend to play with the skills after implement it and regret of it, then change again, then regret, and change again, and regret...and the cycle goes round and round again +_+
I'm thinking they are shooting for certain damage ranges, # of hits it takes, or watever but instead of calculating it out they are just throwin' numbers out there and seeing what happens.