How much energy does energy bar contain ? 10k ?
Yes 10k
What's the better execution of your rushing skills after Justice?
I've tried Double Spiral → Screw Punch, but Screw Punch activates way too early to knock back the monster. It just pushes me through it. Screw Punch → Double Spiral is more difficult to time, but I'm not sure if I still KB monsters, even though the delay is a little further apart.
Use dash before hand? If I recall, it's supposed to allow you to dash into either one, then follow up with the other.
I thought they both worked just with different timing. Dspiral->spiral being the better option because starting off the chain with spiral would be terrible due to such poor range.
Just something to get used to?
I'm not liking either combination at the moment... If you don't time it just right, with either combination, you have massive delays between them. That means, if you press one, then spam the other one's key a ton of times, it won't even activate because you didn't press it at the very right moment. It's such an asshole.
I said this like the very first day I tried a viper in tespia. It's not a determiner of skill, just annoying. The best combo will always be DS > csb because it may save you one attack, but you'll have to start off with csb if you're midair.
Eh. I noticed this, and I noticed that it happens sometimes, and sometimes not...I really don't know why it happens.
Can anyone explain to me why Pirate empress gear is almost 3 times more expensive than any other class (except maybe thieves)? I doubt their numbers are high enough to significantly warrant a higher price and I don't thik their population is so dismal that there is no market for it.
I can get a warrior overall, hat, and shoe for the price of ONE pirate overall. WHY?
So, I really need to upgrade my bucc's equips, currently i wearing the lv80 UA set with the Renegade pirate goggles, a 87 attack legendary maple knuckle, MoN, shiny blue pirate face paint, +5 str belt and 6% str earings. Any idea on what i should upgrade first? I really dont want to get a new weapon as i hate scrolling and mine is better than most clean weapons until 130-140 equips. I have been thinking about geting a lv130 set since is is much cheaper than the lv140.
I found an old Time Leap book on a mule that I can trade in...which book is the best Corsair book to get from the Maple Admin?
Wow, this thread hasn't been touched almost in a full year.
I'd wait the 4 days to make it an even 365 days but ain't nobody got time for that.
My question is: Do Thunder Breakers have a Stance skill after their revamp, or am i missing something? None of their skills seem to provide it but it's entirely possible I missed something.
What has everyone done for Buccaneer hypers? So far I have the +1 damage lines for octopunch and laser, but I have 2 to spend and basically everything unlocked. For a mixed build (training and bossing) would any of the dice enhance skills be useful? Or do I just straight out take all the damage enhances on octo?
If you take the dice hyper, do saving grace/one last chance and reinforce on octo because it's the same as boss killer but works on everything. If not take boss killer and reinforce. Can't tell you which is better since it's kinda preference but saving grace is probably great for training.
Last edited by DavyJonesx; 2014-06-14 at 09:25 AM.
For Cannoneer Hyper, is it worth it to lose the 20% Damage in Cannon Bazooka in favor of +15% Crit in Cannon Barrage?
My crit rate is at 70% right now. I don't have access to Sharp Eyes nor the funds to buy it.
My build right now is so:
Monkey Militia - Enhance
Cannon Bazooka - Reinforce
Cannon Bazooka - Extra Strike
Cannon Barrage - Reinforce
Cannon Bazooka - Extra Strike