Okay... this won't be perfect english (names and descriptions still in KOR), but at least many of the skill variable names will be in English so it's easier to read. I do not have all of the skill tables done. It will take me at least a week or two to finish them and make sure they're up to snuff.
I will then release information, job by job, as I have them. So please continue checking back. And if you have any translations to offer for these skills, I'd love to have them. I'll make sure to give you credits in this opening post at the top.
Feel free to post!
HP 증가
Description: 최대 HP가 영구적으로 증가한다.
Maximum Level: 10
1 +2% MaxHP 2 +4% MaxHP 3 +6% MaxHP 4 +8% MaxHP 5 +10% MaxHP 6 +12% MaxHP 7 +14% MaxHP 8 +16% MaxHP 9 +18% MaxHP 10 +20% MaxHP
아이언 바디
Description: 일정 시간동안 자신의 물리 방어력을 증가시켜준다.
Fiel's Note: To see just how useless WDEF really is, please see this thread
Delay: alert2 - 600 ms
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -8 110 Seconds +10 WDEF 2 MP -8 120 Seconds +20 WDEF 3 MP -8 130 Seconds +30 WDEF 4 MP -8 140 Seconds +40 WDEF 5 MP -8 150 Seconds +50 WDEF 6 MP -10 160 Seconds +60 WDEF 7 MP -10 170 Seconds +70 WDEF 8 MP -10 180 Seconds +80 WDEF 9 MP -10 190 Seconds +90 WDEF 10 MP -10 200 Seconds +100 WDEF 11 MP -12 210 Seconds +110 WDEF 12 MP -12 220 Seconds +120 WDEF 13 MP -12 230 Seconds +130 WDEF 14 MP -12 240 Seconds +140 WDEF 15 MP -12 250 Seconds +150 WDEF 16 MP -14 260 Seconds +160 WDEF 17 MP -14 270 Seconds +170 WDEF 18 MP -14 280 Seconds +180 WDEF 19 MP -14 290 Seconds +190 WDEF 20 MP -14 300 Seconds +200 WDEF
파워 스트라이크
Description: MP를 소비하여 적에게 일격을 가한다.
Animations: Effect, Hit0, Charlevel25effect, Charlevel20hit0, Charlevel10hit0, Charlevel15effect, Charlevel15hit0, Charlevel20effect, Charlevel10effect, Charlevel25hit0
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -5 165% damage 2 MP -5 170% damage 3 MP -5 175% damage 4 MP -5 180% damage 5 MP -5 185% damage 6 MP -7 190% damage 7 MP -7 195% damage 8 MP -7 200% damage 9 MP -7 205% damage 10 MP -7 210% damage 11 MP -9 215% damage 12 MP -9 220% damage 13 MP -9 225% damage 14 MP -9 230% damage 15 MP -9 235% damage 16 MP -11 240% damage 17 MP -11 245% damage 18 MP -11 250% damage 19 MP -11 255% damage 20 MP -11 260% damage
슬래시 블러스트
Description: MP를 소비하여 주위의 적들을 최대 6명까지 동시에 공격한다. 필요 스킬 : #c파워 스트라이크 1레벨 이상#
Fiel's Note: The 'range' referred to in the skill tables refers to a total range. When you hit the first mob in a group, slash blast will connect with more mobs within the given range. After the range, no more mobs will be struck.
Animations: Charlevel20hit2, Charlevel20hit1, Charlevel20hit0, Charlevel15hit0, Charlevel15effect, Charlevel25hit2, Charlevel15hit1, Hit1, Hit0, Charlevel25hit0, Charlevel25hit1, Charlevel10effect, Charlevel20effect, Charlevel25effect, Effect, Charlevel10hit1, Charlevel10hit0, Charlevel15hit2, Charlevel10hit2
Pre-requisite: Level 1 파워 스트라이크 (Power Strike)
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -6 85% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 2 MP -6 90% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 3 MP -6 95% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 4 MP -6 100% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 5 MP -8 105% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 6 MP -8 110% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 7 MP -8 115% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 8 MP -8 120% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 9 MP -8 125% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 10 MP -10 130% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 11 MP -10 135% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 12 MP -10 140% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 13 MP -10 145% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 14 MP -10 150% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 15 MP -12 155% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 16 MP -12 160% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 17 MP -12 165% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 18 MP -12 170% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 19 MP -12 175% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies 20 MP -14 180% damage 180 Range Attacks 6 enemies
웨폰 마스터리
Description: 검과 도끼 계열 무기의 숙련도와 명중을 향상시킨다.
Maximum Level: 20
1 12% Mastery +3 accuracy 2 14% Mastery +6 accuracy 3 16% Mastery +9 accuracy 4 18% Mastery +12 accuracy 5 20% Mastery +15 accuracy 6 22% Mastery +18 accuracy 7 24% Mastery +21 accuracy 8 26% Mastery +24 accuracy 9 28% Mastery +27 accuracy 10 30% Mastery +30 accuracy 11 32% Mastery +33 accuracy 12 34% Mastery +36 accuracy 13 36% Mastery +39 accuracy 14 38% Mastery +42 accuracy 15 40% Mastery +45 accuracy 16 42% Mastery +48 accuracy 17 44% Mastery +51 accuracy 18 46% Mastery +54 accuracy 19 48% Mastery +57 accuracy 20 50% Mastery +60 accuracy
파이널 어택
Description: 일정확률로 공격 스킬이 사용된 후 추가 데미지가 적용된다. 다만, 반드시 검과 도끼를 들었을 경우에만 발동이 가능하다. 필요 스킬 : #c웨폰 마스터리 3레벨 이상#
Animations: Hit0
Pre-requisite: Level 3 웨폰 마스터리 (Sword Mastery)
Maximum Level: 20
1 100% damage 2% Probability 2 105% damage 4% Probability 3 105% damage 6% Probability 4 110% damage 8% Probability 5 110% damage 10% Probability 6 115% damage 12% Probability 7 115% damage 14% Probability 8 120% damage 16% Probability 9 120% damage 18% Probability 10 125% damage 20% Probability 11 125% damage 22% Probability 12 130% damage 24% Probability 13 130% damage 26% Probability 14 135% damage 28% Probability 15 135% damage 30% Probability 16 140% damage 32% Probability 17 140% damage 34% Probability 18 145% damage 36% Probability 19 145% damage 38% Probability 20 150% damage 40% Probability
향상된 기본기
Description: 전사의 기본기인 파워 스트라이크와 슬래시 블러스트를 연마한다.
Maximum Level: 10
1 Power Strike +10% Slash Blast +6% 2 Power Strike +20% Slash Blast +12% 3 Power Strike +30% Slash Blast +18% 4 Power Strike +40% Slash Blast +24% 5 Power Strike +50% Slash Blast +30% 6 Power Strike +60% Slash Blast +36% 7 Power Strike +70% Slash Blast +42% 8 Power Strike +80% Slash Blast +48% 9 Power Strike +90% Slash Blast +54% 10 Power Strike +100% Slash Blast +60%
웨폰 부스터
Description: MP를 소비하여 일정시간 동안 무기의 공격속도를 한단계 상승시킨다. 단, 반드시 검이나 도끼를 들었을 경우에만 발동이 가능하다. 필요 스킬 : #c웨폰 마스터리 5레벨 이상#
Animations: Effect
Pre-requisite: Level 5 웨폰 마스터리 (Sword Mastery)
Delay: alert2 - 600 ms
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -30 10 Seconds -2 weapon speed 2 MP -29 20 Seconds -2 weapon speed 3 MP -28 30 Seconds -2 weapon speed 4 MP -27 40 Seconds -2 weapon speed 5 MP -26 50 Seconds -2 weapon speed 6 MP -25 60 Seconds -2 weapon speed 7 MP -24 70 Seconds -2 weapon speed 8 MP -23 80 Seconds -2 weapon speed 9 MP -22 90 Seconds -2 weapon speed 10 MP -21 100 Seconds -2 weapon speed 11 MP -20 110 Seconds -2 weapon speed 12 MP -19 120 Seconds -2 weapon speed 13 MP -18 130 Seconds -2 weapon speed 14 MP -17 140 Seconds -2 weapon speed 15 MP -16 150 Seconds -2 weapon speed 16 MP -15 160 Seconds -2 weapon speed 17 MP -14 170 Seconds -2 weapon speed 18 MP -13 180 Seconds -2 weapon speed 19 MP -12 190 Seconds -2 weapon speed 20 MP -11 200 Seconds -2 weapon speed
Description: 일정 시간동안 아군의 물리 공격력을 향상시킨다.
Animations: Effect, Affected
Delay: alert2 - 600 ms
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -12 +1 weapon attack 60 Seconds 300% range 2 MP -12 +2 weapon attack 65 Seconds 300% range 3 MP -12 +3 weapon attack 70 Seconds 300% range 4 MP -12 +4 weapon attack 75 Seconds 300% range 5 MP -12 +5 weapon attack 80 Seconds 300% range 6 MP -12 +6 weapon attack 85 Seconds 300% range 7 MP -12 +7 weapon attack 90 Seconds 300% range 8 MP -12 +8 weapon attack 95 Seconds 300% range 9 MP -12 +9 weapon attack 100 Seconds 300% range 10 MP -12 +10 weapon attack 105 Seconds 300% range 11 MP -20 +11 weapon attack 110 Seconds 300% range 12 MP -20 +12 weapon attack 115 Seconds 300% range 13 MP -20 +13 weapon attack 120 Seconds 300% range 14 MP -20 +14 weapon attack 125 Seconds 300% range 15 MP -20 +15 weapon attack 130 Seconds 300% range 16 MP -20 +16 weapon attack 135 Seconds 300% range 17 MP -20 +17 weapon attack 140 Seconds 300% range 18 MP -20 +18 weapon attack 145 Seconds 300% range 19 MP -20 +19 weapon attack 150 Seconds 300% range 20 MP -20 +20 weapon attack 155 Seconds 300% range
파워 가드
Description: 일정시간동안 적으로부터 받은 데미지의 일부를 흡수하고, 흡수한 피해를 그대로 적에게 되돌려 준다. 다만, 한 번에 대상의 최대 HP의 절반 이상은 되돌려 줄 수 없다. 필요 스킬 : #c분노 3레벨 이상#
Fiel's Note: The damage reflected is halved against boss-type mobs. This skill also reduces the amount of knockback you receive from attacks. This is a great skill to use in jump quests.
Animations: Effect, Effect0
Pre-requisite: Level 3 분노 (Rage)
Delay: alert2 - 600 ms
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -10 12% damage reflected 10 Seconds 2 MP -11 14% damage reflected 10 Seconds 3 MP -11 16% damage reflected 20 Seconds 4 MP -12 18% damage reflected 20 Seconds 5 MP -12 20% damage reflected 30 Seconds 6 MP -13 22% damage reflected 30 Seconds 7 MP -13 24% damage reflected 40 Seconds 8 MP -14 26% damage reflected 40 Seconds 9 MP -14 28% damage reflected 50 Seconds 10 MP -15 30% damage reflected 50 Seconds 11 MP -15 32% damage reflected 60 Seconds 12 MP -16 34% damage reflected 60 Seconds 13 MP -16 36% damage reflected 70 Seconds 14 MP -17 38% damage reflected 70 Seconds 15 MP -17 40% damage reflected 80 Seconds 16 MP -18 42% damage reflected 80 Seconds 17 MP -18 44% damage reflected 90 Seconds 18 MP -19 46% damage reflected 90 Seconds 19 MP -19 48% damage reflected 100 Seconds 20 MP -20 50% damage reflected 100 Seconds
그라운드 스매시
Description: 전방을 향해 강한 충격파를 날린다. 최대 3명의 적을 공격할 수 있다.
Fiel's Note: Works with FA
Animations: Hit0, Effect
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -6 186% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 2 MP -6 192% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 3 MP -7 198% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 4 MP -7 204% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 5 MP -8 210% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 6 MP -8 216% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 7 MP -9 222% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 8 MP -9 228% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 9 MP -10 234% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 10 MP -10 240% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 11 MP -11 246% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 12 MP -11 252% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 13 MP -12 258% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 14 MP -12 264% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 15 MP -13 270% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 16 MP -13 276% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 17 MP -14 282% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 18 MP -14 288% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 19 MP -15 294% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range 20 MP -15 300% damage 200 Range Attacks 3 enemies 200% range
MP 회복력 향상
Description: 4초마다 MP를 회복할 수 있다. 전투 중에도 회복 가능.
Maximum Level: 20
1 +2 MP recovery rate 2 +4 MP recovery rate 3 +6 MP recovery rate 4 +8 MP recovery rate 5 +10 MP recovery rate 6 +12 MP recovery rate 7 +14 MP recovery rate 8 +16 MP recovery rate 9 +18 MP recovery rate 10 +20 MP recovery rate 11 +22 MP recovery rate 12 +24 MP recovery rate 13 +26 MP recovery rate 14 +28 MP recovery rate 15 +30 MP recovery rate 16 +32 MP recovery rate 17 +34 MP recovery rate 18 +36 MP recovery rate 19 +38 MP recovery rate 20 +40 MP recovery rate
찬스 어택
Description: 기절, 암흑 상태의 적을 공격할 때 더 큰 데미지를 줄 수 있다.
Maximum Level: 20
1 101% damage 2 102% damage 3 103% damage 4 104% damage 5 105% damage 6 106% damage 7 107% damage 8 108% damage 9 109% damage 10 110% damage 11 111% damage 12 112% damage 13 113% damage 14 114% damage 15 115% damage 16 116% damage 17 117% damage 18 118% damage 19 119% damage 20 120% damage
콤보 어택
Description: 일정시간동안 공격할 때마다 콤보 카운터가 누적된다. 최대 콤보 카운터는 5이며, 콤보 카운터를 많이 쌓을수록 데미지가 증가한다.
Animations: Effect, State
Delay: alert4 - 900 ms
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -22 100 Seconds 3 orbs +1 damage/orb 2 MP -22 110 Seconds 3 orbs +1 damage/orb 3 MP -22 110 Seconds 3 orbs +1 damage/orb 4 MP -22 120 Seconds 3 orbs +1 damage/orb 5 MP -22 120 Seconds 3 orbs +1 damage/orb 6 MP -26 130 Seconds 3 orbs +1 damage/orb 7 MP -26 130 Seconds 3 orbs +1 damage/orb 8 MP -26 140 Seconds 4 orbs +2 damage/orb 9 MP -26 140 Seconds 4 orbs +2 damage/orb 10 MP -26 150 Seconds 4 orbs +2 damage/orb 11 MP -30 150 Seconds 4 orbs +2 damage/orb 12 MP -30 160 Seconds 4 orbs +2 damage/orb 13 MP -30 160 Seconds 4 orbs +2 damage/orb 14 MP -30 170 Seconds 4 orbs +2 damage/orb 15 MP -30 170 Seconds 5 orbs +3 damage/orb 16 MP -34 180 Seconds 5 orbs +3 damage/orb 17 MP -34 180 Seconds 5 orbs +3 damage/orb 18 MP -34 190 Seconds 5 orbs +3 damage/orb 19 MP -34 190 Seconds 5 orbs +3 damage/orb 20 MP -34 200 Seconds 5 orbs +3 damage/orb
Description: 적 하나를 공격하여 큰 데미지를 주며 일정확률로 암흑 효과를 걸어 명중률을 감소시킨다. 단, 콤보 카운터 충전 상태에서만 사용 가능하며 누적 콤보 카운터의 수에 따라 추가 데미지가 적용된다. 필요 스킬 : #c콤보 어택 1레벨 이상#
Fiel's Note: Works with FA.
Animations: Finish2, Finish3, Finish1, Finish6, Finish7, Finish4, Finish5, Finish8, Finish9, Hit1, Hit0, Finish10, Mob
Pre-requisite: Level 1 콤보 어택 (Combo Attack)
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -10 290% damage 33% chance of darkness 5 Seconds X Variable - 3 Y Variable - 1 2 MP -11 300% damage 36% chance of darkness 5 Seconds X Variable - 6 Y Variable - 2 3 MP -11 310% damage 39% chance of darkness 5 Seconds X Variable - 9 Y Variable - 3 4 MP -12 320% damage 42% chance of darkness 5 Seconds X Variable - 12 Y Variable - 4 5 MP -12 330% damage 45% chance of darkness 6 Seconds X Variable - 15 Y Variable - 5 6 MP -13 340% damage 48% chance of darkness 6 Seconds X Variable - 18 Y Variable - 6 7 MP -13 350% damage 51% chance of darkness 6 Seconds X Variable - 21 Y Variable - 7 8 MP -14 360% damage 54% chance of darkness 6 Seconds X Variable - 24 Y Variable - 8 9 MP -14 370% damage 57% chance of darkness 7 Seconds X Variable - 27 Y Variable - 9 10 MP -15 380% damage 60% chance of darkness 7 Seconds X Variable - 30 Y Variable - 10 11 MP -15 390% damage 63% chance of darkness 7 Seconds X Variable - 33 Y Variable - 11 12 MP -16 400% damage 66% chance of darkness 7 Seconds X Variable - 36 Y Variable - 12 13 MP -16 410% damage 69% chance of darkness 8 Seconds X Variable - 39 Y Variable - 13 14 MP -17 420% damage 72% chance of darkness 8 Seconds X Variable - 42 Y Variable - 14 15 MP -17 430% damage 75% chance of darkness 8 Seconds X Variable - 45 Y Variable - 15 16 MP -18 440% damage 78% chance of darkness 8 Seconds X Variable - 48 Y Variable - 16 17 MP -18 450% damage 81% chance of darkness 9 Seconds X Variable - 51 Y Variable - 17 18 MP -19 460% damage 84% chance of darkness 9 Seconds X Variable - 54 Y Variable - 18 19 MP -19 470% damage 87% chance of darkness 9 Seconds X Variable - 57 Y Variable - 19 20 MP -20 480% damage 90% chance of darkness 9 Seconds X Variable - 60 Y Variable - 20
Description: 주변 적들을 동시에 공격하여 데미지를 주며 일정확률로 기절시킨다. 단, 콤보 카운터 충전 상태에서만 사용 가능하며 누적 콤보 카운터의 수에 따라 추가 데미지가 적용된다. 필요 스킬 : #c콤보 어택 1레벨 이상#
Fiel's Note: Works with FA
Animations: Finish7, Mob, Finish6, Finish10, Finish4, Finish5, Hit1, Hit0, Finish1, Finish2, Finish3, Finish8, Finish9
Pre-requisite: Level 1 콤보 어택 (Combo Attack)
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -12 208% damage 33% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 1 2 MP -13 216% damage 36% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 2 3 MP -13 224% damage 39% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 3 4 MP -14 232% damage 42% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 4 5 MP -14 240% damage 45% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 5 6 MP -15 248% damage 48% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 6 7 MP -15 256% damage 51% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 7 8 MP -16 264% damage 54% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 8 9 MP -16 272% damage 57% Probability 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 9 10 MP -17 280% damage 60% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 10 11 MP -17 288% damage 63% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 11 12 MP -18 296% damage 66% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 12 13 MP -18 304% damage 69% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 13 14 MP -19 312% damage 72% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 14 15 MP -19 320% damage 75% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 15 16 MP -20 328% damage 78% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 16 17 MP -20 336% damage 81% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 17 18 MP -21 344% damage 84% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 18 19 MP -21 352% damage 87% Probability 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 19 20 MP -22 360% damage 90% Probability 4 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 150 Range Y variable - 20
매직 크래쉬
Description: 일정확률로 주변 적들에게 적용된 모든 버프를 없애며, 지정된 시간동안 버프 효과가 적용될 수 없도록 제한한다. [재사용 대기시간 : 1분] 필요 스킬 : #c샤우트 3레벨 이상#
Animations: Mob, Effect0, Effect
Pre-requisite: Level 3 샤우트 (Shout)
Delay: alert3 - 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -35 24% Probability 8 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 2 MP -33 28% Probability 8 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 3 MP -33 32% Probability 8 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 4 MP -31 36% Probability 10 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 5 MP -31 40% Probability 10 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 6 MP -29 44% Probability 10 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 7 MP -29 48% Probability 12 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 8 MP -27 52% Probability 12 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 9 MP -27 56% Probability 12 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 10 MP -25 60% Probability 14 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 11 MP -25 64% Probability 14 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 12 MP -23 68% Probability 14 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 13 MP -23 72% Probability 16 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 14 MP -21 76% Probability 16 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 15 MP -21 80% Probability 16 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 16 MP -19 84% Probability 18 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 17 MP -19 88% Probability 18 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 18 MP -17 92% Probability 18 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 19 MP -17 96% Probability 20 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown 20 MP -15 100% Probability 20 Seconds 60 Seconds Cooldown
Description: 주위에 있는 적에게 큰 소리를 질러 데미지를 주며 일정확률로 기절시킨다. 한번에 최대 6명까지 공격할 수 있다.
Animations: Hit0, Mob, Effect
Delay: alert3 - 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -8 68% damage 57% Probability 4 seconds stun 200% range 2 MP -9 76% damage 59% Probability 4 seconds stun 200% range 3 MP -9 84% damage 61% Probability 4 seconds stun 200% range 4 MP -10 92% damage 63% Probability 4 seconds stun 200% range 5 MP -10 100% damage 65% Probability 5 seconds stun 200% range 6 MP -11 108% damage 67% Probability 5 seconds stun 200% range 7 MP -11 116% damage 69% Probability 5 seconds stun 200% range 8 MP -12 124% damage 71% Probability 5 seconds stun 200% range 9 MP -12 132% damage 73% Probability 5 seconds stun 200% range 10 MP -13 140% damage 75% Probability 6 seconds stun 200% range 11 MP -13 148% damage 77% Probability 6 seconds stun 200% range 12 MP -14 156% damage 79% Probability 6 seconds stun 200% range 13 MP -14 164% damage 81% Probability 6 seconds stun 200% range 14 MP -15 172% damage 83% Probability 6 seconds stun 200% range 15 MP -15 180% damage 85% Probability 7 seconds stun 200% range 16 MP -16 188% damage 87% Probability 7 seconds stun 200% range 17 MP -16 196% damage 89% Probability 7 seconds stun 200% range 18 MP -17 204% damage 91% Probability 7 seconds stun 200% range 19 MP -17 212% damage 93% Probability 7 seconds stun 200% range 20 MP -18 220% damage 95% Probability 8 seconds stun 200% range
Description: 눈 앞의 적 여러명을 두번 연속 공격한다.
Fiel's Note: Works with FA
Animations: Effect0, Effect1, Hit0
Delay: brandish1 - 840 ms
Maximum Level: 20
1 MP -15 125% damage Attacks 1 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 2 MP -15 130% damage Attacks 1 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 3 MP -16 135% damage Attacks 1 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 4 MP -16 140% damage Attacks 1 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 5 MP -16 145% damage Attacks 1 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 6 MP -17 150% damage Attacks 1 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 7 MP -17 155% damage Attacks 1 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 8 MP -17 160% damage Attacks 2 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 9 MP -18 165% damage Attacks 2 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 10 MP -18 170% damage Attacks 2 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 11 MP -18 175% damage Attacks 2 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 12 MP -19 180% damage Attacks 2 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 13 MP -19 185% damage Attacks 2 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 14 MP -19 190% damage Attacks 2 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 15 MP -20 195% damage Attacks 3 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 16 MP -20 200% damage Attacks 3 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 17 MP -20 205% damage Attacks 3 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 18 MP -21 210% damage Attacks 3 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 19 MP -21 215% damage Attacks 3 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range 20 MP -21 220% damage Attacks 3 enemies Attacks 2 Times 150% range
어드밴스드 콤보
Description: 콤보 카운터 개 당 데미지와 최대 콤보 카운터 수가 증가한다. 또한 일정 확률로 콤보 카운터가 2개씩 충전된다. 필요 스킬 : #c콤보 어택 20레벨 이상#
Animations: State
Pre-requisite: Level 20 콤보 어택 (Combo Attack)
Maximum Level: 30
1 +3% damage/orb 6 orbs 22% chance of 2 orbs 2 +3% damage/orb 6 orbs 24% chance of 2 orbs 3 +3% damage/orb 6 orbs 26% chance of 2 orbs 4 +3% damage/orb 6 orbs 28% chance of 2 orbs 5 +3% damage/orb 6 orbs 30% chance of 2 orbs 6 +3% damage/orb 6 orbs 32% chance of 2 orbs 7 +3% damage/orb 7 orbs 34% chance of 2 orbs 8 +3% damage/orb 7 orbs 36% chance of 2 orbs 9 +3% damage/orb 7 orbs 38% chance of 2 orbs 10 +3% damage/orb 7 orbs 40% chance of 2 orbs 11 +4% damage/orb 7 orbs 42% chance of 2 orbs 12 +4% damage/orb 7 orbs 44% chance of 2 orbs 13 +4% damage/orb 8 orbs 46% chance of 2 orbs 14 +4% damage/orb 8 orbs 48% chance of 2 orbs 15 +4% damage/orb 8 orbs 50% chance of 2 orbs 16 +4% damage/orb 8 orbs 52% chance of 2 orbs 17 +4% damage/orb 8 orbs 54% chance of 2 orbs 18 +4% damage/orb 8 orbs 56% chance of 2 orbs 19 +4% damage/orb 9 orbs 58% chance of 2 orbs 20 +4% damage/orb 9 orbs 60% chance of 2 orbs 21 +5% damage/orb 9 orbs 62% chance of 2 orbs 22 +5% damage/orb 9 orbs 64% chance of 2 orbs 23 +5% damage/orb 9 orbs 66% chance of 2 orbs 24 +5% damage/orb 9 orbs 68% chance of 2 orbs 25 +5% damage/orb 10 orbs 70% chance of 2 orbs 26 +5% damage/orb 10 orbs 72% chance of 2 orbs 27 +5% damage/orb 10 orbs 74% chance of 2 orbs 28 +5% damage/orb 10 orbs 76% chance of 2 orbs 29 +5% damage/orb 10 orbs 78% chance of 2 orbs 30 +5% damage/orb 10 orbs 80% chance of 2 orbs
Description: 영구적으로 신체를 강화하여 적에게 입는 피해를 감소시킨다.
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 10
1 99.5% damage received 2 99.0% damage received 3 98.5% damage received 4 98.0% damage received 5 97.5% damage received 6 97.0% damage received 7 96.5% damage received 8 96.0% damage received 9 95.5% damage received 10 95.0% damage received 11 94.5% damage received 12 94.0% damage received 13 93.5% damage received 14 93.0% damage received 15 92.5% damage received 16 92.0% damage received 17 91.5% damage received 18 91.0% damage received 19 90.5% damage received 20 90.0% damage received 21 89.5% damage received 22 89.0% damage received 23 88.5% damage received 24 88.0% damage received 25 87.5% damage received 26 87.0% damage received 27 86.5% damage received 28 86.0% damage received 29 85.5% damage received 30 85.0% damage received
컴뱃 마스터리
Description: 공격 시 대상의 물리 방어율을 일정 수준 무시한다.
Maximum Level: 10
1 ignoreMobpdpR - 3 2 ignoreMobpdpR - 6 3 ignoreMobpdpR - 9 4 ignoreMobpdpR - 12 5 ignoreMobpdpR - 15 6 ignoreMobpdpR - 18 7 ignoreMobpdpR - 21 8 ignoreMobpdpR - 24 9 ignoreMobpdpR - 27 10 ignoreMobpdpR - 30
메이플 용사
Description: 일정시간 동안 파티원의 모든 스탯을 일정 퍼센트만큼 상승시켜 준다.
Animations: Effect, Affected
Delay: alert3 - 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 30
1 MP -10 +1% boost to base stats 30 Seconds 400% range 2 MP -10 +1% boost to base stats 60 Seconds 400% range 3 MP -10 +2% boost to base stats 90 Seconds 400% range 4 MP -10 +2% boost to base stats 120 Seconds 400% range 5 MP -20 +3% boost to base stats 150 Seconds 400% range 6 MP -20 +3% boost to base stats 180 Seconds 400% range 7 MP -20 +4% boost to base stats 210 Seconds 400% range 8 MP -20 +4% boost to base stats 240 Seconds 400% range 9 MP -20 +5% boost to base stats 270 Seconds 400% range 10 MP -30 +5% boost to base stats 300 Seconds 400% range 11 MP -30 +6% boost to base stats 330 Seconds 400% range 12 MP -30 +6% boost to base stats 360 Seconds 400% range 13 MP -30 +7% boost to base stats 390 Seconds 400% range 14 MP -30 +7% boost to base stats 420 Seconds 400% range 15 MP -40 +8% boost to base stats 450 Seconds 400% range 16 MP -40 +8% boost to base stats 480 Seconds 400% range 17 MP -40 +9% boost to base stats 510 Seconds 400% range 18 MP -40 +9% boost to base stats 540 Seconds 400% range 19 MP -40 +10% boost to base stats 570 Seconds 400% range 20 MP -50 +10% boost to base stats 600 Seconds 400% range 21 MP -50 +11% boost to base stats 630 Seconds 400% range 22 MP -50 +11% boost to base stats 660 Seconds 400% range 23 MP -50 +12% boost to base stats 690 Seconds 400% range 24 MP -50 +12% boost to base stats 720 Seconds 400% range 25 MP -60 +13% boost to base stats 750 Seconds 400% range 26 MP -60 +13% boost to base stats 780 Seconds 400% range 27 MP -60 +14% boost to base stats 810 Seconds 400% range 28 MP -60 +14% boost to base stats 840 Seconds 400% range 29 MP -60 +15% boost to base stats 870 Seconds 400% range 30 MP -70 +15% boost to base stats 900 Seconds 400% range
몬스터 마그넷
Description: 전방의 적을 최대 6명까지 자신의 앞으로 끌어 당기며 공격한다. 대상은 일정시간동안 스턴 상태에 빠진다. [재사용 대기시간 : 5초]
Fiel's Note: Works with FA.
Animations: Effect, Hit0, Mob
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 10
1 MP -10 26% damage 1 second stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 2 MP -10 32% damage 1 second stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 3 MP -10 38% damage 1 second stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 4 MP -10 44% damage 1 second stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 5 MP -12 50% damage 1 second stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 6 MP -12 56% damage 1 second stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 7 MP -12 62% damage 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 8 MP -12 68% damage 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 9 MP -12 74% damage 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 10 MP -14 80% damage 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 11 MP -14 86% damage 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 12 MP -14 92% damage 2 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 13 MP -14 98% damage 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 14 MP -14 104% damage 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 15 MP -16 110% damage 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 16 MP -16 116% damage 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 17 MP -16 122% damage 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 18 MP -16 128% damage 3 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 19 MP -16 134% damage 4 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 20 MP -18 140% damage 4 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 21 MP -18 146% damage 4 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 22 MP -18 152% damage 4 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 23 MP -18 158% damage 4 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 24 MP -18 164% damage 4 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 25 MP -20 170% damage 5 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 26 MP -20 176% damage 5 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 27 MP -20 182% damage 5 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 28 MP -20 188% damage 5 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 29 MP -20 194% damage 5 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range 30 MP -22 200% damage 5 seconds stun Attacks 6 enemies 5 Seconds Cooldown 370% range
Description: 일정시간동안 적의 공격에도 뒤로 물러서지 않는 상태가 된다.
Animations: Effect, Special
Delay: alert4 - 900 ms
Maximum Level: 30
1 MP -30 10 Seconds 32% Probability 2 MP -30 20 Seconds 34% Probability 3 MP -30 30 Seconds 36% Probability 4 MP -30 40 Seconds 38% Probability 5 MP -35 50 Seconds 40% Probability 6 MP -35 60 Seconds 42% Probability 7 MP -35 70 Seconds 44% Probability 8 MP -35 80 Seconds 46% Probability 9 MP -35 90 Seconds 48% Probability 10 MP -40 100 Seconds 50% Probability 11 MP -40 110 Seconds 52% Probability 12 MP -40 120 Seconds 54% Probability 13 MP -40 130 Seconds 56% Probability 14 MP -40 140 Seconds 58% Probability 15 MP -45 150 Seconds 60% Probability 16 MP -45 160 Seconds 62% Probability 17 MP -45 170 Seconds 64% Probability 18 MP -45 180 Seconds 66% Probability 19 MP -45 190 Seconds 68% Probability 20 MP -50 200 Seconds 70% Probability 21 MP -50 210 Seconds 72% Probability 22 MP -50 220 Seconds 74% Probability 23 MP -50 230 Seconds 76% Probability 24 MP -50 240 Seconds 78% Probability 25 MP -55 250 Seconds 80% Probability 26 MP -55 260 Seconds 82% Probability 27 MP -55 270 Seconds 84% Probability 28 MP -55 280 Seconds 86% Probability 29 MP -55 290 Seconds 88% Probability 30 MP -60 300 Seconds 90% Probability
Description: 전방으로 거칠게 돌격하며 자신 앞에 있는 적들을 최대 15명까지 밀고 지나간다.
Fiel's Note: Works with FA.
Animations: Effect, Effect0
Delay: rush2 - 600 ms
Maximum Level: 30
1 MP -20 134% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 2 MP -20 138% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 3 MP -20 142% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 4 MP -23 146% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 5 MP -23 150% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 6 MP -23 154% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 7 MP -26 158% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 8 MP -26 162% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 9 MP -26 166% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 10 MP -29 170% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 11 MP -29 174% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 12 MP -29 178% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 13 MP -32 182% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 14 MP -32 186% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 15 MP -32 190% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 16 MP -35 194% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 17 MP -35 198% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 18 MP -35 202% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 19 MP -38 206% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 20 MP -38 210% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 21 MP -38 214% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 22 MP -41 218% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 23 MP -41 222% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 24 MP -41 226% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 25 MP -44 230% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 26 MP -44 234% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 27 MP -44 238% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 28 MP -47 242% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 29 MP -47 246% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range 30 MP -47 250% damage Attacks 15 enemies 270% range
브레이브 슬래시
Description: 전방의 적 다수를 세번 연속 공격한다.
Fiel's Note: Works with FA.
Animations: Hit1, Hit0, Effect, Hit2
Delay: braveslash - 1080 ms
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 10
1 MP -15 112% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 2 MP -15 114% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 3 MP -15 116% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 4 MP -16 118% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 5 MP -16 120% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 6 MP -16 122% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 7 MP -17 124% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 8 MP -17 126% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 9 MP -17 128% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 10 MP -18 130% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 11 MP -18 132% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 12 MP -18 134% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 13 MP -19 136% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 14 MP -19 138% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 15 MP -19 140% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 16 MP -20 142% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 17 MP -20 144% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 18 MP -20 146% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 19 MP -21 148% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 20 MP -21 150% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 21 MP -21 152% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 22 MP -22 154% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 23 MP -22 156% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 24 MP -22 158% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 25 MP -23 160% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 26 MP -23 162% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 27 MP -23 164% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 28 MP -24 166% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 29 MP -24 168% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range 30 MP -24 170% damage Attacks 3 Times Attacks 3 enemies 250% range
Description: 콤보 카운터 10개를 사용하여 일정 시간동안 물리 공격력을 증가시킨다. [재사용 대기시간 : 6분] 필요 스킬 : #c어드밴스드 콤보 30레벨 이상#
Animations: Effect
Pre-requisite: Level 30 어드밴스드 콤보 (Advanced Combo Attack)
Maximum Level: 30
1 MP -14 +11 weapon attack 37 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 2 MP -14 +12 weapon attack 44 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 3 MP -15 +13 weapon attack 51 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 4 MP -15 +14 weapon attack 58 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 5 MP -15 +15 weapon attack 65 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 6 MP -16 +16 weapon attack 72 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 7 MP -16 +17 weapon attack 79 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 8 MP -16 +18 weapon attack 86 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 9 MP -17 +19 weapon attack 93 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 10 MP -17 +20 weapon attack 100 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 11 MP -17 +21 weapon attack 107 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 12 MP -18 +22 weapon attack 114 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 13 MP -18 +23 weapon attack 121 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 14 MP -18 +24 weapon attack 128 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 15 MP -19 +25 weapon attack 135 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 16 MP -19 +26 weapon attack 142 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 17 MP -19 +27 weapon attack 149 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 18 MP -20 +28 weapon attack 156 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 19 MP -20 +29 weapon attack 163 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 20 MP -20 +30 weapon attack 170 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 21 MP -21 +31 weapon attack 177 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 22 MP -21 +32 weapon attack 184 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 23 MP -21 +33 weapon attack 191 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 24 MP -22 +34 weapon attack 198 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 25 MP -22 +35 weapon attack 205 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 26 MP -22 +36 weapon attack 212 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 27 MP -23 +37 weapon attack 219 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 28 MP -23 +38 weapon attack 226 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 29 MP -23 +39 weapon attack 233 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown 30 MP -24 +40 weapon attack 240 Seconds 360 Seconds Cooldown
용사의 의지
Description: 유혹 상태에서 벗어날 수 있다. 레벨이 올라갈수록 재사용 대기시간이 단축된다.
Animations: Effect
Maximum Level: 5
1 MP -30 600 Seconds Cooldown 2 MP -30 540 Seconds Cooldown 3 MP -30 480 Seconds Cooldown 4 MP -30 420 Seconds Cooldown 5 MP -30 360 Seconds Cooldown