Which class are you going to stick with? Which class will be your main character?
Which class are you going to stick with? Which class will be your main character?
Still my Corsair, mainly because I'm way too lazy to train another character. Both resistance classes look interesting though, especially Wild Hunters if they get Crit.
Evan..Dragons FTW.
I bet only 3 people would vote for Evan.
No idea. Def not an Evan or Aran. Have to see more of Battle Mages to see if Id make a min out of them. Is a definite possibility though. Just gonna stick to my BM & Sader for now.
Seems likely to be NL, it got a bigger boost from the crit rings this patch than my Paladin got from 10+ skill buffs. :x
I've always had preference for Explorers. I'll sometimes play other characters, but my Paladin will forever be my main character.
Maybe Aran, when I figure out how to train without killing my wrists. Other than that, sticking with the Explorer.
Honestly I think Im going to go with a Dual Blade. They look really fast paced, they deal alot of damage, and they look fun.
My Corsair has always been my top priority character, and I may spend time creating a Dual Blade, so Explorers for me.
If Nexon doesnt make DB p2p like evan then dual blades. If they undo their stupidness with evan then evan, if not then an explorer (corsair)
Evan all the way. Plus I still have to finish my equipment project on it.
Was gonna stick with my Evan till it got ownt with all my items sold and character deletion approaching at any minute now. My friends duey's my old HB mule like 1bil so I came back this patch to remake my drk.
Aran. But depending on how the %item system impacts GMS, I might actually go back to my high dex sader. xd
Explorer. They can do the most amount of different things in MS, and I'm sure there is going to be more explorer exclusive content, especially for higher levels like CWKPQ.
Explorer (i'm pretty sure those are the adventurers, mirite?)
Due to laziness: Sticking with my lolaneer
If I have more time and money: A Dual Blader