Click here to see the Wild Hunter skill tables
May 30, 2010:
- Changed Cyclone's comment
- Added link to "Deeper Mechanics" for Super Body
- Fixed Advanced Dark Aura to give fixed damage, not +MATK
May 29, 2010:
- Greatly changed the description on the Reaper skill
- Added that you can use teleport while in Cyclone
May 27, 2010:
- Added that Dark chain pulls enemies toward you
- Blue Aura changed from "Damage received" to "damage absorbed"
- Changed Advanced Blue Aura from having percentage based defense boost to flat additive defense boost.
- Changed Conversion to directly increase HP - not dependent upon MP consumed for the skill.
- Changed Super Body to be about changing the current Aura that is being used - not about unleashing all auras for a duration.
- Advanced Aura - Changed from being "+Basic Attack" to "+MATK"
- Dark Genesis - Removed the "2 seconds" column as it appears to be completely unused
- For all of the Blow attacks, added the link to the "Deeper Mechanics" thread. Also, the range was changed for all of the Blow attacks to be smaller.
- In the "Revive" skill, changed Ripper to Reaper.
1st Battle Mage
트리플 블로우 (Triple Blow)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n스킬키를 세번 연타해 근접한 다수의 적들을 빠르게 3단 공격한다. 최대 6마리의 적을 공격할 수 있다. (Hit the skill key three times to attack up to six enemies three times.)
Fiel's Note: See this thread for more information
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 10 소비, 기본 공격력 22
Last: MP 20 소비, 기본 공격력 60
피니쉬 어택 (Finish Attack)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 10]\n톱니 형태의 빛이 날아가 6마리 이하 다수의 적들을 공격한다. 블로우 계열 스킬의 마지막 연타와 연속해서만 사용이 가능하다. 더 강한 블로우 스킬과 함께 사용할 경우 데미지가 더욱 강해진다. (A sawtoothed blade of light appears from the end of your staff to attack up to six of your enemy.)
Fiel's Note: See this thread for more information
Maximum Level: 10
First: MP 11 소비, 기본 공격력 21
Last: MP 20 소비, 기본 공격력 30
텔레포트 (Teleport)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 15]\n상, 하, 좌, 우 방향키를 이용하여 같은 맵 상의 다른 위치로 일정 간격으로 이동할 수 있다. (Press a direction along with the skill key to teleport yourself for a distance in one direction.)
Fiel's Note: Same as the other Teleports. No surprises here.
Maximum Level: 15
First: MP 50 소비하여 텔레포트, 이동거리 136
Last: MP 10 소비하여 텔레포트, 이동거리 150
1 MP -50 136 distance 2 MP -49 137 distance 3 MP -46 138 distance 4 MP -43 139 distance 5 MP -40 140 distance 6 MP -37 141 distance 7 MP -34 142 distance 8 MP -31 143 distance 9 MP -28 144 distance 10 MP -25 145 distance 11 MP -22 146 distance 12 MP -19 147 distance 13 MP -16 148 distance 14 MP -13 149 distance 15 MP -10 150 distance
다크 오라 (Dark Aura)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n자신의 몸에서 검은 오라를 방출해서 파티원들의 공격력을 향상시킨다. 스킬키를 한번 더 사용해서 오라를 해제할 수 있으며, 다른 종류의 오라는 중복해서 사용할 수 없다. (Your body emits a powerful black aura and increases the entire party's damage)
Animations: Effect, Special, Affected
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 15 소비하여 데미지 1% 강화
Last: MP 30 소비하여 데미지 10% 강화
1 MP -15 1% damage increase 200% range 2 MP -15 1% damage increase 200% range 3 MP -15 2% damage increase 200% range 4 MP -15 2% damage increase 200% range 5 MP -15 3% damage increase 200% range 6 MP -20 3% damage increase 200% range 7 MP -20 4% damage increase 200% range 8 MP -20 4% damage increase 200% range 9 MP -20 5% damage increase 200% range 10 MP -20 5% damage increase 200% range 11 MP -25 6% damage increase 200% range 12 MP -25 6% damage increase 200% range 13 MP -25 7% damage increase 200% range 14 MP -25 7% damage increase 200% range 15 MP -25 8% damage increase 200% range 16 MP -30 8% damage increase 200% range 17 MP -30 9% damage increase 200% range 18 MP -30 9% damage increase 200% range 19 MP -30 10% damage increase 200% range 20 MP -30 10% damage increase 200% range
2nd Battle Mage
쿼드 블로우 (Quad Blow)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n트리플 블로우 스킬키를 네번 연타해 근접한 다수의 적들을 빠르게 4단 공격한다. 최대 6마리의 적을 공격할 수 있다. \n필요 스킬 : #c트리플 블로우 20레벨 이상# (Hit the skill key four times to attack up to six enemies four times.)
Fiel's Note: See this thread for more information
Animations: Hit0, Effect
Pre-requisite: Level 20 트리플 블로우 (Triple Blow)
Delay: quadBlow - 510 ms
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 22 소비, 기본 공격력 145
Last: MP 28 소비, 기본 공격력 240
1 MP -2 85 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 2 MP -2 90 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 3 MP -2 95 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 4 MP -2 100 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 5 MP -2 105 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 6 MP -4 110 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 7 MP -4 115 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 8 MP -4 120 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 9 MP -4 125 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 10 MP -4 130 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 11 MP -6 135 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 12 MP -6 140 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 13 MP -6 145 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 14 MP -6 150 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 15 MP -6 155 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 16 MP -8 160 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 17 MP -8 165 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 18 MP -8 170 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 19 MP -8 175 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range 20 MP -8 180 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 60% Mastery 180% range
다크 체인 (Dark Chain)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 30]\n마법진에서 검은 사슬이 뻗어나가 원거리에 있는 적을 최대 6마리까지 앞으로 끌고 온다. 끌려온 몬스터들은 데미지를 입고 스턴 상태가 된다. (Pull up to six enemies toward you with a sharp sawtoothed blade attached to a chain. Also stuns the enemy.)
Fiel's Note: I don't see anything about a stun success rate here, so I'm assuming 100%.
Animations: Mob, Effect, Hit0
Delay: darkChain - 1350 ms
Maximum Level: 30
First: MP 12 소비, 기본 공격력 41, 1초간 스턴
Last: MP 24 소비, 기본 공격력 70, 2초간 스턴
1 MP -12 41 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 2 MP -12 42 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 3 MP -12 43 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 4 MP -12 44 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 5 MP -12 45 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 6 MP -12 46 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 7 MP -12 47 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 8 MP -12 48 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 9 MP -12 49 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 10 MP -12 50 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 11 MP -18 51 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 12 MP -18 52 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 13 MP -18 53 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 14 MP -18 54 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 15 MP -18 55 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 1 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 16 MP -18 56 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 17 MP -18 57 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 18 MP -18 58 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 19 MP -18 59 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 20 MP -18 60 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 21 MP -24 61 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 22 MP -24 62 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 23 MP -24 63 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 24 MP -24 64 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 25 MP -24 65 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 26 MP -24 66 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 27 MP -24 67 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 28 MP -24 68 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 29 MP -24 69 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range 30 MP -24 70 Basic Attack Attacks 6 enemies 2 second stun 60% Mastery 300% range
블루 오라 (Blue Aura)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n자신의 몸에서 밝고 푸른 빛의 오라를 방출해서 오라 영역 내의 파티원들이 받는 데미지를 대신 흡수한다. 스킬을 한번 더 사용해서 오라를 해제할 수 있으며, 다른 종류의 오라를 중복해서 사용할 수 없다. (Some of the damage received while in this aura is distributed evenly among the party.)
Fiel's Note: Probably needs a better translation
Animations: Special, Effect, Affected
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 24 소비, 파티원이 받은 데미지의 11% 분배, 분배된 데미지 중 11% 흡수
Last: MP 42 소비, 파티원이 받은 데미지의 30% 분배, 분배된 데미지 중 30% 흡수
1 MP -24 11% damage absorbed 11% damage distributed 200% range 2 MP -24 12% damage absorbed 12% damage distributed 200% range 3 MP -24 13% damage absorbed 13% damage distributed 200% range 4 MP -24 14% damage absorbed 14% damage distributed 200% range 5 MP -24 15% damage absorbed 15% damage distributed 200% range 6 MP -30 16% damage absorbed 16% damage distributed 200% range 7 MP -30 17% damage absorbed 17% damage distributed 200% range 8 MP -30 18% damage absorbed 18% damage distributed 200% range 9 MP -30 19% damage absorbed 19% damage distributed 200% range 10 MP -30 20% damage absorbed 20% damage distributed 200% range 11 MP -36 21% damage absorbed 21% damage distributed 200% range 12 MP -36 22% damage absorbed 22% damage distributed 200% range 13 MP -36 23% damage absorbed 23% damage distributed 200% range 14 MP -36 24% damage absorbed 24% damage distributed 200% range 15 MP -36 25% damage absorbed 25% damage distributed 200% range 16 MP -42 26% damage absorbed 26% damage distributed 200% range 17 MP -42 27% damage absorbed 27% damage distributed 200% range 18 MP -42 28% damage absorbed 28% damage distributed 200% range 19 MP -42 29% damage absorbed 29% damage distributed 200% range 20 MP -42 30% damage absorbed 30% damage distributed 200% range
옐로우 오라 (Yellow Aura)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n자신의 몸에서 밝은 노란 빛 오라를 방출해서 주위의 파티원들의 이동속도, 공격속도를 향상시킨다. 스킬을 한번 더 사용해서 오라를 해제할 수 있으며, 다른 종류의 오라를 중복해서 사용할 수 없다. (Emit a powerful yellow aura which increases the party's movement and attack speed.)
Animations: Affected, Effect, Special
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 12 소비, 이동속도 1, 공격속도 1 증가
Last: MP 21 소비, 이동속도 20, 공격속도 1 증가
1 MP -12 +1 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 2 MP -12 +2 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 3 MP -12 +3 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 4 MP -12 +4 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 5 MP -12 +5 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 6 MP -15 +6 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 7 MP -15 +7 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 8 MP -15 +8 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 9 MP -15 +9 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 10 MP -15 +10 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 11 MP -18 +11 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 12 MP -18 +12 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 13 MP -18 +13 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 14 MP -18 +14 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 15 MP -18 +15 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 16 MP -21 +16 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 17 MP -21 +17 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 18 MP -21 +18 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 19 MP -21 +19 speed -1 attack speed 200% range 20 MP -21 +20 speed -1 attack speed 200% range
블러드 드레인 (Blood Drain)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n일정 시간 동안 적을 공격하는 데미지의 일부만큼 HP를 회복시켜주는 버프를 사용한다. 캐릭터 최대 HP의 10% 이상 회복할 수 없다. (Absorb some of the damage dealt to your enemy as HP.)
Animations: Effect
Delay: alert2 - 600 ms
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 30 소비, 33초 동안 적에게 준 데미지의 1%만큼 HP 회복
Last: MP 66 소비, 90초 동안 적에게 준 데미지의 4%만큼 HP 회복
1 MP -30 1% damage absorbed 33 Seconds 2 MP -30 1% damage absorbed 36 Seconds 3 MP -30 1% damage absorbed 39 Seconds 4 MP -30 1% damage absorbed 42 Seconds 5 MP -30 1% damage absorbed 45 Seconds 6 MP -42 2% damage absorbed 48 Seconds 7 MP -42 2% damage absorbed 51 Seconds 8 MP -42 2% damage absorbed 54 Seconds 9 MP -42 2% damage absorbed 57 Seconds 10 MP -42 2% damage absorbed 60 Seconds 11 MP -54 3% damage absorbed 63 Seconds 12 MP -54 3% damage absorbed 66 Seconds 13 MP -54 3% damage absorbed 69 Seconds 14 MP -54 3% damage absorbed 72 Seconds 15 MP -54 3% damage absorbed 75 Seconds 16 MP -66 4% damage absorbed 78 Seconds 17 MP -66 4% damage absorbed 81 Seconds 18 MP -66 4% damage absorbed 84 Seconds 19 MP -66 4% damage absorbed 87 Seconds 20 MP -66 4% damage absorbed 90 Seconds
스태프 부스터 (Staff booster)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\nMP를 소비하여 마법 공격 속도를 향상시킨다. (Use MP to increase the speed of your staff)
Animations: Effect
Delay: alert2 - 600 ms
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 58 소비, 33초간 마법 공격 속도 1단계 향상
Last: MP 30 소비, 90초간 마법 공격 속도 2단계 향상
1 MP -58 33 Seconds -1 weapon speed 2 MP -56 36 Seconds -1 weapon speed 3 MP -54 39 Seconds -1 weapon speed 4 MP -52 42 Seconds -1 weapon speed 5 MP -50 45 Seconds -1 weapon speed 6 MP -48 48 Seconds -1 weapon speed 7 MP -46 51 Seconds -1 weapon speed 8 MP -44 54 Seconds -1 weapon speed 9 MP -42 57 Seconds -1 weapon speed 10 MP -40 60 Seconds -1 weapon speed 11 MP -39 63 Seconds -2 weapon speed 12 MP -38 66 Seconds -2 weapon speed 13 MP -37 69 Seconds -2 weapon speed 14 MP -36 72 Seconds -2 weapon speed 15 MP -35 75 Seconds -2 weapon speed 16 MP -34 78 Seconds -2 weapon speed 17 MP -33 81 Seconds -2 weapon speed 18 MP -32 84 Seconds -2 weapon speed 19 MP -31 87 Seconds -2 weapon speed 20 MP -30 90 Seconds -2 weapon speed
3rd Battle Mage
어드밴스드 블루 오라 (Advanced Blue Aura)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n블루 오라의 능력을 강화시키고 추가로 주위 파티원들의 방어력을 향상시킨다.\n필요 스킬 : #c블루 오라 20레벨 이상# (Further increase Blue Aura's capabilities by adding defense.)
Fiel's Note: Passive buff - probably replaces the regular blue aura once you get this skill
Animations: Effect, Affected, Special
Pre-requisite: Level 20 블루 오라 (Blue Aura)
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 46 소비, 분배된 데미지의 31% 흡수, 방어력 3% 증가
Last: MP 58 소비, 분배된 데미지의 50% 흡수, 방어력 60% 증가
1 MP -46 30% damage distributed 31% damage absorbed +3% defense 200% range 2 MP -46 30% damage distributed 32% damage absorbed +6% defense 200% range 3 MP -46 30% damage distributed 33% damage absorbed +9% defense 200% range 4 MP -46 30% damage distributed 34% damage absorbed +12% defense 200% range 5 MP -46 30% damage distributed 35% damage absorbed +15% defense 200% range 6 MP -50 30% damage distributed 36% damage absorbed +18% defense 200% range 7 MP -50 30% damage distributed 37% damage absorbed +21% defense 200% range 8 MP -50 30% damage distributed 38% damage absorbed +24% defense 200% range 9 MP -50 30% damage distributed 39% damage absorbed +27% defense 200% range 10 MP -50 30% damage distributed 40% damage absorbed +30% defense 200% range 11 MP -54 30% damage distributed 41% damage absorbed +33% defense 200% range 12 MP -54 30% damage distributed 42% damage absorbed +36% defense 200% range 13 MP -54 30% damage distributed 43% damage absorbed +39% defense 200% range 14 MP -54 30% damage distributed 44% damage absorbed +42% defense 200% range 15 MP -54 30% damage distributed 45% damage absorbed +45% defense 200% range 16 MP -58 30% damage distributed 46% damage absorbed +48% defense 200% range 17 MP -58 30% damage distributed 47% damage absorbed +51% defense 200% range 18 MP -58 30% damage distributed 48% damage absorbed +54% defense 200% range 19 MP -58 30% damage distributed 49% damage absorbed +57% defense 200% range 20 MP -58 30% damage distributed 50% damage absorbed +60% defense 200% range
스태프 마스터리 (Staff Mastery)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n스태프 계열 무기의 숙련도와 마력을 상승시킨다. 이 기술은 스태프를 들었을 경우에만 적용된다. (Increase the proficiency of your staff)
Maximum Level: 20
First: 마법 공격 숙련도 65%, 마력 1 증가
Last: 마법 공격 숙련도 80%, 마력 20 증가
1 65% Mastery +1 Magic Attack 2 65% Mastery +2 Magic Attack 3 65% Mastery +3 Magic Attack 4 65% Mastery +4 Magic Attack 5 65% Mastery +5 Magic Attack 6 70% Mastery +6 Magic Attack 7 70% Mastery +7 Magic Attack 8 70% Mastery +8 Magic Attack 9 70% Mastery +9 Magic Attack 10 70% Mastery +10 Magic Attack 11 75% Mastery +11 Magic Attack 12 75% Mastery +12 Magic Attack 13 75% Mastery +13 Magic Attack 14 75% Mastery +14 Magic Attack 15 75% Mastery +15 Magic Attack 16 80% Mastery +16 Magic Attack 17 80% Mastery +17 Magic Attack 18 80% Mastery +18 Magic Attack 19 80% Mastery +19 Magic Attack 20 80% Mastery +20 Magic Attack
데스 블로우 (Death Blow)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 30]\n트리플 블로우 스킬 키를 다섯번 연타해서 다수의 근접한 적에게 5단 공격을 한다. 최대 6마리의 적을 공격할 수 있다. \n필요 스킬 : #c쿼드 블로우 20레벨 이상 (Tap the skill key five times to attack your enemies up to five times.)
Fiel's Note: See this thread for more information
Pre-requisite: Level 20 쿼드 블로우 (Quad Blow)
Maximum Level: 30
First: MP 30 소비, 기본 공격력 335
Last: MP 50 소비, 기본 공격력 480
다크 라이트닝 (Dark Lightning)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 30]\n두개의 암흑의 구를 소환하고, 구 사이에 자기장을 만들어 몬스터들을 공격한다. 최대 6 마리의 적을 공격할 수 있다.\n#c재사용 대기시간 : 10초# (Summon a piece of dark lightning to attack your enemies)
Fiel's Note: This skill is not like chain lightning at all! It just hits a mob of enemies in front of you with no chain effect.
Animations: Effect, Hit0
Delay: darkSpear - 1710 ms
Maximum Level: 30
First: MP 22 소비, 기본 공격력 105
Last: MP 32 소비, 기본 공격력 250
1 MP -22 105 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 2 MP -22 110 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 3 MP -22 115 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 4 MP -22 120 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 5 MP -22 125 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 6 MP -24 130 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 7 MP -24 135 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 8 MP -24 140 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 9 MP -24 145 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 10 MP -24 150 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 11 MP -26 155 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 12 MP -26 160 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 13 MP -26 165 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 14 MP -26 170 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 15 MP -26 175 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 16 MP -28 180 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 17 MP -28 185 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 18 MP -28 190 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 19 MP -28 195 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 20 MP -28 200 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 21 MP -30 205 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 22 MP -30 210 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 23 MP -30 215 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 24 MP -30 220 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 25 MP -30 225 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 26 MP -32 230 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 27 MP -32 235 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 28 MP -32 240 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 29 MP -32 245 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 30 MP -32 250 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 10 Seconds Cooldown 400% range
컨버전 (Conversion)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\nMP를 소비하여 60초 동안 자신의 MaxHP의 양을 증가시킨다. (Consume a massive amount of MP to increase your MaxHP for 60 seconds.)
Animations: Effect
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 1050 소비, MaxHP 62% 증가
Last: MP 2000 소비, MaxHP 100% 증가
1 MP -1050 +62% MaxHP 60 Seconds 2 MP -1100 +64% MaxHP 60 Seconds 3 MP -1150 +66% MaxHP 60 Seconds 4 MP -1200 +68% MaxHP 60 Seconds 5 MP -1250 +70% MaxHP 60 Seconds 6 MP -1300 +72% MaxHP 60 Seconds 7 MP -1350 +74% MaxHP 60 Seconds 8 MP -1400 +76% MaxHP 60 Seconds 9 MP -1450 +78% MaxHP 60 Seconds 10 MP -1500 +80% MaxHP 60 Seconds 11 MP -1550 +82% MaxHP 60 Seconds 12 MP -1600 +84% MaxHP 60 Seconds 13 MP -1650 +86% MaxHP 60 Seconds 14 MP -1700 +88% MaxHP 60 Seconds 15 MP -1750 +90% MaxHP 60 Seconds 16 MP -1800 +92% MaxHP 60 Seconds 17 MP -1850 +94% MaxHP 60 Seconds 18 MP -1900 +96% MaxHP 60 Seconds 19 MP -1950 +98% MaxHP 60 Seconds 20 MP -2000 +100% MaxHP 60 Seconds
슈퍼바디 (Super Body)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\nMP를 소비하여 일정 시간 동안 현재 활성화 중인 오라의 상태를 강화한다. 슈퍼바디 상태에서는 오라를 전환할 수 없다.\n필요 스킬 : 다크 오라 10레벨 이상, 블루 오라 10레벨 이상, 옐로우 오라 10레벨 이상\n#c재사용 대기시간 : 2분# (Use MP to increase the power of your current aura for a duration.)
Fiel's Note: See this thread for more information.
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 52 소비\n다크 오라 : 30초간 공격력 2% 증가\n옐로우 오라 : 30초간 이속 2, 공속 2, 회피 확률 2% 증가\n블루 오라 : 10초간 무적 상태
Last: MP 90 소비\n다크 오라 : 30초간 공격력 40% 증가\n옐로우 오라 : 30초간 이속 40, 공속 2, 회피 확률 40% 증가\n블루 오라 : 10초간 무적 상태
1 MP -52 120 Seconds Cooldown 2 MP -54 120 Seconds Cooldown 3 MP -56 120 Seconds Cooldown 4 MP -58 120 Seconds Cooldown 5 MP -60 120 Seconds Cooldown 6 MP -62 120 Seconds Cooldown 7 MP -64 120 Seconds Cooldown 8 MP -66 120 Seconds Cooldown 9 MP -68 120 Seconds Cooldown 10 MP -70 120 Seconds Cooldown 11 MP -72 120 Seconds Cooldown 12 MP -74 120 Seconds Cooldown 13 MP -76 120 Seconds Cooldown 14 MP -78 120 Seconds Cooldown 15 MP -80 120 Seconds Cooldown 16 MP -82 120 Seconds Cooldown 17 MP -84 120 Seconds Cooldown 18 MP -86 120 Seconds Cooldown 19 MP -88 120 Seconds Cooldown 20 MP -90 120 Seconds Cooldown
리바이브 (Revive)
Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n일정 시간 동안 몬스터를 죽일 때 일정 확률로 리퍼가 소환된다. 소환 된 리퍼는 10초간 적을 공격한다. (Use MP to revive the Reaper for a duration. The reaper attacks every 10 seconds.)
Fiel's Note: This one needs a bit of explanation. This skill is a buff, not a summon. When you destroy an enemy, there is a chance that you can summon a reaper who will do further attacks for you. The reaper attacks once every 10 seconds with the basic attack listed. The reaper stays on the battlefield for an equal duration of the buff. So, if your buff lasts 90 seconds and 45 seconds later you summon a reaper after a mob is killed, the reaper will still last for 90 seconds. A reaper that kills another mob cannot summon another reaper.
Animations: Summonstand, Summonattack1, Hit0, Summondie, Effect, Summonmove, Summonsummoned
Delay: revive - 1200 ms
Maximum Level: 20
First: MP 45 소비, 33초 동안 적이 죽을 때 1%의 확률로 소환.
Last: MP 90 소비, 90초 동안 적이 죽을 때 20%의 확률로 소환.
1 MP -45 133 Basic Attack 33 Seconds 1% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 2 MP -45 136 Basic Attack 36 Seconds 2% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 3 MP -45 139 Basic Attack 39 Seconds 3% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 4 MP -45 142 Basic Attack 42 Seconds 4% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 5 MP -45 145 Basic Attack 45 Seconds 5% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 6 MP -60 148 Basic Attack 48 Seconds 6% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 7 MP -60 151 Basic Attack 51 Seconds 7% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 8 MP -60 154 Basic Attack 54 Seconds 8% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 9 MP -60 157 Basic Attack 57 Seconds 9% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 10 MP -60 160 Basic Attack 60 Seconds 10% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 11 MP -75 163 Basic Attack 63 Seconds 11% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 12 MP -75 166 Basic Attack 66 Seconds 12% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 13 MP -75 169 Basic Attack 69 Seconds 13% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 14 MP -75 172 Basic Attack 72 Seconds 14% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 15 MP -75 175 Basic Attack 75 Seconds 15% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 16 MP -90 178 Basic Attack 78 Seconds 16% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 17 MP -90 181 Basic Attack 81 Seconds 17% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 18 MP -90 184 Basic Attack 84 Seconds 18% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 19 MP -90 187 Basic Attack 87 Seconds 19% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds 20 MP -90 190 Basic Attack 90 Seconds 20% chance to summon reaper Attacks every 10 seconds
4th Battle Mage
어드밴스드 다크 오라 (Advanced Dark Aura)
Description: 다크 오라의 기능을 강화시킨다. 추가로 주위 적들에게 지속적으로 기본 공격력를 준다. 단, 적의 HP가 1 이하일 경우에는 기본 공격력를 줄 수 없다.\n필요 스킬 : #c다크 오라 20레벨 이상# (Further increases the Dark Aura's abilities by adding more damage)
Fiel's Note: While using Advanced Dark Aura and enemies are in range of your aura, you damage them for a fixed rate of damage. Upon the enemy leaving the hitbox of your skill, the fixed damage no longer applies.
Animations: Effect, Hit0, Affected, Special
Pre-requisite: Level 20 다크 오라 (Dark Aura)
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 30
First: MP 35 소비, 데미지 11% 강화, 기본 공격력 42
Last: MP 60 소비, 데미지 20% 강화, 기본 공격력 100
1 MP -35 +11% damage 42 damage/sec 200% range 2 MP -35 +11% damage 44 damage/sec 200% range 3 MP -35 +11% damage 46 damage/sec 200% range 4 MP -35 +12% damage 48 damage/sec 200% range 5 MP -35 +12% damage 50 damage/sec 200% range 6 MP -40 +12% damage 52 damage/sec 200% range 7 MP -40 +13% damage 54 damage/sec 200% range 8 MP -40 +13% damage 56 damage/sec 200% range 9 MP -40 +13% damage 58 damage/sec 200% range 10 MP -40 +14% damage 60 damage/sec 200% range 11 MP -45 +14% damage 62 damage/sec 200% range 12 MP -45 +14% damage 64 damage/sec 200% range 13 MP -45 +15% damage 66 damage/sec 200% range 14 MP -45 +15% damage 68 damage/sec 200% range 15 MP -45 +15% damage 70 damage/sec 200% range 16 MP -50 +16% damage 72 damage/sec 200% range 17 MP -50 +16% damage 74 damage/sec 200% range 18 MP -50 +16% damage 76 damage/sec 200% range 19 MP -50 +17% damage 78 damage/sec 200% range 20 MP -50 +17% damage 80 damage/sec 200% range 21 MP -55 +17% damage 82 damage/sec 200% range 22 MP -55 +18% damage 84 damage/sec 200% range 23 MP -55 +18% damage 86 damage/sec 200% range 24 MP -55 +18% damage 88 damage/sec 200% range 25 MP -55 +19% damage 90 damage/sec 200% range 26 MP -60 +19% damage 92 damage/sec 200% range 27 MP -60 +19% damage 94 damage/sec 200% range 28 MP -60 +20% damage 96 damage/sec 200% range 29 MP -60 +20% damage 98 damage/sec 200% range 30 MP -60 +20% damage 100 damage/sec 200% range
어드밴스드 옐로우 오라 (Advanced Yellow Aura)
Description: 옐로우 오라의 기능을 강화시킨다. 추가로 주변 몬스터의 이동속도를 느리게 한다.\n필요 스킬 : #c옐로우 오라 20레벨 이상# (Further increases the Yellow Aura's abilities by decreasing enemy speed)
Fiel's Note: Passive buff - probably replaces the regular yellow aura once you get this skill
Animations: Effect, Special, Affected
Pre-requisite: Level 20 옐로우 오라 (Yellow Aura)
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 30
First: MP 25 소비, 이동속도 21, 공격속도 1 증가, 몬스터 이속 1 감소
Last: MP 50 소비, 이동속도 40, 공격속도 2 증가, 몬스터 이속 30 감소
1 MP -25 +21 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -1 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 2 MP -25 +22 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -2 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 3 MP -25 +23 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -3 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 4 MP -25 +24 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -4 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 5 MP -25 +25 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -5 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 6 MP -30 +26 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -6 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 7 MP -30 +27 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -7 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 8 MP -30 +28 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -8 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 9 MP -30 +29 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -9 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 10 MP -30 +30 speed -2 attack speed Enemy speed -10 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 11 MP -35 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -11 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 12 MP -35 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -12 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 13 MP -35 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -13 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 14 MP -35 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -14 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 15 MP -35 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -15 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 16 MP -40 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -16 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 17 MP -40 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -17 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 18 MP -40 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -18 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 19 MP -40 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -19 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 20 MP -40 +30 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -20 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 21 MP -45 +31 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -21 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 22 MP -45 +32 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -22 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 23 MP -45 +33 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -23 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 24 MP -45 +34 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -24 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 25 MP -45 +35 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -25 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 26 MP -50 +36 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -26 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 27 MP -50 +37 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -27 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 28 MP -50 +38 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -28 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 29 MP -50 +39 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -29 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range 30 MP -50 +40 speed -3 attack speed Enemy speed -30 Attacks 6 enemies 200% range
피니쉬 블로우 (Finish Blow)
Description: 트리플 블로우 스킬 키를 여섯번 연타해서 다수의 근접한 적에게 6단 공격을 한다. 최대 6마리의 적을 공격할 수 있다. \n필요 스킬 : #c데스 블로우 30레벨 이상# (Hit the skill key six times to attack six enemies six times.)
Fiel's Note: See this thread for more information.
Pre-requisite: Level 30 데스 블로우 (Death Blow)
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 30
First: MP 48 소비, 기본 공격력 516
Last: MP 63 소비, 기본 공격력 690
싸이클론 (Cyclone)
Description: 10초 동안 자신의 몸을 회오리 형태로 빠르게 움직이게 한다. 회오리 상태인 동안 방향키를 이용해서 좌우로 이동하며 적들에게 데미지를 주게 된다.\n#c재사용 대기시간 : 1분# (Turn yourself into a tornado for a brief period. Press the left and right buttons to damage enemies when you cross them.)
Fiel's Note: When you press the skill key, your character becomes enveloped in a cyclone. While in this state, you can move left and right and use the Teleport skill, but you cannot jump or use any other skills. According to a video on Youtube, this skill also gives a massive MATK boost which increases the power of this spell, but the calculation for this boost is unknown.
Animations: Effect, Finish, Hit0, Special
Delay: cyclone - 1080 ms
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 30
First: MP 34 소비, 기본 공격력 480
Last: MP 54 소비, 기본 공격력 770
1 10 Seconds MP -34 480 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 2 10 Seconds MP -34 490 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 3 10 Seconds MP -34 500 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 4 10 Seconds MP -34 510 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 5 10 Seconds MP -34 520 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 6 10 Seconds MP -38 530 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 7 10 Seconds MP -38 540 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 8 10 Seconds MP -38 550 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 9 10 Seconds MP -38 560 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 10 10 Seconds MP -38 570 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 11 10 Seconds MP -42 580 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 12 10 Seconds MP -42 590 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 13 10 Seconds MP -42 600 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 14 10 Seconds MP -42 610 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 15 10 Seconds MP -42 620 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 16 10 Seconds MP -46 630 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 17 10 Seconds MP -46 640 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 18 10 Seconds MP -46 650 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 19 10 Seconds MP -46 660 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 20 10 Seconds MP -46 670 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 21 10 Seconds MP -50 680 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 22 10 Seconds MP -50 690 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 23 10 Seconds MP -50 700 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 24 10 Seconds MP -50 710 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 25 10 Seconds MP -50 720 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 26 10 Seconds MP -54 730 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 27 10 Seconds MP -54 740 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 28 10 Seconds MP -54 750 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 29 10 Seconds MP -54 760 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range 30 10 Seconds MP -54 770 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 6 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 100% range
다크 제네시스 (Dark Genesis)
Description: 어둠의 빛이 솟아올라 15마리 이하의 다수의 적에게 강력한 데미지를 준다.\n#c재사용 대기시간 : 1분# (Unleash darkness on up to 15 enemies for massive damage.)
Animations: Effect, Hit1, Tile2, Tile0, Tile1, Hit0, Effect0
Delay: nemesis - 3240 ms
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 30
First: MP 210 소비, 기본 공격력 680
Last: MP 500 소비, 기본 공격력 970
1 MP -210 680 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 2 MP -220 690 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 3 MP -230 700 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 4 MP -240 710 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 5 MP -250 720 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 6 MP -260 730 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 7 MP -270 740 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 8 MP -280 750 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 9 MP -290 760 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 10 MP -300 770 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 11 MP -310 780 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 12 MP -320 790 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 13 MP -330 800 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 14 MP -340 810 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 15 MP -350 820 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 16 MP -360 830 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 17 MP -370 840 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 18 MP -380 850 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 19 MP -390 860 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 20 MP -400 870 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 21 MP -410 880 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 22 MP -420 890 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 23 MP -430 900 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 24 MP -440 910 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 25 MP -450 920 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 26 MP -460 930 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 27 MP -470 940 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 28 MP -480 950 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 29 MP -490 960 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range 30 MP -500 970 Basic Attack 60% Mastery Attacks 15 enemies 60 Seconds Cooldown 400% range
스탠스 (Stance)
Description: 강인한 정신력으로 적의 공격에도 뒤로 물러서지 않는다. (Use your strong focus to prevent yourself from being knocked back)
Animations: Effect, Special
Delay: alert4 - 900 ms
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 30
First: MP 30 소비, 10초간 42%의 확률로 넉백되지 않음.
Last: MP 50 소비, 300초간 90%의 확률로 넉백되지 않음.
1 MP -30 42% probability of no knockback 10 Seconds 2 MP -30 44% probability of no knockback 20 Seconds 3 MP -30 46% probability of no knockback 30 Seconds 4 MP -30 48% probability of no knockback 40 Seconds 5 MP -30 50% probability of no knockback 50 Seconds 6 MP -36 52% probability of no knockback 60 Seconds 7 MP -36 54% probability of no knockback 70 Seconds 8 MP -36 56% probability of no knockback 80 Seconds 9 MP -36 58% probability of no knockback 90 Seconds 10 MP -36 60% probability of no knockback 100 Seconds 11 MP -42 62% probability of no knockback 110 Seconds 12 MP -42 64% probability of no knockback 120 Seconds 13 MP -42 66% probability of no knockback 130 Seconds 14 MP -42 68% probability of no knockback 140 Seconds 15 MP -42 70% probability of no knockback 150 Seconds 16 MP -48 72% probability of no knockback 160 Seconds 17 MP -48 74% probability of no knockback 170 Seconds 18 MP -48 76% probability of no knockback 180 Seconds 19 MP -48 78% probability of no knockback 190 Seconds 20 MP -48 80% probability of no knockback 200 Seconds 21 MP -54 81% probability of no knockback 210 Seconds 22 MP -54 82% probability of no knockback 220 Seconds 23 MP -54 83% probability of no knockback 230 Seconds 24 MP -54 84% probability of no knockback 240 Seconds 25 MP -54 85% probability of no knockback 250 Seconds 26 MP -53 86% probability of no knockback 260 Seconds 27 MP -52 87% probability of no knockback 270 Seconds 28 MP -51 88% probability of no knockback 280 Seconds 29 MP -50 89% probability of no knockback 290 Seconds 30 MP -50 90% probability of no knockback 300 Seconds
쉘터 (Shelter)
Description: 주위에 방어막을 설치하고 방어막 안의 파티원들은 데미지를 받지 않는다.\n#c재사용 대기시간 : 7분# (Place a shield around party members to protect from all damage.)
Animations: Special0, Effect0, Finish0
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 30
First: MP 66 소비, 지속 시간 11초
Last: MP 86 소비, 지속 시간 40초
1 MP -66 11 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 2 MP -66 12 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 3 MP -66 13 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 4 MP -66 14 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 5 MP -66 15 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 6 MP -70 16 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 7 MP -70 17 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 8 MP -70 18 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 9 MP -70 19 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 10 MP -70 20 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 11 MP -74 21 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 12 MP -74 22 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 13 MP -74 23 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 14 MP -74 24 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 15 MP -74 25 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 16 MP -78 26 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 17 MP -78 27 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 18 MP -78 28 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 19 MP -78 29 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 20 MP -78 30 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 21 MP -82 31 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 22 MP -82 32 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 23 MP -82 33 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 24 MP -82 34 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 25 MP -82 35 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 26 MP -86 36 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 27 MP -86 37 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 28 MP -86 38 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 29 MP -86 39 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range 30 MP -86 40 Seconds 420 Seconds Cooldown 200% range
메이플 용사 (Maple Hero)
Description: 일정 시간 동안 파티원의 모든 스탯을 일정 퍼센트 올려 준다. (Increase the stats of yourself and those around you.)
Animations: Affected, Effect
Delay: alert3 - 1500 ms
Maximum Level: 30
Mastery Level: 30
First: MP 10 소비하여 30초간 모든 스탯 1% 향상
Last: MP 60 소비하여 900초간 모든 스탯 15% 향상
1 MP -10 1% boost to base stats 30 Seconds 400% range 2 MP -10 1% boost to base stats 60 Seconds 400% range 3 MP -10 2% boost to base stats 90 Seconds 400% range 4 MP -10 2% boost to base stats 120 Seconds 400% range 5 MP -10 3% boost to base stats 150 Seconds 400% range 6 MP -20 3% boost to base stats 180 Seconds 400% range 7 MP -20 4% boost to base stats 210 Seconds 400% range 8 MP -20 4% boost to base stats 240 Seconds 400% range 9 MP -20 5% boost to base stats 270 Seconds 400% range 10 MP -20 5% boost to base stats 300 Seconds 400% range 11 MP -30 6% boost to base stats 330 Seconds 400% range 12 MP -30 6% boost to base stats 360 Seconds 400% range 13 MP -30 7% boost to base stats 390 Seconds 400% range 14 MP -30 7% boost to base stats 420 Seconds 400% range 15 MP -30 8% boost to base stats 450 Seconds 400% range 16 MP -40 8% boost to base stats 480 Seconds 400% range 17 MP -40 9% boost to base stats 510 Seconds 400% range 18 MP -40 9% boost to base stats 540 Seconds 400% range 19 MP -40 10% boost to base stats 570 Seconds 400% range 20 MP -40 10% boost to base stats 600 Seconds 400% range 21 MP -50 11% boost to base stats 630 Seconds 400% range 22 MP -50 11% boost to base stats 660 Seconds 400% range 23 MP -50 12% boost to base stats 690 Seconds 400% range 24 MP -50 12% boost to base stats 720 Seconds 400% range 25 MP -50 13% boost to base stats 750 Seconds 400% range 26 MP -60 13% boost to base stats 780 Seconds 400% range 27 MP -60 14% boost to base stats 810 Seconds 400% range 28 MP -60 14% boost to base stats 840 Seconds 400% range 29 MP -60 15% boost to base stats 870 Seconds 400% range 30 MP -60 15% boost to base stats 900 Seconds 400% range
용사의 의지 (Brave Commitment)
Description: 특정 상태 이상에서 벗어날 수 있다. 레벨이 올라감에 따라 재사용 대기시간이 단축된다. (Remove yourself from particular states. As the level increases, the cooldown decreases.)
Animations: Effect
Maximum Level: 5
Mastery Level: 5
First: MP 30 소비하여 유혹 상태 이상 해제, 재사용 대기시간 10분
Last: MP 30 소비하여 유혹 상태 이상 해제, 재사용 대기시간 6분
1 MP -30 600 Seconds Cooldown 2 MP -30 540 Seconds Cooldown 3 MP -30 480 Seconds Cooldown 4 MP -30 420 Seconds Cooldown 5 MP -30 360 Seconds Cooldown