There was a brief downtime earlier where users might have seen themselves logged in as another member of the forum. I will be very upfront in saying that no accounts were compromised as a result of what happened. This was a caching issue. Allow me to explain:
I was creating a server cache for static content (jpg, png, css, js filetypes). Unfortunately, I attached the server cache to dynamic content (php pages) and not the static content. As a result, the server cached entire php pages from other users. Then when someone else requested a webpage using the same php script, the server cache spit out the cached file it already had. For a simplified version, look at the following:
- Ceddybear - "Refreshes main forum page"
- Server - Generates the requested webpage
- Server - Stores the content of Ceddybear's requested forum page in memory
- Server - Sends Ceddybear his correctly rendered page
- RickDal - "Refreshes main forum page"
- Server - Checks cache for an already generated forum page
- Server - Sees that the forum page with Ceddybear's name is already generated
- Server - Sends RickDal the webpage that was sent to CeddyBear
- Hilarity ensues
I have since fixed this bug so that the static content is cached and not the dynamic content. So, the forums should be loading quite a bit faster now. Mea Culpa on the bug!
-- Fiel