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  1. Default omg I'm ceddybear?

    There was a brief downtime earlier where users might have seen themselves logged in as another member of the forum. I will be very upfront in saying that no accounts were compromised as a result of what happened. This was a caching issue. Allow me to explain:

    I was creating a server cache for static content (jpg, png, css, js filetypes). Unfortunately, I attached the server cache to dynamic content (php pages) and not the static content. As a result, the server cached entire php pages from other users. Then when someone else requested a webpage using the same php script, the server cache spit out the cached file it already had. For a simplified version, look at the following:

    • Ceddybear - "Refreshes main forum page"
    • Server - Generates the requested webpage
    • Server - Stores the content of Ceddybear's requested forum page in memory
    • Server - Sends Ceddybear his correctly rendered page
    • RickDal - "Refreshes main forum page"
    • Server - Checks cache for an already generated forum page
    • Server - Sees that the forum page with Ceddybear's name is already generated
    • Server - Sends RickDal the webpage that was sent to CeddyBear
    • Hilarity ensues

    I have since fixed this bug so that the static content is cached and not the dynamic content. So, the forums should be loading quite a bit faster now. Mea Culpa on the bug!

    -- Fiel

  2. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!



  3. Default

    I didn't notice anything about this.... weird.
    Sounds like a really easy-to-do April Fools prank.

  4. Default

    Very bad april fools prank.

    If I hadn't noticed this very bad bug, people could have gone into their private message inbox, clicked on a private message, and see other people's private messages instead of the one they wanted to see. Definitely not a good thing. I had to nip this in the butt fast.

  5. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!


    Actually no. I tried getting into MasPan's inbox but it prompted to mine instead.

  6. Default

    Maybe you were the first person to try and read PMs during this bug?

    Fiel, you could add an exception to sensitive pages like that.

  7. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!


    I know right.

  8. Default

    In a sense, all pages are sensitive. Users might click to go to a page and see the super-secret-no-it-doesn't-exist-mod-forum. That would be bad news. All we ever do in there is hold secret meetings, talk about our hatred of users, and high-five each other at every infraction point.

  9. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!


    Why didn't I think about this!

  10. Default

    You left out the celebratory fruit punch.

  11. Default


  12. Default

    Doesn't sound very sanitary, does it?

    Couldn't stop laughing when I read that.

    Nip in the butt

  13. Default

    You know that this is exactly what ----------'s administration board looks like. Except they use pictures from the movie Gladiator to decide "Yay" or "Nay" on certain users.

    Ahaha. Point taken and name omitted. But they had a problem awhile back where their administration boards were open to user view and everyone got a glimpse at it within a forty-five minute time slot.

  14. Default

    We decided to drop that after Ray's little incident, remember?

    Also, for a few seconds, I was Piggy 2.0

  15. Default

    I always forget Ray is why we can't have nice things.

  16. ~Thrust Into It~ Straight Male
    IGN: Sn1perel1te
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 152
    Job: Old School BM
    Guild: EbonSol
    Alliance: In One


    This even funnier, because i started thinking Ceddy was someones alt last night in the irc. Lawls all around!

  17. Default

    Me either. D: Oh well.

  18. I AM NOW "Mute"
    IGN: Stephen
    Server: U.S.A.
    Level: 21
    Job: None
    Guild: No where
    Alliance: Unemployment


    i was and i still missed it.

  19. Default

    Most win thread of the month, and it was made in Site Announcement.



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