Credit to Isaac and Mira for pointing this out
Level: 45
HP: 2800
EXP: 135
Physical Attack: 135
Physical Defense: 150
Magic Defense: 160
Avoid: 20
Skills: Stun
Elements: weak to holy, immune to ice
This guy is going to kick your ass after Nexon realizes why he's bugged.
Has anyone wondered why Leprechauns don't stun you? Well, their skill costs MP to cast and Leprechauns have no MP so nothing gets cast.
Here's the bad part, the skill stuns you for 3 seconds at a 60% rate with a huge hitbox. And, if you manage to be unluckily close to him, his attack does 1000 Physical Attack. That's a little bit higher than the touch damage from Zakum 1st Body.
This is a guy you won't want to mess with once Nexon raises his max MP. Watch out.
EDIT: Sorry if I misled you, but the attack and stun moves are separate.
Here's what his stunning move looks like (and it can ONLY stun. No damage)
And here's his attacking move (Only damage, no stun)