There are a few things worth mentioning here.
First of all, I don't know if Nexon is going back on its word with changing "Nexon Cash" to "NX". In the latest patch, they changed references to "NX" back to "Nexon Cash" in the EULA. Sooooo yeah, don't know what's up with that.
Personal Identification Code (PIC):
A few error messages for the new PIC system did appear in the data:
PIC Error Messages
"You cannot delete a character without a PIC. Please create your PIC."
They changed needing to know birthdays to the PIC. I'm not sure if I like this. If a person has compromised your account, they will have to know your PIC to do it. If they know your PIC, they can also delete your characters. This wasn't quite so with the old system. A hacker could know your PIN but have no idea of the birthday. Making the PIC work for both of these situations decreases the overall security of the account. While this security step decreases the chance of hackers finding out the PIC, if they do manage to find it out, they have everything.
Or maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps you need to know the birthday and the PIC, in which case this security move would make a bit more sense. But what's the point in having to know the PIC and the birthday? If the hacker already knows the PIC to enter, he also knows the PIC for character deletion. So requiring the PIC for both is rather ridiculous, and yet there's the message above stating that one needs to know the PIC to delete a character. So does this mean no birthdays?
But this further goes to show that Nexon does not believe that their database has been compromised. If it had ever been compromised in the past, I can assure you they would take extra precautions to increase the security. And yet it's a bit obvious they are not concerned now. Why should they be? They weren't hacked, right? What do you think?
Taking this a logical step further, let's look at this error message a bit closer - "You cannot delete a character without a PIC. Please create your PIC." Using the ontological argument, Nexon would not create something unless it needed to be created. Therefore, there must be a place in the game which this is used or referenced - further evidenced by the fact that it's coming in this patch. Because of this argument, there must be some set of variables that exist for this error message to occur, which means that you might, in one case or another, be able to get to the character deletion screen without needing a PIC set. Thus, players are allowed to skip PIC creation and stick with the PIN. What's the f'ing point of having a new security system if it isn't being forced on players? If Nexon has already acknowledged that a new security system is needed right this second that they create a patch solely for its own sake and don't force the players to use it, then there's no point of the patch and no reason to have the new security system.