Description of Issue:
Nexon steals your NX Cash after one year of charging the Cash.
Why this issue needs attention:
According to a recent class action settlement against Skype, Inc., a settlement was reached between Skype and the plaintiffs regarding whether SkypeOut credits could expire within 180 days of disuse without providing any service. Although the settlement was reached without going to litigation, this lawsuit raises serious concerns if what Nexon does is correct regarding the NX Cash cancelling after one year with no in-game notice or warning. All users receive in regards to NX Cash cancelling is a small blurb in the place where you buy NX Cash. Nexon stealing money from users is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.
Desired Action or Resolution:
- Place the 1-year cancellation warning in the ToS - currently nowhere to be found
- Have in-game warnings about when NX Cash is going to cancel and how much is going to be cancelled. Currently users have no way of knowing when NX Cash will expire and how much will expire.