Description of Problem:
The Knights of Cygnus and Aran have been introduced before Pirates have ever truly been completely implemented. There are numerous errors, omissions, and outright gaps in the pirate class some of which are minor and cosmetic and others which impact the very playability of the character. Speed is capped at Faster (2) instead of Faster (1), reducing the effectiveness of Speed Infusion. Somersault Kick and Drain have added frame delays while transformed, reducing their usefulness while in a state that should speed you up. First Job sounds are using placeholder sounds from the GM skillbook instead of their own unique and appropriate sounds. Pirates are consistently excluded from events that reward special scrolls. Olaf's "Path of the Pirate" quest does not eliminate the option to choose one of the original four classes too. If you select I want to be a Pirate first you get the pirate quest and can ask for one of the other classes immediately after before it acknowledges you've already been given one of the quests.
Why this issue needs attention:
With the attention on the new classes and new content this class risks being forgotten as the bastard step child class, newly introduced, never really completed and never really living up to it's full potential. It's consistently excluded from events and creates a poor experience for everyone who waited so long to make one.
Desired Action or Resolution:
Remove the additional frame delays on Somersault Kick and Drain while in transform mode. Adjust the cap on weapon attack speed from a max of 2 to a max of 1 so the full benefits of Speed Infusion can be felt. Implement the real first job skill sound effects for pirates instead of the borrowed ones they're currently using. Create knuckle and gun scroll variants of "special" scrolls so that pirates don't have to be excluded from special event rewards. Update Olaf's Lesson on Job Advancement in Lith Harbor so that beginning "Path of the Pirate" removes the options to start one of the other four Path quests.