For those that haven't heard, it got changed in the recent patch to be +12 and not +24. All other stats remained the same.
For those that haven't heard, it got changed in the recent patch to be +12 and not +24. All other stats remained the same.
That actually should be a good thing when you're not able to get one, right?
I don't care about them really, I'd rather make a normal hat with similar stats.
I don't see any changes with gloves/shoes.
I'm paying the 3k NX for how cute the helm looks, don't really care much about the stats. It's nice that they balanced it a bit though. With helms that were +24 stats, you could wear it until you get Zhelm and basically only have to go through 2 helms in the game.
Though, +12 is still pretty good if you don't have a Zhelm, maybe people will stick with them until Zhelm after all...
Apparently Cygnus can do the quest as well, according to this rage. So why not all be Cygnus knights AND look exactly the same?
Perma transparent hats for the win. If you didn't get those:
Seems like a nice ploy Nexon has come up with. Next they'll add super armor for each class as well, so everyone will basically follow the same uniform unless they buy NX or don't care about the stat boost.
just been to basil,
saw people raging just like me,
and saw a guy posting this
can anyone confirm if the last thing is a load of bull?