레전드는 과거 검은 마법사를 봉인한 전설의 영웅입니다. 하지만 검은 마법사의 저주에 걸려 모든 능력과 기억을 잃고 오랜 시간 잠들었다가 리린에 의해 봉인이 풀리게 됩니다.
리엔에서 깨어나 달라진 세상을 경험하고 차가운 숲과 수련장에서의 수련을 모두 마치면 전직을 통해서 본래의 강력했던 능력을 조금씩 기억해낼 수 있습니다.
과거의 힘을 모두 되찾지 않으면 검은 마법사의 재등장을 막아낼 수 없습니다. 열심히 수련하여 진정한 영웅의 힘을 되찾으시길 바랍니다.
#b목차로 돌아가기#k
2-1. 조작 방법
e좌우 방향키#n : 좌우 이동\n#e상하 방향키#n : 줄 or 사다리 타기, 포탈 이동\n#eAlt 키 #n: 점프\n#eCtrl 키 #n: 공격\n#eZ키 or 숫자패드 0키 #n: 아이템 줍기\n#eE 키 #n: 장비창 열기\n#eI 키 #n: 아이템창 열기\n#eS 키 #n: 능력치창 열기\n#eK 키 #n: 스킬창 열기
#bTip.#k 화면 오른쪽 아래 단축키창에 소비 아이템이나 스킬을 등록해 두면 손쉽게 아이템과 스킬을 사용할 수 있습니다.
아래의 명령어를 채팅창에 입력하면 해당 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.
(1) #e대화#n\n
#e/모두#n : 일반대화로 전환합니다.\n#e/친구#n : 친구대화로 전환합니다.\n#e/파티#n : 파티대화로 전환합니다.\n#e/길드#n : 길드대화로 전환합니다.\n#e/귓말 [캐릭터명]#n : 귓속말을 보냅니다.
(2) #e행동#n\n
#e/찾기 [캐릭터명]#n : 사용자의 접속여부/현재위치를 알려줍니다.\n#e/교환 [캐릭터명]#n : 교환신청을 합니다.
(3) #e파티#n\n
#e/파티정보#n : 현재 가입되어 있는 파티원들의 정보를 확인합니다.\n#e/파티만들기#n : 새로운 파티를 만듭니다.\n#e/파티탈퇴#n : 가입된 파티에서 탈퇴합니다.
#e/파티초대#n : 새로운 파티원을 초대합니다.#b(파티장)#k\n#e/파티강퇴#n : 가입된 파티원을 강제탈퇴시킵니다.#b(파티장)#k
#L1##b목차로 돌아가기#k#l
3. 아이템이란?
(1) #e장비 아이템#n\n 직접 착용할 수 있는 아이템으로 능력치를 올려 주는 일반 장비 아이템과 외모를 꾸밀 수 있는 캐시 아이템이 있습니다.
장비 아이템을 착용하기 위해서는 장비 창을 열어 해당 슬롯으로 끌어서 놓거나(Drag&Drop) 장비 아이템을 더블클릭 하면 됩니다.
(2) #e소비 아이템#n\n HP나 MP를 보충할 수 있는 물약과 장비 아이템의 능력치를 올릴 수 있는 주문서 등 일회성 아이템을 지칭합니다. 소비 아이템은 더블클릭을 하면 사용할 수 있고 일회성 아이템이기 때문에 사용하면 사라지게 됩니다.
(3)#e 기타 아이템#n\n 몬스터가 주는 전리품, 퀘스트에 필요한 아이템, 원석, 보석 등의 아이템을 기타 아이템이라고 합니다. 기타 아이템은 직접적으로 사용할
수 없고, 퀘스트나 NPC를 통해서 게임에 영향을 줍니다.
(4)#e 캐시 아이템#n\n 캐시샵에서 구입할 수 있는 아이템으로써 외모를 치장하거나 이펙트 효과를 내는 아이템입니다. #r캐시아이템은 유료 아이템으로 캐시를 충전하여 구입할 수 있습니다. #k
\n\n\n\n#L1##b목차로 돌아가기#k#l
4. AP와 SP
(1) #eAP(Ability Point)#n\n힘(STR), 민첩(DEX), 지력(INT), 행운(LUK), MaxHP, MaxMP에 찍을 수 있는 포인트입니다. 레벨 업 할때마다 5포인트를 획득합니다. #e#b자동분배#k#n 버튼을 누르면 알맞게 AP가 분배됩니다.
#b힘(STR)#k - 무거운 무기나 갑옷을 장착할 때 필요한 수치입니다. 아란의 공격력을 결정하는 가장 중요한 능력치입니다.
#b민첩(DEX)#k - 이 능력치가 높을수록 명중률과 회피율이 증가합니다.
(2) #eSP(Skill Point)#n\n전직을 하여 얻는 스킬을 찍을 수 있는 포인트입니다. 레전드 때에는 얻지 못하다가 전직하는 순간 1포인트를 얻게 되며 전직 후 레벨 업 할 때마다 3포인트를 받게 됩니다.
#L1##b목차로 돌아가기#k#l
5. 전직이란?
일정 레벨에 도달하면 전직을 할 수 있습니다. #r1차 전직은 10레벨, 2차 전직은 30레벨, 3차 전직은 70레벨, 4차 전직은 120레벨#k이 되면 전직을 수행할 수 있습니다.
전직을 하게 되면 추가적인 스킬을 배울 수 있고 직업에 알맞은 무기를 착용할 수 있습니다. 또한 일정량의 HP와 MP가 증가하고 공격력과 방어력이 상승하며 인벤토리의 공간도 조금 늘어납니다.
6. 1차 전직 조건과 방법
1차 전직을 하기 위해서는 얼음 동굴에서 리엔으로 가야 합니다.
리엔으로 이동하기 위해서는 차가운 숲을 나와 리엔 서쪽 필드에서 오른쪽으로 가면 됩니다.
그 후 리린에게로 이동해 1차 전직에 필요한 퀘스트를 모두 수행합니다.
#bTip.#k 1차 전직 시 #bAP가 직업에 맞게 재조정#k되며 그 후부터는 자신이 선택한 직업에 필요한 능력치에만 AP를 배분하는 것이 유리합니다.
#bTip.#k 레벨 30이 지난 후에 전직을 하게 되면 이전 단계의 레벨에 해당하는 SP를 받지 못하므로 1차 전직 레벨이 되면 바로 전직하는 것을 추천합니다.
I'm still as dumb with Aran as ever. Down, right, attack for each successive job have different attacks... o_o So does getting one of the next job replace the previous job's? >_>
I'm still as dumb with Aran as ever. Down, right, attack for each successive job have different attacks... o_o So does getting one of the next job replace the previous job's? >_>
It replaces the last job's if the combo is high enough.
* #b1. [ley] before [tu] column? #k#l
* #b2. The method of operation #k#l which is simple
* They are #b3.#k items? #k#l
* #b4. ASSOCIATED PRESS and SP#k#l
* #b5. Is a change of occupation? #k#l
* #b6. First change of occupation condition and method #k#l
[ley] before [tu] column?
The [ley] before the past which holds is a hero of the legend which seals the black wizard. But the sword is caught to the imprecation of the wizard and loses all ability and a memory and in compliance with the old timely falling sleep phosphorus sealing makes come loose.
To from awakes and the practice from the cold forest and the practice market and experiences all finishes change of occupation leads and the world which changes and there is a possibility memory of carrying through the ability which origin is powerful little by little.
All does not take back the force of past and there is not a possibility of keeping off the re-appearance of the wizard. Practices eagerly and the force of the hero who is genuine and takes back route wishes.
Going back with #b, table of contents #k
2-1. Method of operation
e right and left direction heights #n: Low direction heights #n at right and left mobile \ n#e: Or ladder indolence and the gun which will decrease the mobile \ n#eAlt heights #n which burn: Jump \ n#eCtrl heights #n: Attack \ n#eZ height or number pad 0 heights #n: Item \ n#eE heights #n picking up: Equipment window heat \ n#eI heights #n: Item window heat \ n#eS heights #n: Ability window heat \ n#eK heights #n: [su] [khil] window heat
Consuming item or the [su] [khil] to register in, #bTip.#k when screen right side lower part hot key windows to be easy item and the [su] [khil] will be able to use.
When inputs the instruction lower part in the chatting window, will be able to use a corresponding function.
(1) #e dialogues #n \ n
#e/all #n: Converts in general dialogue. \ n#e/friends #n: Converts in friend dialogue. \ n#e/parties #n: Converts in party dialogue. \ n#e/guilds #n: Converts in guild dialogue. \ n#e/[kwis] ends [character life] #n: Sends a whisper.
(2) #e conduct #n \ n
#e/searchings [character life] #n: To inform whether to connection of the user/a current position. \ n#e/exchanges [character life] #n: Does an exchange application.
(3) #e parties #n \ n
#e/party information #n: Currently confirms information of the party circles which are joining. \ n#e/parties #n making: Makes a new party. \ n#e/party secession #n: Secedes from the party which joins.
#e/party invitations #n: Invites a new party circle. #b (parties) #k \ n#e/party rivers [thoy] #n: The party circle which joins compulsion secedes. #b (parties) #k
Going back with #L1##b, table of contents #k#l
3. Is an item?
(1) #e equipment item #n \ n directness ability will pay with the item will can wear there is a cache item which is the possibility which a general equipment item and the outward appearance to raise will decorate.
In order wears an equipment item from opens the equipment window and in the corresponding slot, drag-and-drop, or, when equipment item double click (Drag&Drop).
(2) #e consuming items #n \ n HP ability of the liquid medicine will be able to supplement MP and equipment item will pay and a etc. disposable item from the order which is the possibility of raising calls. When the consuming item does a double click will be able to use and when uses because is a disposable item makes disappear.
(3) #e other items #n \ n the item which is necessary to the trophy and the quest which [su] drives gives, item the ore and jewel etc. as other item. The other item will use directly
There is not a possibility, quest NPC leads and to game influences.
(4) #e cache item #n \ n caches [syap] from with the item will be able to purchase embellishes the outward appearance and [pheyk] is an item which has a [thu] effect. #r cache items with paid item the cache will charge and will be able to purchase. #k
\ #k#l going back with n \ n \ n \ n#L1##b table of contents
(1) #eAP (Ability Point) #n \ n forces (STR), agility (DEX), intellect (INT), good fortune (LUK), is a point which is the possibility of taking in MaxHP and MaxMP. When level [ep] doing every, acquires 5 points. Presses and #e#b when automatic distribution #k#n buttons the ASSOCIATED PRESS is distributed properly.
#b when forces (STR) #k - the heavy weapon affixing the armor, is a shame which is necessary. Ability is most decides the attack power of Empire of Iran important puts on.
#b agility (DEX) the recording hit probability whose #k - these ability will be high and evasion ratio increase.
(2) #eSP (Skill Point) \ n switches jobs #n and the [su] which gets [khil] is a point which is the possibility of taking. The [ley] at the time of the former [tu] cannot get and to make the instantaneous 1 point get, becomes and after switching jobs when level [ep] doing 3 points receive and every, makes.
Going back with #L1##b, table of contents #k#l
5. Is a change of occupation?
When arrives to schedule level, there is a possibility of switching jobs. #r first change of occupation 10 level and secondary change of occupation 30 levels and 3 change of occupation 70 levels and 4 change of occupation will reach 120 levels #k and they will be able to accomplish a change of occupation.
Switches jobs and when and the [su] which is additional [khil] there is a possibility of learning and will be able to wear the proper weapon in occupation. Also HP and MP of the fixed quantity which rises increases and the attack power and defensive strength rise and also the space of the coil extends a little.
6. First change of occupation condition and method
In order first change of occupation description below from goes to with from the ice cave.
In order moves to with from the cold forest to come out to goes with the right side from the west field.
After that all accomplishes the quest which is necessary to the first change of occupation to move to the phosphorus.
#bTip.#k first change of occupation at the time of #bAP to be right become readjustment #k in occupation, the hind part is profitable in only ability is necessary to the occupation which oneself selects to apportion a ASSOCIATED PRESS.
#bTip.#k when levels 30 switch jobs after last and cannot receive SP where corresponds to the level of previous phase reaches the first change of occupation level and the fact that switches jobs rightly.
Going back with #L1##b, table of contents #k#l
Google Translation:
# e # n Legend Guide
목 차 Table of Contents
* #b1. # b1. 레전드란?#k#l Rejeondeuran? # K # l
* #b2. # b2. 간단한 조작 방법#k#l How to manipulate a # k # l
* #b3.#k아이템이란?#k#l # b3. # k items Iran? # k # l
* #b4. # b4. AP와 SP#k#l AP and SP # k # l
* #b5. # b5. 전직이란?#k#l Former Iran? # K # l
* #b6. # b6. 1차 전직 조건과 방법#k#l Former condition and the way the car a # k # l
레전드란? Rejeondeuran?
레전드는 과거 검은 마법사를 봉인한 전설의 영웅입니다. Legend in the past is a dark wizard hero of legend bonginhan. 하지만 검은 마법사의 저주에 걸려 모든 능력과 기억을 잃고 오랜 시간 잠들었다가 리린에 의해 봉인이 풀리게 됩니다. But in the long black wizard's curse to lose all ability to remember a long time, and sleeps by the ririne will thaw sealed.
리엔에서 깨어나 달라진 세상을 경험하고 차가운 숲과 수련장에서의 수련을 모두 마치면 전직을 통해서 본래의 강력했던 능력을 조금씩 기억해낼 수 있습니다. Wake up to experience a different world rieneseo cold when you're finished all the training in the forest and former suryeonjang through the strength of the original is the ability to do a little memory.
과거의 힘을 모두 되찾지 않으면 검은 마법사의 재등장을 막아낼 수 없습니다. If you do not get all the power of the dark past of the wizard, you can not defeat jaedeungjangeul. 열심히 수련하여 진정한 영웅의 힘을 되찾으시길 바랍니다. Regain the power of hard training and hope the true hero.
#b목차로 돌아가기#k Return to Table of Contents # b # k
2-1. 2-1. 조작 방법 How to manipulate
e 좌우 방향키#n : 좌우 이동\n#e상하 방향키#n : 줄 or 사다리 타기, 포탈 이동\n#eAlt 키 #n: 점프\n#eCtrl 키 #n: 공격\n#eZ키 or 숫자패드 0키 #n: 아이템 줍기\n#eE 키 #n: 장비창 열기\n#eI 키 #n: 아이템창 열기\n#eS 키 #n: 능력치창 열기\n#eK 키 #n: 스킬창 열기 left and right directional buttons e # n: Move left and right \ n # e vertical Rudder # n: line or ladder climbing, a portal to move \ n # eAlt key # n: jumping \ n # eCtrl key # n: the attack \ n # eZ key or number pad 0 key # n: Item jupgi \ n # eE key # n: jangbichang Open \ n # eI key # n: ahyitemchang Open \ n # eS key # n: neungryeokchichang Open \ n # eK key # n: seukilchang Open
#bTip.#k 화면 오른쪽 아래 단축키창에 소비 아이템이나 스킬을 등록해 두면 손쉽게 아이템과 스킬을 사용할 수 있습니다. # bTip. # k to the right of the screen window, keyboard shortcuts below to leave a register of consumer items or skills can easily use items and skills.
명령어 Command
아래의 명령어를 채팅창에 입력하면 해당 기능을 사용할 수 있습니다. Enter the following command in the chat window, you can use this feature.
(1) #e대화#n\n (1) # e dialog # n \ n
#e/모두#n : 일반대화로 전환합니다.\n#e/친구#n : 친구대화로 전환합니다.\n#e/파티#n : 파티대화로 전환합니다.\n#e/길드#n : 길드대화로 전환합니다.\n#e/귓말 [캐릭터명]#n : 귓속말을 보냅니다. # e / all # n: a common dialog to switch to. \ n # e / friend # n: a friend to switch to the dialog. \ n # e / party # n: a party to switch to the dialog. \ n # e / Guild # n: conversation to switch to the guild. \ n # e / gwitmal [kaerikteomyeong] # n: auricular sends.
(2) #e행동#n\n (2) # e act # n \ n
#e/찾기 [캐릭터명]#n : 사용자의 접속여부/현재위치를 알려줍니다.\n#e/교환 [캐릭터명]#n : 교환신청을 합니다. # e / search [kaerikteomyeong] # n: a user's access to / will tell you the current location. \ n # e / exchange [kaerikteomyeong] # n: for the exchange.
(3) #e파티#n\n (3) # e party # n \ n
#e/파티정보#n : 현재 가입되어 있는 파티원들의 정보를 확인합니다.\n#e/파티만들기#n : 새로운 파티를 만듭니다.\n#e/파티탈퇴#n : 가입된 파티에서 탈퇴합니다. # e / party information # n: patiwon currently is to verify the information. \ n # e / Create Party # n: Creates a new party. \ n # e / party unjoin # n: subscribed to unsubscribe from the party .
#e/파티초대#n : 새로운 파티원을 초대합니다.#b(파티장)#k\n#e/파티강퇴#n : 가입된 파티원을 강제탈퇴시킵니다.#b(파티장)#k # e / Party Invitation # n: to invite new patiwon. # b (ball) # k \ n # e / gangtoe party # n: patiwon forced to leave joined inherited. # b (ball) # k
#L1##b목차로 돌아가기#k#l Return to Table of Contents # L1 # # b # k # l
3. 3. 아이템이란? Item Iran?
(1) #e장비 아이템#n\n 직접 착용할 수 있는 아이템으로 능력치를 올려 주는 일반 장비 아이템과 외모를 꾸밀 수 있는 캐시 아이템이 있습니다. (1) # e equipment item # n \ n neungryeokchi directly into wearable items in the items and the equipment looks like it could a regular item in the cache is.
장비 아이템을 착용하기 위해서는 장비 창을 열어 해당 슬롯으로 끌어서 놓거나(Drag&Drop) 장비 아이템을 더블클릭 하면 됩니다. Equipment, the equipment in order to wear the item, open the window by dragging the appropriate slot notgeona (Drag & Drop) and double-click the item is equipment.
(2) #e소비 아이템#n\n HP나 MP를 보충할 수 있는 물약과 장비 아이템의 능력치를 올릴 수 있는 주문서 등 일회성 아이템을 지칭합니다. (2) # e consumption item # n \ n HP or MP Potion and equipment that can supplement neungryeokchi of items they order, and refers to the one-time items. 소비 아이템은 더블클릭을 하면 사용할 수 있고 일회성 아이템이기 때문에 사용하면 사라지게 됩니다. Double-click the item, the consumer can use a one-time items, because you will be lost.
(3)#e 기타 아이템#n\n 몬스터가 주는 전리품, 퀘스트에 필요한 아이템, 원석, 보석 등의 아이템을 기타 아이템이라고 합니다. (3) # e Other Item # n \ n Monster that trophies, items needed for the Quest, stones, jewelry and other items are called items. 기타 아이템은 직접적으로 사용할 Other items to be used as a direct
수 없고, 퀘스트나 NPC를 통해서 게임에 영향을 줍니다. Are not able to affect the game through kweseuteuna NPC.
(4)#e 캐시 아이템#n\n 캐시샵에서 구입할 수 있는 아이템으로써 외모를 치장하거나 이펙트 효과를 내는 아이템입니다. (4) # e cache Item # n \ n in the shop to purchase items in the cache as the appearance is a journey, or effects, effect items. #r캐시아이템은 유료 아이템으로 캐시를 충전하여 구입할 수 있습니다. Item # r paid to the cache, the cache items can be purchased to recharge. #k # k
\n\n\n\n#L1##b목차로 돌아가기#k#l \ n \ n \ n \ n # L1 # # b # k # l Return to Table of Contents
4. 4. AP와 SP AP and SP
(1) #eAP(Ability Point)#n\n힘(STR), 민첩(DEX), 지력(INT), 행운(LUK), MaxHP, MaxMP에 찍을 수 있는 포인트입니다. (1) # eAP (Ability Point) # n \ n Power (STR), agile (DEX), intelligence (INT), Luck (LUK), MaxHP, MaxMP can take on is the point. 레벨 업 할때마다 5포인트를 획득합니다. Earn 5 points per level when you are up. #e#b자동분배#k#n 버튼을 누르면 알맞게 AP가 분배됩니다. Automatic distribution of # e # b # k # n the distribution of AP is the appropriate button.
#b힘(STR)#k - 무거운 무기나 갑옷을 장착할 때 필요한 수치입니다. # b strength (STR) # k - number is required when mounted heavy weapons or armor. 아란의 공격력을 결정하는 가장 중요한 능력치입니다. Ahran to determine the damage is the most important neungryeokchi.
#b민첩(DEX)#k - 이 능력치가 높을수록 명중률과 회피율이 증가합니다. # b quick (DEX) # k - 2 neungryeokchi hoepiyul will increase with higher myeongjungryul.
(2) #eSP(Skill Point)#n\n전직을 하여 얻는 스킬을 찍을 수 있는 포인트입니다. (2) # eSP (Skill Point) # n \ n get the skills to take the former and is the point. 레전드 때에는 얻지 못하다가 전직하는 순간 1포인트를 얻게 되며 전직 후 레벨 업 할 때마다 3포인트를 받게 됩니다. The former can not get a moment when Legend earn 1 point and the former will receive 3 points every time you level up.
#L1##b목차로 돌아가기#k#l Return to Table of Contents # L1 # # b # k # l
5. 5. 전직이란? Former Iran?
일정 레벨에 도달하면 전직을 할 수 있습니다. Level can be reached, the former. #r1차 전직은 10레벨, 2차 전직은 30레벨, 3차 전직은 70레벨, 4차 전직은 120레벨#k이 되면 전직을 수행할 수 있습니다. Car # r1 former 10-level, 2 car ex-30 level, 3 car former 70 levels, 4 car is an ex-ex # k to the 120 level can be performed.
전직을 하게 되면 추가적인 스킬을 배울 수 있고 직업에 알맞은 무기를 착용할 수 있습니다. If the former, and to learn additional vocational skills can be put in the appropriate weapon. 또한 일정량의 HP와 MP가 증가하고 공격력과 방어력이 상승하며 인벤토리의 공간도 조금 늘어납니다. Increases HP and MP and also a certain amount of damage and defense, and the rising inventory will increase a little bit of space.
6. 6. 1차 전직 조건과 방법 Former condition, and how a car
1차 전직을 하기 위해서는 얼음 동굴에서 리엔으로 가야 합니다. 1 for the former rieneuro to go in the ice cave.
리엔으로 이동하기 위해서는 차가운 숲을 나와 리엔 서쪽 필드에서 오른쪽으로 가면 됩니다. To move to a cool forest rieneuro Rienne me will go to the right in the west field.
그 후 리린에게로 이동해 1차 전직에 필요한 퀘스트를 모두 수행합니다. After that quest ririnegero all need to move a car to perform the former.
#bTip.#k 1차 전직 시 #bAP가 직업에 맞게 재조정#k되며 그 후부터는 자신이 선택한 직업에 필요한 능력치에만 AP를 배분하는 것이 유리합니다. # bTip. # k 1 car for the former # k # bAP will reschedule the job after his two chosen professions that need to neungryeokchi would be distributed only to the AP.
#bTip.#k 레벨 30이 지난 후에 전직을 하게 되면 이전 단계의 레벨에 해당하는 SP를 받지 못하므로 1차 전직 레벨이 되면 바로 전직하는 것을 추천합니다. # bTip. # k is the level to 30 after the former corresponding to the level of the previous step, SP does not receive a car when the former level, the former is recommended.
#L1##b목차로 돌아가기#k#l Return to Table of Contents # L1 # # b # k # l
Worldlingo Translation:
[tu] guidebook #n neck cars before
#e [ley]
* #b1. The [ley] it is a before [tu]? #k#l
* #b2. The method of operation #k#l which is simple
* #b3.#k item Iran? #k#l
* #b4. AP and SP#k#l
* #b5. Change of occupation Iran? #k#l
* #b6. It is a before [tu] first change of occupation condition
and the method #k#l [ley]?
The [ley] before the past which holds it is a hero of the legend which seals the wizard whom it rakes up. But all ability and a memory it is caught to the imprecation of the wizard whom it rakes up and it loses and old time falling sleep [li] [lin] in compliance with sealing comes loose and.
To from the [li] it awakes and the practice from the cold forest and the practice market and it experiences all it finishes change of occupation it leads and the world which changes and there is a possibility memory of carrying through the ability which origin is powerful little by little.
All does not take back the force of past and there is not a possibility of keeping off the re-appearance of the wizard whom it rakes up. About under practicing it takes back the force of the true feelings one hero eagerly and route it wishes.
It goes back with #b, tables of contents #k
2-1 where. Method of operation
e right and left direction height #n: Low direction heights #n at right and left mobile \ n#e: Or ladder indolence and the gun which will decrease the mobile \ n#eAlt heights #n which will burn: Jump \ n#eCtrl heights #n: Attack \ n#eZ height or number pad 0 heights #n: Item \ n#eE heights #n which it picks up: Equipment window heat \ n#eI heights #n: Item window heat \ n#eS heights #n: Ability window heat \ n#eK heights #n: The [su] [khil] consuming item
or the [su] [khil] it lets to register in the window heat #bTip.#k screen right side lower part hot key window, to be easy item and the [su] [khil] it will be able to use.
When it inputs
the instruction of instruction lower part in the chatting window, it will be able to use a corresponding function.
(1) #e great disasters #n \ n
#e/all #n: It converts with general great disaster. \ n#e/friends #n: It converts with friend great disaster. \ n#e/green onion motes #n: It converts with green onion mote great disaster. \ n#e/guilds #n: It converts with guild great disaster. \ n#e/[kwis] ends [character life] #n: It sends a whisper.
(2) #e conduct #n \ n
#e/#n where it seeks [character life]: It informs the connection yes or no of the user and/a current position it picks up all. \ n#e/exchanges [character life] #n: It does an exchange application.
(3) #e green onion mote #n \ n
#e/green onion mote information #n: Currently it confirms information of the green onion mote unit field which is joining. \ n#e/green onion motes the flag #n which it will make: It makes the new green onion mote. \ n#e/green onion mote secession #n: It secedes from the green onion mote which joins.
#e/green onion mote invitations #n: It invites the new green onion mote unit. #b (party) #k \ n#e/green onion mote rivers [thoy] #n: Compulsion it secedes the green onion mote unit which joins. #b (party) #k#l
3 it goes back with #k #L1##b
tables of contents. Item Iran?
(1) #e equipment item #n \ n directness ability it will pay with the item it will can wear there is a cache item which is the possibility which a general equipment item and the outward appearance to raise it will decorate.
The hazard which wears an equipment item it opens the equipment window which stands and in the corresponding slot, drag-and-drop, or, when (Drag&Drop) double click it does an equipment item.
(2) ability of the liquid medicine it will be able to supplement #e consuming item #n \ n HP B MP and equipment item it will pay and a back one-time characteristic item from the order which is the possibility of raising it calls. When the consuming item does a double click it will be able to use and when it uses because is a one-time characteristic item it disappears and.
(3) #e other items #n \ n the [su] which it drives it sprouts and the item which is necessary to the trophy and the quest which it gives, item the ore and the jewel back as the other item. The other item it will not be able to use
directly, quest B NPC it leads and an effect to game it gives.
(4) #e cache item #n \ n caches [syap] from it is an item which this peck [thu] effect with the item it will be able to purchase embellishs the outward appearance and puts out. #r cache items about under charging it will be able to purchase the cache with paid item. #k
#k#l 4 it goes back with \ n \ n \ n \ n#L1##b
tables of contents. AP and SP
(1) #eAP (Ability Point) #n \ n forces (STR), agility (DEX), intellect (INT), good fortune (LUK), it is a point which is the possibility of taking in MaxHP and MaxMP. When level [ep] doing every, it acquires 5 points. It presses and #e#b when automatic distribution #k#n buttons AP is distributed properly.
#b when forces (STR) #k - heavy affixing the weapon or armor, it is a shame which is necessary. Most it decides the attack power of Empire of Iran it is ability it is important.
#b, the recording hit probability whose agile (DEX) #k - these ability will be high and evasion ratio increase.
(2) the [su] which about under gets #eSP (Skill Point) #n \ n change of occupation [khil] it is a point which is the possibility of taking. The [ley] at the time of the former [tu] it does not get and polyvalence under the nail to get the instantaneous 1 point which switches jobs, it becomes and after switching jobs when level [ep] doing 3 points and every, it receives.
It goes back with #L1##b, tables of contents #k#l
5. Change of occupation Iran?
When it arrives to schedule level, there is a possibility of switching jobs. #r first change of occupation 10 level and 2nd change of occupation 30 level and 3rd change of occupation 70 level and 4th change of occupation will reach 120 levels #k and they will be able to accomplish a change of occupation.
Change of occupation it is under and the additional [su] [khil] there is it will be able to wear the proper weapon in occupation a possibility of learning and. Also HP and MP of one fixed quantity increases and the attack power and defensive strength rise and also the space of the toe [li] extends a little.
6. When description below hazard it goes to with
the [li] from the ice cave which stands, a first change of occupation condition and a method first change of occupation.
The hazard which moves to with the [li] it stands and the cold forest to come out to the [li] it goes with a right side from the west field and.
After [li] that [lin] to all it accomplishes the quest which is necessary to the first change of occupation to move.
#bTip.#k first change of occupation hours #bAP to be right become re-regulation #k in occupation and the hind part apportioning ten thousand AP in ability it is necessary to the occupation which oneself whom it shakes off it selects separates.
#bTip.#k when levels 30 to under become cannot receive SP where it corresponds to the level of previously phase a change of occupation reach first change of occupation level after last and the fact that they switch jobs rightly.
Currently, a 2nd job character's skill book has Beginner, 1st, and 2nd job tabs. This kMST patch adds 3rd and 4th job as Golden Tabs. Clicking on those Goldem Tabs opens the corresponding image Fiel posted.
1st Job Aran would see 2nd, 3rd, and 4th job Golden.
Beginner Aran sees all four tabs as Golden.
In this patch: More things nexon should give to adventurers but doesn't.
There's no need. They don't have combos. They press a button to use a skill. This is just a quick reference guide to what button sequences use which skills at each job level.
There's no need. They don't have combos. They press a button to use a skill. This is just a quick reference guide to what button sequences use which skills at each job level.