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Thread: [KMST] [1.2.227] Poor Bain items

  1. Default [1.2.227] Poor Bain items

    I don't have a time to do a full extraction as I have to leave in a half an hour, but I thought I'd at least get the post started.

    Since you guys probably haven't seen this before from my extractions, (CS) at the end of a name means "Cash Shop".

    Still no Lienne in the files


    Last edited by IsaacGS; 2009-05-22 at 09:45 PM. Reason: Finished extraction, translations from serendipity

  2. Default

    The beginner PA for Arans, Bain weapons got balanced and a fancy CS Pole Arm.

    Can't wait to see if there's more. I saw something on youtube about some JQ with boiling choclate.

  3. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!


    This is another version of the same polearm? Or they changed it?

  4. Default

    Did you miss it or they took out the stats REQ? o.o
    I knew they would lower the att , it was too good to be true.
    At least it's still Fast.
    The level 10 PA is probably like the beginner weapons you get when you advance (Like if you become a regular warrior you get a Long sword)
    What's special about the CS PA?

    Can't wait to see the full extraction.

    EDIT :
    Lol evil bear?
    Second monster could be a Crow area boss for zipangu
    Last edited by Helios; 2009-05-22 at 07:45 AM.

  5. Default

    MasPan isn't gonna like this....

  6. Default

    I'm betting they just did the art for the polearm and decided not to put in the stats yet. Almost 95% of CS weapons fall under a different section of Character.wz.

    I extracted everything with scripts and double-checked to ensure their accuracy. Yeah, there are no required stats.

    Changed it. You'll see that the weaponIDs are the same between both versions that I posted.

  7. Default

    You are probably right. Look at how google translated this:아란의 폴암 마하 = Mach polam of ahran

    Lol@level 10 PA translated into FUN polam.

  8. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!


    The least I can say is .

    That polearm was too godly to be true

  9. Default

    One problem, they don't have world tour anymore.

  10. Default

    Oh right, i forgot
    So i don't know what is this monster.
    Fiel can you check if the bear has the "Black magician's" before his name?

  11. Default

    Haha. I knew the Pole Arm wasn't gonna stay like that forever. I am awaiting MasPan's delicious tears and rage!

  12. Default

    Nah, Fast (4) and 86 base att still ain't bad. Also, first item = possible 13x PA, or a redesign of the Timeless? Only reason I could see it being CS would be for Aran, but it's too intricate. Maybe Aran-only endgame PA.
    Last edited by MasPan; 2009-05-22 at 09:32 AM.

  13. Default

    It's a nerf but the weapons still have the stats of level 70-80 weapons

    That gun still owns the hell out of the Maple Cannon Shooter.

  14. Default

    I'd have to agree.... it's not that bad still for 14 atk less.

    For the first PA tagged as Cash Shop "Mach Polam of Ahran", i doubt that's a redesign of the Lv 120 PA except maybe its shape. Seems more like it's based off of the Aegis Shield animation in Ahran's 4th job.
    Last edited by PeePeeAyeDeeKay; 2009-05-22 at 09:54 AM.

  15. Default

    What is up with you guys, it's only 14 attack, it still has a attack speed of Fast (4). That's still pretty godly as hell when it comes to Polearms.

  16. DUCKS
    IGN: Mondays
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 170
    Job: White Knight
    Guild: Affinity
    Alliance: Honour


    Say that to night lords. That amount of attack is more than an attack potion in difference.

  17. Default

    The changed to that PA gives me hope that maybe they will change the sword to be better. The bain sword looked so beast but had such a crappy attack.

  18. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: Akusaria
    Server: Windia
    Level: 15x
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: Nuclear
    Alliance: NuclearHonor


    Woah, are you absolutely serious about this? Both you and Spadow have this bow listed as having no level requirement.

    What the hell? That can't be right...

  19. Default

    Jusr because it's like that in the data now doesn't mean it will be like that forever. The Bain items are constantly undergoing changes since they haven't been released yet.



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