1. If the player uses a rechargeable item (stars, arrows, bullets), show the amount of bullets remaining in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. "Recharge all" button in item shops.
That is all.
Thank you.
1. If the player uses a rechargeable item (stars, arrows, bullets), show the amount of bullets remaining in the upper right corner of the screen.
2. "Recharge all" button in item shops.
That is all.
Thank you.
The first feature would be annoying after a while. The second one, on the other hand, would be AWESOME; I hate clicking 24 times just to recharge.
The first option would work fine if you could turn it on or off from the menu. Like monster Hp/names
Providence, Loose, and I came up with a couple of ideas during a brainstorming session we had on IRC. I will title these III, IV, and V in order to hopefully be drafted along with Fiel's ideas for improving Maple Story.
III. I think that MMO should actually stand for Massive Mammaries Online.
IV. Providence wants to implement a boss that permanently destroys all your equipment when it hits you. The boss will then hack into your webcam and then take a picture of the user crying and load it up on the Maple Story Forum Board.
V. Loose will draw the new boob logo for Massive Mammaries Online as well as the female character models.
VI. Nannerz wants nannerpuss be the new Maple Story mascot.
Maybe he can give nexon boob drawing lessons. Kinda hard to tell the difference between guys and girls when A: Some hair covers face and makes stuff weird 2: Both male and female are based off the same flat chest.V. Loose will draw the new boob logo for Massive Mammaries Online as well as the female character models.