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Forum: Technical Help

General technical assistance Q&A

  1. Sticky: Rules and Regulations [UPDATED: 2014-09-15]

    I. Introduction Welcome to, the leading source in Maplestory news and information! By registering for an account, you have agreed to follow these rules and regulations. These...

    Started by Eos, 2008-06-30 03:53 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 257,489
    2008-06-30, 03:53 PM Go to last post
  2. Sticky: Need help picking computer parts or a new computer? Click here.

    We need to know the following information to help you as fast as possible. What is your current budget?: $ What part are you looking for? Why do you need it?: What parts are in your...

    Started by Fiel, 2010-09-21 06:37 PM
    25 Pages
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    2016-01-03, 01:27 AM Go to last post
  3. Sticky: [How To] A guide to fixing vista issues.

    Well I did something similar on a quite old forum and people responded quite favorably to it so I decided I would impart my knowledge here. Update: I've been stickied muhahaha, step 1 in taking over...

    Started by shouri, 2009-03-03 05:44 AM
    4 Pages
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    2011-06-08, 08:32 PM Go to last post
  4. Sticky: How to speed up your computer

    First thread :) Hooray! Anyway...lets get down to business. Q)My computer is slowing down! Why? How do I fix it? A) This can be caused by a large number of things -Scan your computer...

    Started by Cardboardsnail, 2008-07-03 09:40 PM
    3 Pages
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    • Views: 84,625
    2010-09-02, 01:32 AM Go to last post
  5. Sticky: Keep Your Computer Up-To-Date!

    This is a guide to help you to keep your important computer components up to date, mainly graphics and operating system :cool: For your system information such as the version of windows, driver...

    Started by XTOTHEL, 2008-08-18 07:50 PM
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 20,772
    2010-03-02, 05:57 AM Go to last post
  6. Sticky: Click Here to Speed Up Troubleshooting Time! :O

    I've noticed a lot of the members posting in the technical section do not provide enough information regarding their computer, internet connection. So I've found a few tools that will help you to...

    Started by XTOTHEL, 2008-08-17 10:21 PM
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 16,238
    2008-08-17, 10:21 PM Go to last post


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