So I was fooling around with some chaos scrolls and some items with bonus stats and I was wondering what happens to a stat removed by a chaos scroll, but that only existed on the item because of flames, which I didn't really find out the answer to. I got +2 attack bonus stat on a Pensalir Cape (with 0 base attack), and -1 from the chaos scroll, then I reflamed and totally screwed up the testing for if the negative stat remained.

But here's some stuff I did with a Maple Hat

Intial Flame

Chaos Scroll

The Chaos Scroll ate the bonus stats, it seems.

Reflamed 1

Getting LUK bonus stats from a flame brought LUK back, but with -1.

Reflamed 2

Another flame brings STR back, but as a white/base stat (and flaming it again, and presumably losing STR bonus stats, removes it)

70% STR Spell Trace

I used a 70% STR Spell Trace and got +1 STR instead of +2 STR. This one might be a bit hard to believe because I don't really have any evidence of me using the 70% vs say, 100% which is just +1, but trust me. I would guess what is happening here is that the scroll is adding +2, but because the base stat should be 1 STR, it only adds 1 STR as a scrolled stat, and then the other STR point restores the base stat, then the 1 STR bonus stat that was present as a white stat now appears as green.

Further flames retained the 1 STR base + 1 STR from scrolling without disappearing again.