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  1. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    I believe that Winter should be the Shining Star event.

  2. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    That's an old post on /a/ about how bad SAO is though.

    KMS is already going through filler patches anyways, you shouldn't expect anything that isn't the remaining cygnus knights at this point.

  3. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: icephoenix21
    Server: Scania
    Level: 212
    Job: Bishop
    Guild: DremithCross
    Alliance: Evolution
    Farm: IcePhoenix

    Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    I'm sorry, I don't understand your point? I don't think that bit of knowledge changes anything, except that parasite may not have been the original author of that idea. Regardless, I still agree with him, and thus the statement.

  4. Polar Bear Gay Male
    IGN: danielcatu
    Server: yellonde
    Level: 121
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Vendetta
    Farm: 765pro

    Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    did this event(sao) had good in game rewards on jms?

  5. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    I remember there being a few pretty good medals, and then some SAO monster familiars or something along that line.

  6. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg

    Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    New MS background page looks super pixelated/low quality. It's going to annoy me so much.

  7. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    I'm not seeing anything.

  8. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.


    Yup. It's happening.

  9. Neutron
    IGN: SkyTheBM
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 248
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: Revenance
    Alliance: Blanc

    Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    Try pressing Ctrl+F5 on the MapleStory website to clear the website cache.

  10. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    I knew there was a thing for that, I just couldn't for the life of me remember which keys it was.

  11. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    I can see the jay pegs clear as day.

  12. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    It's actually an old rant about Naruto, but with the word "Naruto" being replaced with "SAO". That's why the second paragraph starts randomly talking about ninja.

  13. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    raw background image

  14. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    I know absolutely nothing about SAO so I have zero hype for this. It's a dungeon like the Sengoku one we just had right? I didn't really enjoy that so much. Unless the rewards are really good I might just skip it.

  15. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg

    Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    MapleStory Meets SAO!

    Seems like it's pretty much just a copy+paste from JMS.

  16. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

  17. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    Well not surprising. Guess I may as well check it out.

  18. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    uh huh, sure. ive been on anime/manga for a long time now, and the 'gamer online' storyline seems to be popular right now. but not even in its genre, when you look side by side at some of the other piles getting air time, i dont see howits so horrible even with your pastebin. people that can hate a show so much, and still have the show succeed (2nd season) is pretty laughable, but understandable. haters gonna hate. i can agree there's so much hype around it, and its not all earned. but no amount of hatorade is gonna persuade me. something like 80% of the anime getting translated is actual garabge, so when "we" see something good, all hell breaks out.

    real-world example; kanye first hit album back in 2003 and his hype wall was enormous. that doesnt mean the guy wasnt talented. they call that "free advertising". so when i see people up in arms, sure i can cop-out the excuse but thats only cuz the hate makes no sense. and bring attention to the already popular show.

    when Gundam decided to take a pile on their entire franchise and turn the universe into "Buy our toys" campaign for a season, there wasnt half as much anguish as there is about SAO. look at SAO next to something classic, like Trigun or Cowboy Bebop. the parallels for success are there, and yet, slightly different, more like Big O, where they both sorta reboot themselves mid season.

    the people who are angry at SAO for being to tropes or whatever else reason, only betray themselves. there are plenty far worse anime more deserving of cookie cutter hate mail than something popular and beloved. and next year, they will pick something else, all Ron Moore-Cylon dart board style.

    P.S. i also said original. there were commas; oxford style and everything.

  19. Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    Since pineappleing when did popularity or sales have anything to do with the quality of a show? There are plenty of awful shows that get new seasons, there are plenty of manga that never stop get serialized even though their story has been beaten into the ground and ruined. Or if sales and thus second seasons are what defines the quality of a show is "Love Live!" the epitome of anime?
    "Hurr people who hate it are silly because it can get a second season xD"

    Yeah, too bad SAO isn't "something good". And too bad people can easily agree that something good is good, huh?
    It's so weird, a lot of popular and good series are agreed to be good almost everywhere yet sometimes, something bad becomes overhyped and overrated and then people somehow decide to deflect the criticism with "because it's popular"? FMA:B is agreed to be great almost everywhere and it's one of the most mainstream anime out there, why aren't people hating it? I mean it's mainstream and it's bigger than SAO, clearly people should hate it, right?
    Oh wait they don't, because it's actually good.
    I personally like shingeki no kyojin and it's pretty much the biggest thing in japan right now, but even i can admit that it has plenty of flaws and is far from being good enough to be the biggest thing. You can enjoy something and be a fan and be able to accept the flaws of a show.

    Cop-out excuse somehow okay? Oh so you don't actually have to defend the show but when someone brings up legit criticism you'll ignore it and brush it away with "Hurf durf they dislike it because it's popular" isn't that just convenient, you get to deflect all criticism by ignoring the points other people bring up.

    Comparing SAO to classics and actually good anime? EL OH EL. Also anime have always been advertisements, even the SAO anime is a pineappleing advertisement for the light novel. Just like gundam will always be an advertisement for toys, wether you like it or not.

    Are you kidding me? People have disliked SAO since it began airing for being so awful after being hyped up so much and people STILL dislike it, did you simply decide to ignore that for the convenience of convincing yourself people only dislike it because it's popular and next year they'll have moved onto something else?
    There will almost always be worse anime out there, but that doesn't somehow mean anime that aren't 1/10 iredeemable pomegranate somehow get a free pass from criticism.
    Going "Hurp but there's something worse out there so leave SAO alone" is a pomegranatety argument.

    Go read the pastebin since you clearly didn't, or you can keep trying to convince yourself the hate isn't justified.

    Series is filled with plotholes, flat and shallow uninteresting characters, a gary stu main character and ontop of that is pomegranate at presenting the themes it has.

    And note, nobody is trying to tell others to stop enjoying anime, if you enjoyed SAO that's great, go you!
    Doesn't change that you can't just tell everyone their dislike for the show is unjustified though, when it clearly is justified.

  20. Donator Straight Female
    IGN: icephoenix21
    Server: Scania
    Level: 212
    Job: Bishop
    Guild: DremithCross
    Alliance: Evolution
    Farm: IcePhoenix

    Default Re: Looks like we have a hint at the next patch.

    I did. That pastebin is golden.

    I was particularly fond of 'He [Kawahara Reki] is exactly like those people who write sappy romances full of sex for bored, middle-aged housewives.'



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