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Thread: [Thief] post-RED NL build?

  1. Default post-RED NL build?

    I was just wondering if anyone had any builds for Night Lords. I only really need fourth job since the rest are easy enough for me to figure out.

    Thanks a bunch!

  2. Default Re: post-RED NL build?

    On my night lord I followed this line and it worked out quite fine:

    100: +1 shadow shifter, +1 quadruple throw, +1 night lord's mark, +1 sudden raid
    101-110: +3 claw expert (30)
    111-120: +3 dark harmony (30)
    121-123 +3 night lord's mark (10)
    124-126: +3 shadow shifter (10)
    127-132: +3 showdown (18)
    133: +2 showdown (20), +1 shadow shifter (11)
    134-139: +3 shadow shifter (29)
    140: +1 shadow shifter (30), +2 maple warrior
    141-149: +3 maple warrior (29)
    150: +1 hero's will, +2 toxic venom
    151-152: +3 toxic venom (8)
    153: +2 toxic venom (10), +1 quadruple throw (2)
    154-162: +3 quadruple throw (29)
    163: +1 quadruple throw (30), +2 frailty curse
    164-172: +3 frailty curse (29)
    173: +1 frailty curse (30), +2 hero's will (3)
    174: +2 hero's will (5), +1 sudden raid (2)
    175-183: +3 sudden raid (29)
    184: +1 sudden raid (30), all free points

    You may of course max maple warrior to 30 if you have/plan on getting decent combat orders.
    It's also your choice whether to put a point on venom, frailty curse and hero's will earlier than actually starting to raise them. I assumed you wouldn't really be bossing before 150 though.
    I hope it helps, if this is decent and you're going to write a sticky night lord build you may take this to use or as a base, modify it etc.

  3. Default Re: post-RED NL build?

    I'd consider using showdown a bit sooner. Specially with the new change that makes enemies killed by it still trigger the extra exp and drop. You'll have not only a stronger mobbing skill, but also increased exp and drop from it, making you reach the "max showdown" threshold faster.

    And it also works on bosses now.

  4. Default Re: post-RED NL build?

    Here's what I ultimately ended up doing:

    100: Quadruple Throw, Night Lord's Mark, Shadow Shifter, Claw Expert
    Got Shadow Shifter to 10, 1 point into Showdown
    Maxed Claw Expert
    Maxed Night Lord's Mark
    Maxed Showdown
    Maxed Dark Harmony
    Maxed Toxic Venom

    I'm moving on to Quadruple Throw and then Frailty Curse along with MW afterwards. It's probably not the most efficient build.



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