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  1. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    pro players can afford to try out new strategies and such with lower tier champions but bronze players should stick with the higher tier champions. I mean if you can't play the good champions well, why even bother trying the others?

    im just trying to give some good advice to people here who constantly complain about how they cant get out of their tier and feel like they should be higher than they are.

  2. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    In my experience I'd say it's much the opposite. At least in League, anyway. I probably wouldn't say the same about SC2, but then again I haven't payed much attention to it recently so I'd probably be wrong.

    Look at Cloud9 and many the korean teams. They went from being unknowns and in financial distress (at least in Cloud9's case) to being some of the strongest teams in the world by employing "lower tier" champions and tactics. They did what other pro teams weren't doing and it's been done quite well.
    This isn't Super Smash Bros where every champion falls under a strict tier. Every champion is good in different situations.

    People were terrified of straying from the solo top/mid, jungle, and duo bot meta for the LONGEST time. And now you rarely see a professional match that doesn't.

    And if you're a lower elo player trying to rise the ladder, what good will it do you to try and be something you're not? How far will that get you? The second I stopped trying to be a "good" player is when I found myself doing the best. In LoL, sticking to what you know and what you're good at goes much farther than trying to pretend you're knowledgeable about how powerful champions are compared to others.

    Edit: Plus, I don't see how pro players can afford to try new things and other players can't. I'd think it would be the other way around. Pro players make a living off of doing well, other players have as much freedom as they want to try new things. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." If it's been rather broken for them in the past, why not try new things?

  3. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Um what? C9 have been playing all the strong champs every single game O_o don't know what LCS you've been watching. Don't really get on what youre saying with how people scared of straying away from meta, but pros do all the time. I see a jungler, 2 solo laners, and a adc/support lane every game.
    And why do you constantly bring up competitive games when we're talking about soloq. people complaining how theyre still losing games in bronze and i see them playing champs such as poppy and karma. I really don't see what point you're trying to get across

  4. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    In bronze I'd suggest not dropping a comfort champion for the FotM, but this isn't an absolute. I've played Vlad since 2011 and I usually do well with him because I'm familiar with him. On the other hand, I've played Ashe since 2010 and I'm still pimentos at Ashe because I can't aim arrows.

  5. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Lane swaps were a pretty substantial change in the meta.
    Hell, even playing someone who doesn't scale off of AP in mid lane was a pretty substantial change.

    And because League is, in its nature, a competitive game? Solo queue is how a lot of competitive teams have come about...
    It's really only a logical step from a -> b.

    There are just as many people who are playing nothing but poppy and karma and are high on the ladder. You've completely missed my point so I'll reiterate:
    Champions have nothing to do with how prosperous someone is in solo queue or ranked teams. I know people who have carried themselves to diamond by playing nothing but heimerdinger.

    Giving someone the advice to stop playing a champion because in your opinion said champion is bad might only serve to perpetuate their stay in elo hell.

    I've played Ashe for the longest time and I've gone up rather substantially because I'm familiar with her, while many players have attempted to tell me that she is a "bad and unused adc"
    Familiarity >>>>>>> all
    Why do you think pro players tend to play the same champions?

  6. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    I give up trying to explain my point to you guys, just saying that I got to diamond 1 very easily in around 120 games by playing OP champions. Don't make your games harder than its suppose to be lol.

    Edit: Didn't know giving tips in a thread about how to get better and getting the high tier rewards would get downvoted O_o. Ask yourself why youre bad please, then stay bad.

  7. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Which is great if you have the mechanics to be there. Most people are in bronze because they're either mechanically retarded or decisionally challenged. What you're saying applies when you have the mechanics to constantly switch champions and still play well.

  8. Default Re: Announcing end of Season 3 Rewards

    Well this is in the same area as the "use comfort champs in low elo" as it really only applies in low elo.
    Plus if karma eats an ignite then she gets to go back and cry in her corner.

    If you're reaaaallly good with poppy, she's your main and you have your name changed to something like LayYourWeaponsDown, a decent player up here using an annoying ranged champion like Jayce/Kennen will probably make you suffer for bringing a melee who also happens to be named poppy at the same time to the top lane.

    I think around gold I dropped champs like ziggs for ones like zyra/orianna for fp in general, cause they can pretty much do his job and make it easier for the team overall to win.

    And on ops... well I mean if you pick someone like zac, even if you're paper bag 9 tier if you hit e and press r, you've done your job

  9. Default

    Put me in the team when I hit 30 pls!

    Can someone invite me to that 3v3 team?

    IGN - Ezz
    Last edited by Five Second Pose; 2013-09-02 at 12:57 PM. Reason: Use the edit button, don't double post.



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